Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 976 What happened to sister-in-law?

Chapter 976 What happened to sister-in-law?
Old Master Zhou's sonorous voice came from outside the door, and he was very excited to hear it.

"Grandpa, no, Aunt Su guessed it herself."

Lu Sihui hurriedly supported her waist to welcome her out, she couldn't let her grandfather misunderstand her.

"Maybe, grandpa thinks so too."

Mr. Zhou's complexion was rosy, and he looked at Lu Sihui kindly. When he spoke, he didn't forget to tease her.

"Grandpa, why are you here?"

Lu Sihui didn't want to get entangled in this matter, so she changed the topic with a smile.

"Didn't Grandpa dig the ground before? Today, I plan to plant the land. After your baby is born, there will be fresh vegetables to eat."

Mr. Zhou picked up the rapeseed in his hand and showed it to Lu Sihui, his eyes were very smug.

He has already planted the small garden at home. He likes this kind of pastoral life very much.

"Okay! I'll go with you."

Lu Sihui just felt bored!Grandpa wanted to farm, and she volunteered to go with him.

"No, when Zixu left, I asked Qian, Wan told me to watch over you and not let you move around."

Aunt Su put on a straight face, spoke out to stop Lu Sihui, and even moved Zhou Zixu out.

"Not so squeamish, Sihui, grandpa can dig you up and get some seeds."

Before Lu Sihui could speak, Mr. Zhou raised objections first.

Back then when they were standing, those women with big bellies still went to the stand, charging forward without fear.

Since you are a gentleman, there is no need to be coquettish, they are all made of steel and iron.

"Old man, Zixu has given orders."

Aunt Su wanted to stop her, because she knew that if something happened to Sihui, Zixu would go crazy.

"Grandpa, let's go."

Lu Sihui pursed her lips and looked at Aunt Su. She didn't listen to her and went out to farm with her grandfather.

Digging holes and burying seeds may seem like boring farm work, but the grandpa and grandson talked and laughed, and the time passed quickly.

In one afternoon, half of the land was planted.

Mr. Zhou didn't want to go back either, so he called Sihui into the house and played chess with him.

"Grandpa, your chess skills seem to have improved."

As before, Lu Sihui did not give in to her grandfather, but she found it difficult to win him.

"Zisong always comes home to play chess with me recently, but he doesn't give up an inch of land. After a long time, grandpa is good at chess."

Speaking of the eldest grandson, the smile on Zhou Laozi's face deepened a bit.

Maybe Dongsheng's loss made him know how to cherish his family. In short, when he was at home, he was no longer so cold.

He is also willing to spend time with his grandfather and his wife. Every time he plays chess with his grandfather, Dongsheng always leans by his side.

"How is elder brother treating sister-in-law recently?"

Lu Sihui seemed to ask casually, but there was no need to ask, as the sister-in-law's eyes could not tell whether he was treating her well or not.

"It's okay." This is also relatively speaking, it's better than in the past.

Mr. Zhou pursed his lips, still looking dissatisfied.

Lu Sihui looked at the old man amusedly, he seemed to treat the granddaughter-in-law better than his grandson.

If the grandson treats his wife badly, he will be very angry. On the contrary, if he treats his wife well, he still feels that it is not enough and should be better.

"I hope that after a long time, Zisong will let Xiao Li have his own child. I saw that girl is kind-hearted and treats Dongsheng as her own. Yesterday she almost had an accident in order to save Dongsheng."

Mr. Zhou shook his head and sighed, he thought it was the best decision for Zisong to marry Li Yanhong.

After hearing this, Lu Sihui stood up hastily. Zhou Zixu asked her to take a vacation at home because she was going to go out for training in the field these two days.

I didn't go to the unit, so I naturally didn't know what happened.

"Grandpa, what happened to sister-in-law? What happened to Dongsheng?"

(End of this chapter)

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