Chapter 955

"pretty good."

Aunt Su quickly raised her eyelids to look at the old man Zhou Zhou. He was right next to her. As an aunt, she couldn't say much.

There is no need to ask more about this appearance, Lu Sihui is also clear about it.

Silently put the stuffing into the dumpling wrapper, squeeze it together, and a white and fat dumpling was completed under her hands.

"Sihui, go and rest! You are pregnant with a child, don't stand for too long."

Mr. Zhou cared about his daughter-in-law and didn't let her keep busy.

"Grandpa, I feel uncomfortable when I'm idle. It's okay. It's been more than three months. The child is safe."

Lu Sihui smiled, looking at her stomach tenderly, her baby has always been so obedient.

NO.12 led Dongsheng downstairs with an extra bag in his hand.

"Be careful, don't collapse yourself."

She knelt down, supported Dongsheng's shoulders with both hands, helped him put on the hat, and instructed softly.

"Got it, mom, I'm going out to play."

Dongsheng sweetly agreed, and happily ran out the door with the bag in his arms.

NO.12 shouted at his back: "Be careful, don't fall."

Lu Sihui smiled and shook her head, she quickly entered the role of mother.

"You dote on him too much."

Mr. Zhou shook his head. The eldest grandson's daughter-in-law has a very good personality, and she spoiled her grandson to heaven.

In the past, I was worried that she would treat the child badly, but looking at it now, it doesn't matter if she is too good, and the child is used to being disobedient.

"Grandpa, as long as the children are happy during the Chinese New Year."

NO.12 washed her hands, returned to the table, and made dumplings with Lu Sihui. Facing her grandfather's words, she just replied softly.

"Dongsheng is blessed."

Aunt Su was looking at No. 12 and praised her for being kind to the child.

NO.12 lowered her head and pursed her lips and smiled, her eyelids blocked the expression in her eyes, and her long eyelashes, like a row of thick fans, blocked the sadness in her heart.

The house was busy making dumplings, immersed in the joy of the New Year, and outside the house Lu Jianguo took Dong Sheng to set off firecrackers.

Crackling and crackling, the sound of firecrackers, the atmosphere of the New Year is full.

None of the Zhou family thought that the peaceful atmosphere of the Chinese New Year would soon be tainted with gunpowder.

"Sister, sister, it's not good, Dongsheng was injured by firecrackers."

Lu Jianguo opened the door and rushed into the house, his voice changed.

Zhou Baichuan was the first to rush out, No. 12 was the second to rush out of the house, and the others followed closely behind and ran outside.

Dongsheng's cries covered the sound of firecrackers, and the child covered his eyes and sat in the snow crying, blood flowed from his fingers.

"Call quickly."

Zhou Baichuan was the big leader after all, he didn't panic when encountering things, he picked up his grandson and ran into the house.

NO.12 stood foolishly in the snow, but it was Lu Sihui who pulled her back into the house.

Zhou Baichuan was calling the hospital, Dongsheng cried even louder, blood flowed from his fingers onto the new clothes, it was shocking to watch.

"Dongsheng, don't cry, don't be afraid, mom is here."

NO.12 cried and held the child in his arms, but Dong Sheng cried even harder.

Lu Sihui asked her younger brother in a low voice: "What's going on?"

"I didn't pay attention at the side. He ignited the Erki and collapsed himself."

Lu Jianguo was so frightened that his hands were cold. He took Dongsheng outside to play, and he was also responsible for the accident.

"Don't cry, I'll take you to the hospital right away."

Aunt Su brought the first aid kit, and Lu Sihui took gauze to wipe the child's blood, but he refused to let go, crying even worse.

Lu Sihui thought for a while, fearing that he would be blinded, turned around and rushed into the bathroom.

"Check him out."

(End of this chapter)

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