Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 983 This Kid Is Really Good

Chapter 983 This Kid Is Really Good

Zhao Jinchen saw the timing and gave orders loudly. The other three moved at the same time as him, flying from tree to tree like nimble apes.

The proud and stinky wolf king narrowed his eyes and looked at the humans. It seemed to be thinking, which prey is easier to catch?
Zhou Zixu brought supplies from the foot of the mountain, and led Deputy Wu back to the mountain. It was still the fifth highland last time. The whole team defended the position, and he led the Falcon commando to attack.

"Captain, I still think your plan is unreliable."

Vice-captain Wu followed him and muttered, Zhou Zixu gave him a sideways look.

The voice asked him lazily, "During the war, will the enemy give you time to prepare? Will the enemy choose only 20 people to fight with you because you only have 20 people?"

Deputy Captain Wu took off his hat and scratched his head in embarrassment. After putting on the hat again, he saluted with his chest out: "Yes, I understand."

"Assault team, we have to practice, single-handedly rush in, and open the gap for the brigade. There is nothing wrong with the big brother's station. The mistake is that he attacked in winter. If it is summer, our position is not easy to defend. There will be heavy casualties.”

Zhou Zixu narrowed his eyes, reviewing Zhou Zisong's offensive position in his mind.

At the beginning, the eldest brother said that he was defeated by the weather.

At that time, I still felt that he was unwilling to lose, and he was using words to find a way!

But today, when he stood on the protruding rock, he realized that his eldest brother was not bragging, if it was really Xia Tian, ​​whoever would lose might be the loser.

"Too dangerous."

Deputy Team Wu muttered in a low voice, thinking that Zhou Zixu shouldn't be leading people to carry out the raid himself, it's fine as the leader and commander.

"Sitting on the kang at home is not dangerous, why don't you go home?"

Zhou Zixu greeted him with his big hand on the back of his head, and Deputy Captain Wu hurriedly retracted his neck in fright to avoid his attack with the sound of wind.

"Who said that the kang head is not dangerous? It rained heavily in our village that year, and the landslides occurred. There was a family who thought it was safest to be on their own kang head, but they were buried alive."

Deputy Captain Wu talked to Zhou Zixu with a playful smile, carefully staring at his hands to prevent another sneak attack.

"So, don't be afraid of danger when you are a stationer. Don't be a stationer if you are afraid of death. Go home and stay with your wife on the hot kang."

Zhou Zixu smiled coquettishly, ignored a word thrown at him, and looked at the mountains with his waist in his arms.

Highland No. [-], here I come.

"Old Zhou, your family's Zixu is a genius in the affairs of kings, and he can come up with some weird ideas when he has nothing to do."

Vice Minister Ma looked at his old leader and friend with a smile, envious eyes.

The family's two sons, how they were educated, seemed to be born to be a commander, and their brains were simply too precious.

What makes him most proud is that Zhou Zixu and Zhou Zisong are his right-hand men, and the two generals, Huh Ha, are both members of their department.

"This kid is really good."

This was the first time Zhou Baichuan praised his youngest son in front of outsiders, and there was still pride in his eyes.

"Is the sun out in the west?"

Deputy Minister Ma looked out of the window with a teacup in his hand, looking surprised.

Zhou Baichuan glared at him, didn't answer, and looked down at the Junshu map in front of him.

The words of the youngest son sounded in his mind, "Dad, I want to train a heavy punch. If I succeed this time, the commando plan will be launched in full swing. Every team must have a commando. When fighting, who can fight?" play a key role.”

"Whether this plan is successful or not, I think it should be mentioned in the training schedule. With Zixu as the instructor, we will train a heavy-hitting commando."

(End of this chapter)

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