Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 985 'Wolf King' vs. Wolf King

Chapter 985 'Wolf King' vs. Wolf King
"hurry up."

Zhou Zixu waved his hand and took the lead in rushing towards the depths of the dense forest.

Wang Yuzhu and Zhang Changshui followed closely behind, and the three of them shuttled through the woods like arrows.


There were a few more snapping sounds, and the birds on the trees sang and circled in the sky.

The four of Zhao Jinchen were surrounded by wolves.

The wolf king was worried that black bears were more difficult to deal with, and it was better for humans to hunt and kill them.

Back to back with Zhao Jinchen is No. [-]. She has a solemn face and is ready to sacrifice.

It is also a happy thing to be able to die with the man you love.

The corpses of several wild wolves were lying here and there on the ground. The wolves were angry and jumped towards them like crazy.

"Bow and shoot."

Zhou Zixu picked up the gun and ordered Wang Yuzhu and Zhang Changshui.

The arrow flew out and directly hit the wild wolf that attacked No. [-].


The wild wolf screamed and fell to the ground.


Sensing that the coming opponent was strong, the wolf king issued a command.

Four or five wild wolves were separated out and rushed towards Zhou Zixu and the three of them.

"Catch the thief first to capture the king."

Zhou Zixu discovered the existence of the wolf king when he barked.

Their eyes met in the air, and the wolf king's eyes were sinister and sly, arrogant and confident.

Zhou Zixu smiled charmingly, narrowed his eyes and raised his bow and arrow at it.

Zhang Changyou and Wang Yuzhu tacitly fought back to back against the rushing wolves to protect Zhou Zixu's safety.

The three people who won the game together, the tacit understanding is that they know what the leader wants to do without giving orders?
The Wolf King opened his mouth wide at Zhou Zixu, and screamed shrilly, as if he was desperate and wanted to tear him apart.

Zhou Zixu curled up one corner of his mouth viciously, and he didn't care about the four wild wolves attacking him with their teeth and claws.

When the trigger was pulled, the arrow roared out of the chamber. The wolf king was very cunning. The moment his arrow came out of the chamber, he dodged and flew, hiding behind the rock.

"Hey, is this guy a genius?"

Zhou Zixu's eyes shot out elite light, this wolf king aroused his desire to conquer, he wanted to beat this beast.

Feeling the sound of the wind from the left, accompanied by the smell of fish, Zhou Zixu quickly backed away without even looking at it. Based on his feeling, raising his hand was like an arrow.


A wild wolf fell to the ground less than one meter away from him, twitching, staring at Zhou Zixu with lifeless eyes, unwilling to die.

"You deal with these beasts, I'll go play with the wolf king."

Zhou Zixu raised one corner of his mouth, pulled out the dagger from his waist, held the wall in one hand and the dagger in the other, and rushed towards the rock where the wolf king was hiding.

"Leader, it's too dangerous, come back."

Wang Yuzhu anxiously shouted at his back, isn't their leadership's adventurous spirit too strong?

Zhou Zixu didn't listen to him, and looked carefully at the rock, this wolf king was very cunning.

Fighting wits and courage with animals can also use 36 tricks.

The rock was very high, and the beast seemed to know that Zhou Zixu was coming, so he made a threatening sound.

Very angry at the contempt of human beings, the proud wolf king naturally would not choose to run away.

"Bastard, come out! Hide your head and show your tail, let your men go down to die, what qualifications do you have to be the wolf king?"

Zhou Zixu's voice was lazily provocative, and what he said was full of sarcasm.


The wolf king rushed out from behind the rock screaming wildly, looking at Zhou Zixu with the same fierce eyes.

"Bastard, can you still understand my words? Come on! Suffer death!"

Zhou Zixu hooked his fingers at the wolf king, his smile was evil, enchanting, and he was very frightened.

The wolf king kicked his hind legs and flew towards him.

(End of this chapter)

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