Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 978 Whoever loses will be ashamed of you

Chapter 978 Whoever loses will be ashamed of you
Deputy Captain Wu stood beside him and looked down the mountain. The cliff was very high. Standing on the edge of the rock had a feeling that he might fall down at any time.

Zhou Zixu raised his head and glanced at the white clouds like wild cranes in the sky. Standing in this position, he was very close to the clouds. He stretched out his hand, and those white clouds that could be reached by raising his hand swam away.

With a self-deprecating smile, he looked at Deputy Team Wu and asked, "Do you know why we won the exercise last winter?"

The voice was a little lazy, and the bright peach blossom eyes narrowed slightly, as if he was asking Vice Captain Wu, or asking himself.

"Of course it's the captain, you arranged it well, and the stationmates are united as one."

Vice-captain Wu flattered him once, and looked at the captain excitedly after speaking, waiting for him to praise him.

"Fart, that's because we are the defensive side. The rock walls are full of snow in winter, which is not conducive to climbing. Otherwise, judging from my brother's defense at the time, we might lose."

Zhou Zixu swears, the elder brother's station arrangement that day was not wrong, and he would have arranged it in the same way.

However, he was defeated by the right time and place, and he was able to keep the fifth highland by relying on the natural danger in the mountains.

"From here?"

Deputy Wu pointed to the cliff in disbelief, how could he climb so high?
"Don't believe it? Like this"

Zhou Zixu called him over and whispered, Deputy Wu looked at him stupidly, what was going on in the captain's head every day?
"Why are you in a daze? Do you understand?"

Zhou Zixu raised his unruly eyebrows, raised his leg and kicked his ass.

"Understood, captain, I'm also the vice captain, don't kick my ass every now and then."

Vice-captain Wu blushed and stared at the captain, he was so handsome, this action was too rude!

"Nonsense, go back and watch your station attendant."

Zhou Zixu stared, and Deputy Captain Wu immediately raised his hands in salute: "Yes, I'll go right away."

He ran quickly, afraid that Zhou Zixu would kick him again.

Zhou Zixu looked back at the foot of the mountain, half-closed his eyes, wondering what he was thinking?
The cool appearance of standing facing the edge of the mountain made the standing members of the team adore him.

"Comrades, the captain arranged a field drill for us, a surprise attack, do you understand? The captain wants to raid us, can you hold the position? It's up to you."

Vice-captain Wu was obedient and obedient in front of Zhou Zixu, and he was very dignified in front of the station guards.

It's just that there are mud footprints on the ass, which affects his image.

The stationmates want to laugh, but they dare not laugh, because they know that as long as they laugh, the deputy team will also give them a kick on their ass.

The wind in spring is very strong. Standing in front of the cliff, Zhou Zixu gave people a feeling that he would be blown off at any moment.

He stood up straight, with his hands behind his back, his eyes arrogant and haughty, standing on a mountain peak, he could see a different scenery from others.

"Captain, I think it's very dangerous, why don't you still."

Deputy Captain Wu came over to persuade him in a low voice, the captain's wife is about to give birth, so he still wants to do such a dangerous thing?
"What are you talking about? You are not allowed to leak the secrets. The 19 Falcons are all raiding with me. We can win more with less. Let me show you how to defeat a team with only 20 people?"

Vice-captain Wu looked at the captain with a wry smile, and muttered in a low voice, "Whoever loses will be ashamed of you."

The smile on Zhou Zixu's face disappeared, and there was an undeniable domineering in his voice.

"There's so much nonsense. I'd rather lose face now than lose their lives when the real war comes."


Subdued by his momentum and words, Vice-Captain Wu straightened his chest, stood at attention and saluted with a voice as loud as a bell.

The station friends all looked over, they were very curious, what is the military exercise that the captain said?
(End of this chapter)

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