Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 975 Maybe it's twins!

Chapter 975 Maybe it's twins!

This time it was Zhou Zisong who held his younger brother, and fortunately it was him, others really couldn't stop the furious Zhou Zixu.

"Comrade, don't worry, we will definitely punish the criminals severely, and we will never tolerate them."

The policeman was also pissed off after taking the notes. It was a Chinese New Year celebration, and such a bad case happened.

After this incident was over, all the brothers of the Wang family were sentenced severely. The second son of Wang was sentenced to life, and the eldest was sentenced to ten years.

The good news is that after this incident, Zhou Zisong's attitude towards Li Yanhong changed, and he began to develop a relationship with her.

At least every time Lu Sihui and Zhou Zixu went home, Zhou Zisong stayed at home most of the time.

The feeling of the couple talking is as respectful as guests.

Li Yanhong is not as unhappy as when she first got married, as for her husband and wife life...

Zhou Zisong was considered an abstinent man, and it was very difficult to pass this test.

Time passed quickly, winter went to spring, everything recovered, the snow melted, and the ground was very muddy.

Lu Sihui is seven months pregnant, her stomach is as big as a cauldron, and the uniform can't stop her.
Zhou Zixu cared more about her, and asked Aunt Su to take care of her when she went out for training.

Lu Jianguo skipped a grade and went to the second year of junior high school, and his academic performance was very good. He usually helped Lu Sihui with housework when he was free.

I wholeheartedly look forward to the birth of my little nephew.

Lu Sihui, who has always been cold and affectionate, often has a gentle smile on her mouth, and her whole body glows with the brilliance of motherhood.

"Sihui, these are the clothes that Dongsheng wore when he was a child. Save them for your children. As the old saying goes, children who wear Baijia clothes are easy to support."

Aunt Su came here today with a bag of children's clothes. When she entered the door, she opened the bag with a smile, and showed Lu Sihui the clothes one by one.

Dongsheng's childhood clothes were basically made by her, pure cotton, comfortable to wear.

"Thank you Aunt Su."

Lu Sihui supported her waist with one hand, and Zixu took the unit out to practice in the field. She wanted to go, but Zhou Zixu, who always followed her, didn't agree to anything.

For this, she ignored him for two days, and was astonished that this time, Zhou Zixu had made up his mind, even if she ignored him, she would not vomit.

No, he left today and sent Aunt Su over again.

"I washed it all and scalded it with boiling water. Don't hold it against me."

Aunt Su smiled and spread the child's clothes on the couch, with gentle eyes, looking at Sihui like a loving mother.

"Aunt Su, how could I dislike you?"

Lu Sihui was happy when she saw the child's clothes, and wished she could see the baby born right away, and then call her mother.

"Why does your stomach look like it's about to give birth? Do you remember the wrong date?"

Aunt Su found that Lu Sihui's stomach would swell if she didn't come for a few days, which made her very worried.

"I remember correctly, but this stomach is indeed a bit big."

Lu Sihui's eyes were also puzzled. If she hadn't checked many times in the space capsule, she would have suspected that she was twins.

Her stomach is very heavy, as if it weighs dozens of kilograms. She has always been agile, her legs are a little swollen, and she feels very strenuous when walking.

"Maybe they're twins!"

Aunt Su stared at Lu Sihui's stomach with bright eyes, the old Zhou's family didn't have twins yet!It is also a good thing to have.

Don't say anything else, the old man is sure to be happy.

Lu Sihui pursed her lips and smiled, she would not tell her that she already knew that there was only one in her stomach.

"I'll have to pull some more diapers when I get back, so I won't be caught off guard if it's really twins."

Aunt Su was thinking about it, and almost made a conclusion by herself.


(End of this chapter)

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