Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 977 Watching and helping each other

Chapter 977 Watching and helping each other
"Speaking of which, it's a mystery. At the intersection where Zixu's mother had an accident, Dong Shengxin bought a ball and accidentally dropped it on the road. He rushed to the street to pick up the ball. When a car came over, Xiao Li rushed to it without thinking. In the past, she rescued the child, but she was hit by a car, but fortunately she was good at it, and rolled around on the spot to avoid the wheels of the car."

When Mr. Zhou talked about that thrilling scene, he was still covered in cold sweat.

Back then, the daughter-in-law was hit and killed by a car because of saving Zixu.

"that is not"

Lu Sihui said half of what she said, Zixu once said that her naughty mother-in-law would not have died if it hadn't been for him.

"It's exactly the same as Zixu's situation back then. Fortunately, Xiao Li escaped, but his arm was scratched a little, and I'm afraid when I think about it."

"Is the sister-in-law at home?"

After hearing this, Lu Sihui naturally wanted to go and see her.

"Today, Zixu practiced in the field. She was not allowed to go. She refused to listen and followed."

Mr. Zhou glanced at Lu Sihui, and heard that she also insisted on going to training, and finding a granddaughter-in-law who is a monarch is also a worry.

"That's because I have the bottom of my heart, and it's nothing serious."

Lu Sihui imagined that scene, if it was her, she would definitely rush out to save Dongsheng without hesitation.

Zhou Zixu took his unit into the mountains for field survival training. Falcon was very confident in the field training.

Zhao Jinchen was arranged by Zhou Zixu to cooperate with No. [-], and he has always been intentionally or unintentionally pulling them together.

"No. 13, No. [-], No. [-], No. [-], your group is responsible for the food."

Zhou Zixu stared at Zhao Jinchen and No. [-], and it would be dangerous to send only two people into the mountains to hunt.

"Old station friend, try to open your heart, No. [-] is good, seize the opportunity, there is only so much I can help you with."

He walked up to Zhao Jinchen and spoke to him with his lips. He looked into his eyes sharply, as if he could see clearly what was in his heart.

"Don't mess around, my family, I don't want to hurt anyone."

Zhao Jinchen's eyes were gloomy, like a deep pool where he couldn't see the bottom at a glance, all his emotions and thoughts were carefully hidden by him.

"What's wrong with you, as long as you like someone, you'll be happy even if you eat chaffy vegetables with him. I believe that No. [-] will not dislike your family situation. It depends on what you think now."

Zhou Zixu was urging Zhao Jinchen, and the snow fell from the trees, interrupting his words.

The two hurriedly dodged away, but some snowflakes still fell into their necks, and the icy snow water flowed down the neck all the way, and the place where it passed was chilly.

"Wipe, it's really uncomfortable to step on the mud."

Over there, No. [-] was irritated by the mud on the Jiefang shoes, and burst into foul language.

These accidents eased Zhao Jinchen's embarrassment. He carried his rifle and walked towards the forest.

"Be careful, all the spring beasts are on the move."

Zhou Zixu yelled at his back, and all the hibernating animals in the beginning of spring came back to look for food. It was a certain degree of danger to enter the mountains at this time.

"Captain, let's go."

Looking at Zhao Jinchen's back without turning his head, No. [-] felt very sad.

For half a year, he deliberately stayed away from himself like this, not as good as when he was training in the inner mountain of Gushan Tunnei!Back then, he spoke much more naturally to himself.

"Be careful, watch and help each other."

Zhou Zixu nodded. He is an old station friend, so he doesn't need to ask too much. Naturally, he knows what to do?
He took Deputy Team Wu around the mountain, stepped on the protruding rocks on the side of the mountain with one foot, put one elbow on his leg, and looked down at the mountains.

Facing Vice Captain Wu, he raised half of his mouth charmingly, showing a naughty smile.

"Old Wu, come and stand here and look down, how does it feel?"

(End of this chapter)

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