Chapter 946
After everything about the new house is done, it's time to go to the auditorium. The red scarf on NO.12's head is still covered!Aunt Su asked Zhou Zisong to open it.

"Zi Song, lift the hijab."

While talking, Lu Sihui has finally moved into a new house. Looking at the furnishings in the house, half of them were arranged with the help of her grandfather, just like her own home.

There was a faint smile on the corner of his mouth. Grandpa was really interesting. Could it be that when he was buying wedding supplies for himself, he had already bought them for Zhou Zisong?
"The bride is so beautiful."

When she was looking at the items in the new house, the red hijab over there had already been lifted, and they all crawled and fought together at the special training base, but it was the first time she saw the expression of the shy little daughter of No.12.

Everyone followed suit, especially No. 13 and No. [-], who yelled the loudest.

"Sister-in-law, you are so beautiful today."

Lu Sihui walked over and congratulated the bride, good comrades, good sisters together, and good sisters-in-law in the future, this is also fate.

Zhou Zisong glanced at her indifferently, turned around and walked out of the new house, leaving behind a whole room of people.

The wedding was held in the auditorium, and all the guests congratulated Zhou Baichuan.

"Baichuan, okay! Both sons are married, and you don't have anything to worry about anymore. When you retire, you can take care of your grandson at home. It's beautiful to think about."

Commissar Zhang laughed and teased Zhou Baichuan, he was very envious.

"That's right, our children are still dating! Baichuan has a grandson."

Vice Minister Ma also joked, Zhou Baichuan just smiled, looking at his son on the stage, he always felt that Zisong was unhappy.

The wedding was over like this, and everyone had to go back to the family building at night, including Lu Sihui and Zhou Zixu.

After the family had dinner together, Li Yanhong was still a little embarrassed. After all, she was a bride and had just entered the house.

"Eat more, you haven't eaten anything since morning."

Lu Sihui kept picking up vegetables for NO.12, looking at the cruel Zhou Zisong, she felt sorry for NO.12.

Marriage seems to be her wishful thinking, Zhou Zisong has kept a cold face from morning till now.

"Sihui, you should also eat more and give grandpa a chubby great-granddaughter."

The smile on Mr. Zhou's face never stopped, and he brought food for Lu Sihui himself.

NO.12's complexion suddenly changed. He quickly glanced at Zhou Zisong, and stirred his hands together vigorously on the table.

Sihui is going to be a mother?That's great, I'm so envious
Zhou Zisong ate his meal with his head down, as if he didn't hear Mr. Zhou's words at all.

"Sihui, did you hear that grandpa likes his great-granddaughter!"

Zhou Zixu picked up a piece of ribs and put them in the Sihui bowl, and winked mischievously at her, although the eldest brother is the groom official today, but he is the happiest.

"That's great, double happiness. Xiao Su, bring me some wine."

Zhou Baichuan, who never drank at home, happily wanted to have a drink after hearing the news that Lu Sihui was pregnant.

"Yes, let's have some wine to celebrate. Today my eldest grandson is getting married, and my second grandson is going to be a father. Double happiness for the old Zhou family."

Mr. Zhou happily agrees with his son, and he also wants to drink.

"Grandpa, you better stop drinking."

Zhou Zisong poured cold water on him, and in exchange his grandfather gave him a glare.

"You have to drink too, to drive away all the bridal chamber troublemakers. Do you know that it's good to be married and have a bridal chamber. It's lively."

Faced with the cold face of his eldest grandson, Mr. Zhou couldn't like it.

It's better to be a little grandson, always smiling, just looking at his mood.

Zhou Zisong bowed his head in silence, as if he didn't hear.

Zhou Zixu squinted his eyes and looked at his elder brother. He suddenly made a decision.

(End of this chapter)

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