Chapter 971
"Yes, it's over."

Lu Sihui didn't look at him, but stared at the mangy dog ​​on the ground with her hands folded around her chest, waiting for him to start having a seizure.

"Ah, it hurts, ah, it hurts~"

Soon, the man who was still secretly complacent began to scream, and he was rolling in the snow, his face flushed like a monkey's butt. It didn't seem like he was pretending to be in pain at all.

Zhou Zisong, including Mr. Zhou, looked at Lu Sihui in surprise. They had never heard of such a method.

"Where did you learn Sihui?"

Li Yanhong asked her secretly, obviously the special training base had never taught her.

"A small book, and then I started to learn acupuncture points, knowing that those acupuncture points are pain points."

Lu Sihui said lightly, in fact, she saw all these things when she was idle and reading in the space capsule.

This is used against stubborn bad guys, and those bad guys have been trained and can't stand this kind of torture.

What about this little bastard?

"what's up?"

The man's yelling quickly attracted the neighbors around. The two brothers, surnamed Wang, usually do all kinds of evil, steal chickens and dogs, and it is unlucky to be neighbors with them.

This will see the appearance of Wang's second son, and the neighbors will relieve their hatred!

"Abduction and trafficking of children."

Zhou Zisong glanced around with a cold face, and told everyone about the evil deeds of the two brothers.

"These two brothers from the old Wang's family have committed all sorts of crimes. If you send them to the police station, there will be one less disaster."

The common people are excited, and this black sheep is gone, so they can live in peace.

And to a man and two women in uniform in the courtyard, they both gave thumbs up: "eliminate harm for the people."

The boss of the Wang family was ashen-faced at this moment, he felt like a mouse crossing the street, without any humanity at all.

Looking at Lu Sihui's Zhou Zisong in horror, he would rather go to jail now than face them.

My younger brother is so strong, screaming in pain, covering his head and rolling on the ground, how can his physique bear it?

Zhou Zisong rolled his eyes when he saw Wang Lao Er was in pain, and looked at Lu Sihui with cold eyes, he was not sure if this would kill someone.

"It's okay. Carry it in the traffic jam, and you'll be fine when you arrive at the police station."

Lu Sihui didn't want to help him relieve the pain, Dongsheng was so young, how could he beat the child?
The most hateful thing is that he stuffed the smelly sock into the child's mouth, it's so wicked.

Just like that, Wang Er Er was shaking with pain, and Zhou Zisong stuffed him into the back seat of the car like a stuffed dog, and Wang Boss also picked him up and stuffed him into the back seat.

"Brother, I'll go with you. They wanted to kill me just now! These are their crimes."

Lu Sihui looked at the two brothers coldly, she wanted them to stay in the fence for a few more years.

"I'll go as well."

Li Yanhong hugged Dongsheng and looked at the back seat of the car in embarrassment, there was no place for her at all.

"Sister-in-law, you take the child in the car, and I will help grandpa go there."

Zhou Zisong didn't say much to her, he kicked the accelerator and drove to the police station.

"Zixu is still at the train station! He doesn't know that Dongsheng has been found yet."

Lu Sihui helped her grandfather to the police station when she suddenly remembered that Zhou Zixu had arrived.

At this time, Zhou Zixu was still guarding the ticket checking hall. If he wanted to take the train, he would definitely go this way.

His sharp eyes never let anyone suspicious go, and his whole aura is that of bloodthirsty when he is about to stand.

Those who are swept by his gaze will subconsciously look away, not daring to meet his gaze.

Suddenly, he took a big step and ran towards the toilet, and the eyes of the passengers followed his figure.

His eyes became tense, this iron-blooded man looked like he was here to catch a fugitive, so in the direction he was running now, did he find a bad guy?

(End of this chapter)

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