Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 979 Self-defense is not enough?

Chapter 979 Self-defense is not enough?
"Send your sniper team, put away the snatchers, go back and replace them with a special list for exercises, and let them do the most routine field training for the time being."

Zhou Zixu's eyes flashed with lightning, and the light gathered in his eyes. His confidence made him full of charm.

He went down the mountain by himself first, went to find his father, and applied for this practical exercise with him.

Hasn't someone said that before?What would happen if one's own Mao cut off one's own shield?

He also wanted to know about it.

Zhou Baichuan listened quietly to his son's plan, out of inner concern for his son, he didn't want to agree.

But out of consideration for the unit's long-term goals, he felt that it was necessary to carry out this practical training.

"You really decided?"

Zhou Baichuan quickly spread out the map, and the selected mountain for training was still very dangerous.

After looking at it, he looked up at his son.

His father's worry flashed in his eyes, but it was quickly overshadowed. Being in a high position, he naturally had a calm and prestige expression.

"Yes, I think this is an opportunity."

Zhou Zixu's expression was firm, and his radiant eyes became more determined because of his confidence and arrogance.

"Okay, I approve, let your people go to the logistics to pick up the items for the station."

Zhou Baichuan dropped the pen in his hand, stared at his son, and spoke in a deep voice.

"Thank you Minister."

Zhou Zixu's official position in the work unit is called his father, but seeing the concern for himself in his eyes, there is a warm current in his heart.

"Zixu, Dad wants you to be safe, do you understand what I mean?"

This time, Zhou Baichuan's voice was no longer harsh, but a loving father's exhortation to his son.

Zixu has grown up, like a new star rising, exuding dazzling light.

"I understand, Dad."

Zhou Zixu saluted his father, and it was the first time he called his father at work.

The eyes of the two father and son met in the air, and they both saw the affection between father and son in each other's eyes.

No. [-] on the mountain has been following Zhao Jinchen, and he obviously wants to get rid of her.

This made Number One very uncomfortable, but her unyielding character prompted her to persevere to the end.

Love him, if you can't get it, I won't look for it again in this life.

A person with an indifferent personality is obsessed with feelings, as long as you can light up the softest part of his heart, then you are the one he loves the most.

"Wait a minute, I see there are footprints of wild boars here, be careful."

Zhao Jinchen walked ahead in a state of distraught, when No. [-] called the police in a low voice from behind.

Looking back, there were not only footprints of wild boars on the ground, but also footprints of a more terrifying animal.

"This is a black bear, stay alert."

Zhao Jinchen looked at the bear's footprints and warned No. [-] and the other two comrades that the bear was heavy and the footprints were deeply sunken. The most frightening thing was that the footprints were very fresh, as if they had been stepped on not long ago, and there was more than one bear.

"Yes, number five, NO.13, be careful."

No. [-] picked up the gun, looked around, her eyes were cold, and she was bold with high skills, and she was talking about her character.

However, compared to Lu Sihui, she was a little worse.


As if frightened, the birds in the forest flew up from the trees, screaming and circling in mid-air.

"Climb up the tree."

Zhao Jinchen quickly issued an order, and the mountain seemed to be shaken, and the footsteps approaching from far were heavy, and he knew it was a large animal.

For a well-trained person, climbing a tree is a trivial matter, grabbing a branch and flying up the tree, holding your breath and looking down the tree.

A black bear lazily walked into their line of sight, and the four looked at it at the same time.

What I think in my heart is not fear, but that such a big guy should be enough for the station friends to eat.

"Black bears are not allowed to be slaughtered."

Zhao Jinchen's indifferent voice killed the thoughts of several other people in their cradles.

"Not even self-defense?"

(End of this chapter)

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