Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 944 Worried about No. 2

Chapter 944 Worried about NO.12
"We young men in the south know how to love their wives! I don't know what my Yanhong thinks?"

Li Yanhong's mother sighed, no matter how upset she is, her daughter has registered with her, what else can she do?
As the car started, Li Yanhong sat beside Zhou Zisong. The red gauze scarf blocked her face, but it couldn't block her sense of smell. Zhou Zisong's strong masculine aura and nice soapy smell filled her breath.

Peeping at him through the thin wedding dress, I found that Zhou Zisong was not squinting, his sharp cold eyes were staring at the car window, Bo Chun was tightly pursed, his face was serious, his body was stiff, as if deliberately keeping a distance from her, There was a fist gap between the two of them.

Looking down, behind the fastened button, the Adam's apple slips slightly, is this nervous?

Li Yanhong thought to herself, if he is nervous, it means he still has a little affection for her.

Looking down at his big hand on his knee, the joints are well defined and full of strength, and a thin layer of callus can be seen on the thumb, which is formed by long-term training, and she also has it on her hand.

"Drive!" Sensing her gaze resting on his face, Zhou Zisong commanded the driver in a cold voice. The space in the car was too small, and he felt a bit dull to breathe.

Number one sat next to Li Yanhong, she was sitting behind the co-pilot, and Zhao Jinchen was sitting in the co-pilot's seat.

Today's him looks extraordinarily majestic, even next to Zhou Zisong and Zhou Zixu, two tough guys, he is not inferior at all. He has his own temperament, calm and steady, cold and indifferent.

Since the practice at the mountain station, the two of them have basically had no communication. He doesn't talk to her, and he doesn't gossip with other people very much. Apart from training and giving orders, he just silently follows the group training.

She made several chance encounters, each time Zhao Jinchen just nodded to her and passed by, never saying a word to her.

The jeep drove slowly to the family building, where they wanted to see the new house.

Lu Sihui was naturally in Zhou Zixu's car, she was sitting in the passenger seat, and all the good guys from Falcon were sitting in the back seat.

At this moment, they were chatting and laughing in the back seat, but Lu Sihui was silent.

She was worried about No.12, living with Zhou Zisong, she had to be able to endure loneliness.

The wedding car soon drove into the family building. Comrade guards today stood up straighter than they did every day, saluting the wedding car with a very happy expression.

Mr. Zhou and Zhou Baichuan were both wearing brand new uniforms, and Zhou Dongsheng was wearing a new suit bought by his stepmother, looking a little unhappy.

"Dongsheng, what's wrong?"

Aunt Su asked him in a low voice, the child was still in high spirits the first few days!Mom is going to come in today, why is she unhappy?

"Xiaoqiang said that she is a stepmother and would beat me."

Dong Sheng looked at Aunt Su timidly. At the beginning, he only thought it would be nice to have a mother, and Aunt Li treated him so well.

So when he went to the kindergarten, he also showed off, wanting them to know that he is not a bastard, and he also has a mother.

But Xiaoqiang laughed at him and told him the story of his stepmother, which frightened him.

"No, your new mother is a kind woman."

Aunt Su gritted her teeth, this Xiaoqiang is really hateful, an adult must have said this, otherwise what does a child know?
"Dongsheng, come to grandpa."

When Mr. Zhou heard his great-grandson's words, he gave him a majestic look, and he had to make it clear to him first, don't wait for his mother to come in, and he will make trouble again.

"Here comes the bride."

(End of this chapter)

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