Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 973 Will it scare the snake?

Chapter 973 Will it scare the snake?

Zhou Zixu yelled at the crowd, and the passengers were taken aback. There was a woman chasing after the guards, saying that he had beaten someone.

Comrade Baowei was chasing an old man with a child in his arms, and they all yelled to stop him, who did he listen to?
"He's a kidnapper."

Zhou Zixu yelled, and it was only this time that the passengers realized that they hated kidnappers. A few gay men acted bravely and reached out to grab the man.

"Let go."

Zhou Zixu was chasing him from behind, and someone grabbed him from here. The old man was frightened, and threw the child in his hand towards several men, threw away his clothes, and ran out of the station gate.

Zhou Zixu was frightened, a shovel flew over, and the child landed on him.

Sitting up carefully, holding the child in his arms, the first thing to do is to check whether there is any injury on his body.

Looking at it, his eyebrows were furrowed. It wasn't Dongsheng, but he was also a boy about his age. His face was flushed, as if blown by the wind, and he was sleeping soundly with his eyes closed.

"Don't let him run away."

The man's behavior angered the passengers, and they were all agitated and pushed the man to the ground.

Punching and kicking, they all greeted him.

"Oh, help! Don't hit me, it will kill me."

The man begged heartbreakingly for mercy, and the woman who was chasing Zhou Zixu behind saw this scene and quietly squeezed into the crowd.

"Seize that woman, these two are a team."

Zhou Zixu's eyes were piercing, and he felt that something was wrong just now, but he just bumped into it. Why is this woman pestering him?

Seeing her run away now, he naturally understood everything, and ordered the crowd to hold this woman down as well.

"Comrade, we are from the police station in front of the station, what's going on?"

The police patrolling at the station saw the commotion in the crowd, so they rushed over. Seeing Zhou Zixu in uniform, looking imposing, they saluted and questioned him.

"Catch two people suspected of being kidnappers. This child doesn't know what he was feeding? He needs to go to the hospital for examination."

Zhou Zixu briefly explained, and his sharp eyes began to scan the crowd again, and he caught the kidnapper, but he couldn't find Dongsheng.

With such a large formation, will it scare the snake away?

His anxious throat was full of smoke, and he walked back and forth in the waiting room.

"Zixu, go back! Dongsheng has been found."

Lu Sihui drove to the station to pick up Zixu, and Zhou Zisong and the child made notes first, and she went there with Zixu later.

"What did you say? Dongsheng found it? Great, where is he?"

Zhou Zixu couldn't restrain the excitement in his heart, he held his daughter-in-law's hand tightly, pulled her and walked outside.

"At the police station! He was taken away by two men."

Lu Sihui told him the situation while walking.

"Sihui, who told you that these brothers took the child away?"

After getting in the car, Zhou Zixu spoke suddenly, his black eyes were shining brightly, looking at her suspiciously.

"I heard the two chatting, saying that I saw the Wang family brothers holding a crying child, and then I went to ask. I was anxious at the time, and I forgot to ask what their surnames are?"

Lu Sihui looked at him calmly, started the engine while talking.

"Let's go! It's my turn after the elder brother finished the transcript."

She changed the topic, and Zhou Zixu didn't ask further questions. When he was anxious, he naturally didn't have time to worry about other things. Anyway, it was a happy event that Dong Sheng was found.

When they arrived at the police station, Lu Sihui parked the car, pushed the door open with Zhou Zixu and walked in. In the corridor, they saw the Wang family brothers, handcuffed, being escorted by the police towards the interrogation room.

"Is it you?"

(End of this chapter)

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