Chapter 956
She quickly ordered the robot, and the robot gave her a nanometer inspection instrument, which was very small, only the size of a grain of rice, and would not be discovered by anyone.

Lu Sihui ran out of the bathroom, everyone's attention was on Dongsheng, and no one noticed her actions.

Walking up to Dongsheng, he hid the nano-testing instrument in his palm, and put the instrument on Dongsheng while comforting Dongsheng.

There was a report from the robot next to my ear: "The eyeball was not injured, but the eyelid was injured."

Lu Sihui breathed a sigh of relief, and handed the gauze to NO.12, who had learned first aid at the base before.

NO.12 put the gauze over the child's eyes, and Lu Sihui saw that her hands were shaking.

"Let me do it!"

She used to use medical tape to fix the gauze on the child's eyes, so that there is no fear of bacterial infection.

"what happened?"

Zhou Zisong rushed into the house from the outside. He was uneasy tonight, and asked the deputy director and instructor to accompany his friends in the team to celebrate the New Year. He drove home quickly.

Unexpectedly, when he entered the door, he heard his son crying. His uneasiness turned out to be from the child.

"The firecrackers collapsed."

Zhou Baichuan replied anxiously, his head was sweating, he was not afraid of the rain of bullets, but he was sweating from his grandson crying, he was very afraid that the child's eyes would be disabled.

"Who bought the firecrackers? Who went out with him to set them off?"

Zhou Zisong was furious and stared at NO.12.

There was undisguised fury in his voice, he was always cold, but it was scary to get angry.

"Dongsheng and I went out to set off firecrackers."

Lu Jianguo replied timidly. He hid behind his sister and was frightened by the furious Zhou Zisong.

Zhou Zisong's sharp eyes made Lu Jianguo dare not look up. Lu Sihui frowned, blocked her younger brother with her body, and stared at Zhou Zisong coldly. The child was injured before he was busy blaming others, why didn't he say that he hadn't done his job What about the duties of a father?

Zhou Zisong's eyes fell on her face, meeting her cold gaze, his anger seemed to be a little less, and he didn't make things difficult for Lu Jianguo anymore.

Hugging Dong Sheng in his arms, his face was pale, and he looked at his No. 12 nervously, and asked with frowned.

"You bought the firecrackers?"

"Yeah, I didn't expect him to get hurt."

NO.12 Tears rolled in the circles of her eyes, Dong Sheng was crying hoarsely on one side, and Zhou Zisong was angry on the other. She felt that she was really stupid and shouldn't follow Dong Sheng's temperament.

"do not Cry."

Seeing her crying sadly, Zhou Zisong still had guilt in his eyes, and his words of reproach turned into comfort.

"The ambulance is coming."

The sound of an ambulance came from outside the door, Zhou Zisong took his son from NO.12's arms, and rushed out with big strides.

"Doctor, my son's eye was blown."

For the first time, his voice was full of tension, and it was only then that Lu Sihui realized that he had feelings other than indifference. He really loved Dong Sheng.

After going to the hospital for an examination, it was the firecrackers that broke the brow bone and eyelids, and the next inch will collapse to the eyeball, which is dangerous.

There was no danger, but the good Thirty Nights just disappeared.

Dongsheng needs to be hospitalized for observation, Zhou Zisong stays with him in the hospital, Li Yanhong also wants to stay and take care of Dongsheng.

"Go back!"

Zhou Zisong drove her away indifferently.

"Zi Song, I really didn't mean to."

Li Yanhong looked at him sadly, the two of them got together once on the wedding night, and he didn't go home the rest of the time, even if he went home for dinner at night, he immediately found an excuse to go back to work.

She has been married for more than a month, and except for the wedding night, she has been alone in the vacant room.

(End of this chapter)

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