Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 948 I belong to you

Chapter 948 I belong to you
NO.12 Helped Zhou Zisong back to the room, then ran to get hot water and towels through, Zhou Zisong tore off his collar, feeling like a fire was burning in his chest.

The original grain wine was sixty degrees, and he turned back, and now he was dizzy and his consciousness was a little fuzzy.

With a pair of small hands, he unbuttoned his collar. He tried to push it away resistingly, but he couldn't use his strength.

The warm towel was wiped from his forehead to his Guolu's chest, and a faint smell of soap floated into his breath.

Opening his eyes, he looked at the woman who was wiping him silently. In a trance, her appearance became more and more blurred.

He simply closed his eyes and let the towel wipe him off.


There was a churning in his stomach, Zhou Zisong wanted to go to the toilet to vomit, Li Yanhong hurriedly supported him, and leaned against Zhou Zisong's arm, he wanted to withdraw his hand as if he had been electrocuted.

Li Yanhong was afraid that he would fall, so she supported him more steadily, and almost forced him to go to the bathroom.

Zhou Zisong vomited a lot, but his head became more dizzy, and his ears were buzzing.

"Shuttle your mouth!"

There was an extra cup in his hand, and he drank it into his mouth without thinking, the fire in his heart, pouring a cup of water didn't solve the problem.

"How did you drink it?"

A gentle voice rang in his ears, and someone snatched the cup from his hand.

He frowned displeased, who is this person?How to teach him?

Li Yanhong helped him walk to the new house, but he didn't meet anyone, and it seemed that they were downstairs and didn't come up.

Zhou Zisong stumbled and walked, she helped him very hard, and finally helped him back into the house.

Zhou Zisong fell directly on the couch, she was caught off guard and fell into his arms.

Looking at him face to face like this, his eyelashes are so long, thick and dense, blocking the ice in his eyes, and his eyes are a little hot right now.

Shyly trying to get up, she was grabbed by a pair of big hands, and her heart began to beat wildly.

Looking at him nervously, looking forward to a moment of happiness.

Zhou Zisong looked at her steadily, the woman in front of her couldn't see her face clearly, so she pulled her into her arms,
"The door hasn't been hung yet!"

NO.12 said in a hurry, if Dongsheng ran in, how could he meet people!
Zhou Zisong didn't say anything.
Li Yanhong struggled to get away from him, being conservative, she really couldn't let anyone come to visit her wedding night.

I ran to the door and locked the door, only then did I feel at ease.

Looking back at Zhou Zisong again, he found that he was lying on the couch as if he had fallen asleep.

I felt sad for a while, did she make him angry just now?
It's not okay to make him unhappy on the first day of marriage.

Reaching out to turn off the light, she had the courage to face herself in the dark.

Stepping to the side of the couch, today is her wedding night, she longs to be with him physically and mentally.

Zhou Zisong was in a daze at the moment, he was using his rationality to restrain himself, stood up, and wanted to leave here.

NO.12 saw that he was leaving,

"Zisong, tonight is our wedding night, I belong to you."

NO.12 murmured in a low voice. This was an invitation to him, and it was she who mustered up the courage to say it.

A pair of rough hands around her waist lifted her up in the air, Zhou Zisong staggered, and the two of them fell on the couch together.

(End of this chapter)

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