Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 972 I Thought It Was Him

Chapter 972 I Thought It Was Him


He rushed to a couple and snatched the child they said was holding.

"what are you doing?"

"Give me back my child."

The couple was stunned for a moment, and then came to grab the child from his hands.

When it became clear that the man holding the child was a man of iron blood, the attitudes of the two eased. The woman reached out to Zhou Zixu to pick up the child, and explained to him.

"Comrade, return the child to me."

Zhou Zixu looked at the woman coldly, with a dangerous aura like a beast. He would not be polite to child abductors, regardless of gender.

Those who haven't lost their children don't know how uncomfortable the parents' hearts will be.

That night, he was so anxious that he couldn't find the child, and his grandfather had to be seriously ill.



The child who was held in Zhou Zixu's arms burst into tears, and stretched out his hand to the woman, crying for mother.

Only then did Zhou Zixu look down at the child, the sharpness in his eyes disappeared, and there was a flash of embarrassment.

"I'm sorry, this kid is wearing the same clothes as my nephew, I thought it was him!"

Disappointed, he returned the child to the child's mother and apologized repeatedly.

"Comrade, is the child lost?"

The child's father wore glasses and looked like a man of culture. He asked Zhou Zixu concerned.

"Yes! My nephew is about the same height as your son, and he wears the same coat and hat."

Zhou Zixu couldn't hide the disappointment in his heart, and he pinched his eyebrows wearily.

"Comrade, why did the kidnapper let the child wear the original clothes? Just now I saw a man in the toilet over there giving medicine to the child. The child was crying hard, and he stretched out his hand to beat him. He fell asleep after taking the medicine. Yes, I don't look normal, you go and take a look."

"Thank you, what kind of clothes and hat is the child wearing, what color is the man wearing, and how old is he?"

Zhou Zixu held his hand tightly and asked in detail. The gay man gestured and described, but he always felt that something was wrong.

"Zhiguo, take your comrades there, don't waste time, I will take my son here and wait for you."

The lesbians looked anxious and gave them an idea.

"Great, come with me."

The child's father has not waited for the promise!He was dragged away by Zhou Zixu.

Intellectuals are not good at sports, how could they keep up with his speed, and they were almost dragged down
Zhou Zixu was very anxious, afraid that if he missed a second, he and Dongsheng would never see each other again.

"No, that's the man. He doesn't look like a good man when he's sneaky."

The two of them haven't waited to enter the toilet yet!The gay man pointed to a man holding a child in his arms, wearing a big dog fur hat, and a blue wide-striped padded jacket, his nervous hands were shaking.

After hearing this, Zhou Zixu rushed over. The man holding the child looked obviously wrong when he saw the iron-blooded man approaching. He lowered his head, pulled his hat down, and accelerated the speed of his feet.


Zhou Zixu turned over three rows of seats in a row. When the man saw that Zhou Zixu was running after him, he ran away.

"Ah, comrade, why don't you watch when you walk."

When Zhou Zixu was about to chase after him, he was held back by a woman, who said that he had bumped into him, and held him tight.

Zhou Zixu watched the man run towards the door, and ran away without chasing him.
"Get off."

He stretched out his big hand to push the woman aside, and chased after him with big strides.

"Beat someone, catch him, hit someone after hitting someone, catch him."

The woman chased Zhou Zixu with wild shouts behind him, and the man who was holding the child forced his way into the crowd.

"Stop him."

(End of this chapter)

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