Chapter 943
"The groom is here to pick up the bride, open the door."

Deputy Director Jiang and instructor Qiao are both Zhou Zisong's comrades, knocking on the door and yelling into the room.

They were happy for the director. They finally saw him marrying a wife. They thought he would be single for the rest of his life!

"Here, give me the red scarf."

No. 12 was more nervous than the bride, and asked Lu Sihui for a red scarf, and hurriedly covered No. [-]'s head.

NO.12 is even more nervous, clutching the front of her clothes tightly with both hands, it still seems to be dreaming, is she really married to Zisong?

"Put your coat on outside."

Lu Sihui took the cotton coat and put it on for her.

"Okay, open the door!"

Seeing that it was almost the same time, they were chasing closely outside the door. Li Yanhong's mother was anxious, so she called for someone to open the door.

When the girl got married, she couldn't stop crying. She was very afraid that Zhou Zisong would treat her badly, and that the child would not be happy.

"Auntie, don't cry! Director Zhou is still a good person."

No. [-] smiled and comforted her. While talking, Zhou Zisong walked into the room with majestic strides. He didn't hold flowers in his hand, but Zhao Jinchen held them!
Unlike Zhou Zixu's smiling face when he got married, he is cold-eyed and serious.

"Zisong, wear flowers for the bride."

Zhao Jinchen handed Zhou Zixu a bridal flower, which cannot be faked by other people, and can only be worn by the groom for the bride.

"Yes! Dai Hua."

Deputy Director Jiang smiled and pushed Zhou Zisong, why didn't he even smile when he got married?With a face of class struggle, as if forced into marriage?

"Brother, this matter can only be done by yourself."

Zhou Zixu looked at his eldest brother with a smile, no matter how reluctant you are, you bid farewell to the young man's queue today and become a married person, and Li Yanhong will be your wife for the rest of your life.

Zhou Zisong frowned, took the flowers, and put them on Li Yanhong's chest as a routine.

No.12 Li Yanhong's mother saw this appearance, and felt very uncomfortable.

My daughter doesn't dislike him for being old, and he doesn't dislike him for bringing a child, why doesn't he want to?

"Okay, the groom takes the bride out."

In order to make the marriage look more lively, deputy director Jiang was the first to boo.

"Yes! Hug it."

Naturally, Zhou Zixu couldn't hold back, so he also booed. Anyway, he was holding his wife in his arms back then, and his heart was sweeter than eating honey at that time.

"Let's go!"

Zhou Zisong ignored them, but ordered Li Yanhong in a low voice.

Li Yanhong, who was full of anticipation, thought she would be able to lie in his arms for a while before being carried to the wedding car by him, but she didn't expect to be greeted with two cold words.

I felt uncomfortable, but I still stood up sensibly, and if I chose to marry him, I had to be able to bear the grievance.

Li Yanhong's mother was even more unhappy, always feeling that Zhou Zisong had no feelings for her daughter.

When meeting her relatives, she discovered that she was polite to her and her husband, but when facing her daughter, she was like a stranger.

"Auntie, let's go! Go and see the new house."

Seeing her frowning, Lu Sihui walked over to support her arm and said something.

In any case, don't let the old mother worry about it.

"Are all men in the north like this?"

Li Yanhong's mother asked in a low voice, Lu Sihui pursed her lips, and looked at the handsome Zhou Zixu, could she say that the two brothers are different?

"Ma'am, we Northeast men are a bit chauvinistic, don't mind."

No. 12 persuaded her in a low voice, in her opinion, everyone was like this, except for Zhou Zixu, Zhao Jinchen was colder than Zhou Zisong, but who made herself and No.[-] like this type?
(End of this chapter)

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