Chapter 947

"Brother, I respect you and congratulate you on being the groom."

Zhou Zixu took a two-and-a-half glass and filled it with raw grain wine and handed it to his eldest brother. He also poured a glass himself at the same time. Today he went all out and gave up his life to accompany the gentleman.


Zhou Zisong took the wine glass and looked at the transparent baijiu in the glass. It tasted full-bodied, and it was a high-grade wine.

He usually doesn't drink alcohol. In fact, he can drink quite well, but he has a strong self-discipline.

Today, he suddenly wanted to get drunk, and when he was drunk, he would not think about anything.

Picking up the wine glass, I didn't clink it with my younger brother, nor respected my grandfather and father, but drank it all by myself.

"Excellent, big brother, have another drink."

Zhou Zixu raised his neck and poured the wine into his stomach, picked up the wine bottle again and filled it up for his eldest brother, and filled a glass himself.

A bottle of baijiu was lost just like that, Master Zhou and Zhou Baichuan didn't get a glass.

Zhou Baichuan frowned and looked at his younger son with dissatisfaction in his eyes.

Zhou Zixu didn't even look at him, and raised his glass to his elder brother.

"Brother, let's celebrate you being the bridegroom and me being the father. Let's have double happiness, let's go one more time."

Holding the wine glass, he collided with his eldest brother, and then did it first as a respect.

Lu Sihui sat beside him and looked at him quietly, and found that she actually understood why Zhou Zixu did this?
Mr. Zhou pulled his son who was about to be furious, shook his head slightly at him, and stopped him with his eyes.

Zhou Baichuan stopped talking, and asked Aunt Su to bring over two more bottles of wine, including the treasured Moutai.

"Dad, this wine has been out for a few years. It was originally said that we would drink it when Zisong got married. Today is the right time."

Zhou Baichuan stood up and looked at his self-sufficient father.

"Yes, today is a good day."

Mr. Zhou looked at his son with a smile. The father and son hadn't looked so closely like today for a long time.

"Brother, come on, have another drink."

Zhou Zixu was too hasty in persuading him to drink, how could anyone drink like this, one drink at a time, and three drinks in a row.

"There are only three things."

Zhou Zisong raised his glass and looked at his younger brother, his black eyes were like lacquer, unfathomable, he was only able to accompany his younger brother crazy, just to get himself drunk.

"Okay, there are only three things."

Zhou Zixu rubbed his stomach, agreed with a smile, raised his glass and watched his elder brother drink the wine, and he followed suit.

"Eat a la carte."

Lu Sihui frowned at Zixu, and put a piece of elbow meat into his bowl.

"It's still my wife who loves me."

In front of his grandfather, father, and elder brother, Zhou Zixu flirted with his daughter-in-law.

Lu Sihui rolled his eyes at him, ignored him, and bowed his head to eat.

Zhou Zisong looked at them two, bowed his head and poured himself another glass of wine, this time drinking very slowly.

"Eat a piece of meat."

A gentle voice rang in his ears, he didn't look at her, and silently ate the meat she picked up, but there was no extra taste in his mouth except for the spicy taste of the wine.

"Grandpa, I'm taking Sihui back."

After eating and drinking, Zhou Zixu stood up and said goodbye to his grandfather. When walking, his feet felt a little weak.

"Let me drive!"

Lu Sihui asked for the key from him, and wanted to help him go, but Zhou Zixu hugged her waist. In front of her grandfather and father-in-law, this gesture was too intimate, and Lu Sihui's face felt a little hot.

"Sihui, drive slowly."

Mr. Zhou yelled at their backs. Seeing the two of them loving each other, his heart was filled with joy, and he snarled at his son.

"Look at how much they love each other."

Zhou Zisong had a double figure in front of his eyes, propped his hands on the table, and watched them leave.

He walked upstairs, staggering a little.
"I'll hold you up."

Seeing NO.12, I hurried over to put his arm on my shoulder, and walked upstairs with one hand supporting his waist.

Wedding night, officially arrived
(End of this chapter)

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