Chapter 984

Zhou Baichuan threw his pen on the table. On the table were the documents he had written. He had already approved Zhou Zixu's report in advance. Regardless of winning or losing, he felt that the ministry needed to train a heavy-hitting commando.

With few people and small targets, it is not easy to be discovered when acting, and it can appear in front of the enemy with lightning speed.

Destroy their communication command, get rid of the enemies hidden in the dark, and create a favorable opportunity for the brigade to attack.

"Captain, will it start tonight, or tomorrow?"

Vice-team Wu and Zhou Zixu climbed halfway up the mountain, and the sun was already setting. It stands to reason that the mountain stream is very dangerous at night. He thinks it is better to see during the day, and it is safer.

"Starting tomorrow, the few people sent out today don't know about the attack yet."

Zhou Zixu glanced at him. Zhou Zixu didn't care about his worry, but he was short of people temporarily. He was going to take away nineteen people, four of them went out to find food, and had no time to arrange tasks.

When he and Deputy Team Wu returned to the mountain with their people, they found that Zhao Jinchen and the four of them hadn't returned yet.

Other friends, the bonfire is ready, the mushrooms and wild vegetables are also washed and prepared, and the millet brought in is stewed in the big pot. Because I will stay on the mountain for a few days, so rice should be saved to eat in the mountains. When you find food, don't move the food you brought.

"The four of them didn't come back?"

Zhou Zixu frowned and looked at Zhang Changshui and Wang Yuzhu.

"No! We have finished all the training that we should do here. Since you left until now, these four people have not returned. During the period, I heard two guns ringing on the mountain. I have already sent four people to respond."

The two saluted Zhou Zixu and replied.

"You two come with me."

Zhou Zixu waved to the two of them, and the tall figure walked into the depths of the dense forest first.

His ambition has not yet begun, and this is a loss, which is really shameful.

"Now, we're going to learn to track."

Zhou Zixu squinted his bright peach eyes, looking at the spider tracks on the ground.

He had studied tracking at Lu Jun Command Academy.

"Look, there is grass that has been trampled down here."

Zhou Zixu pointed to the trampled grass for them to observe.

"Looking at the direction, it's going that way."

Wang Yuzhu used to live in the mountains at home. He had hunted and knew how to find prey through animal footprints.

"Well, your observation skills are good. If you perform well this time, I will consider letting you join the Falcon Commando."

Zhou Zixu glanced at him appreciatively. This kid is of good quality in all aspects, otherwise he wouldn't have taken him to the competition.

"That's great, as long as I can follow the captain, I'm not afraid of mountains of swords and seas of fire."

Wang Yuzhu began to express his love for Zhou Zixu, who was very flattering.

"Yes, children can be taught."

"Captain, I want to participate too."

As soon as Zhang Changshui quit, he was the one who participated in the competition with the team leader, so why can't he be left behind?

"That depends on your ability. My commando team doesn't want to be useless. One is against a hundred. If you don't have that ability, no matter who you are? You can't join the commando team."

Zhou Zixu gave him a sideways glance. Zhang Changshui was the kind of careless person, but his explosive power and execution ability were not bad.

"I will try my best."

Zhang Changshui hurriedly expressed his determination.

Zhou Zixu ignored him, and stared at the crooked grass on the ground with his sharp black eyes.

"The two groups didn't follow the same route. Are the people you sent here worthless?"

Zhou Zixu's eyes froze, and the severe reprimand scared the two of them into silence. The captain's angry appearance was terrifying.

"Papa." There were several loud noises in succession, which attracted the attention of several people.

(End of this chapter)

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