Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 986 Are You Injured?

Chapter 986 Are You Injured?
There was a lock of white hair on the wolf king's forehead, which looked like a bolt of lightning, his eyes were fierce, and his claws were like hooks.

It opened its mouth, revealing a mouth full of sharp fangs, gnawing bones for a long time. Its teeth are very white, but its mouth is very smelly.

"Bastard, you have bad breath and don't brush your teeth."

Zhou Zixu held his breath and cursed, his body quickly dodged to one side, and the dagger in his hand pointed upwards towards its throat.

The wolf king was able to dodge in the air and maintain an attacking posture.

"Bastard, there are two tricks."

Zhou Zixu dodged to avoid its attack and pulled the trigger.

The wolf king's attack was at the final stage, and he wanted to dodge the bullet, but he had no way out.

The arrow just hit the forehead of the wolf king, and blood gushed out, flowing along the white lightning into its flickering unwilling eyes.

Seeing the death of the wolf king, the other wild wolves dared not stand still, and ran away whimpering.

"Captain, you scared us to death."

Wang Yuzhu rushed to Zhou Zixu, pulled his arm up and down to check.

"There is blood on your clothes, are you injured?"

Wang Yuzhu grabbed his clothes and looked at the front chest of his uniform with concern, where there were spurts of blood on it.

"The blood of this beast."

Zhou Zixu kicked the wolf king, proudly looking at his prize.

"Leader, I thought you were going to deal with it with a dagger all the time!"

Zhang Changshui picked up the wolf king's tail, which was about the size of a king dog, but with a thick tail like a broom.

"Am I stupid? Do you still want to play gentleman's fight with a beast? Since ancient times, soldiers have never tire of deceit, and they can lure the enemy deep, so that they can be hit with one blow. You all learn a little bit. When I really give you the command power in the future, the first thing you need to think about is to make the station friends If you take it out, you must bring it back safely, and use the smallest sacrifice to win the greatest victory, understand?"

Zhou Zixu raised his perfect jaw, and his sharp sword-like eyes swept over everyone present. These might be future commanders, and he was penetrating little by little.


The six stationmates shouted loudly, looked at Zhou Zixu confidently, and their trust in him deepened.

Following such a commander, there will be less bloodshed, less sacrifice, and most importantly, more meritorious service.

"Come on, each person carries a wolf, and we will eat wolf meat tonight."

Zhou Zixu looked at the corpses of wolves on the ground, his brows furrowed, and his eyes were critical.

Wolf meat is not tasty, fishy, ​​thick shredded meat, not cooked well.

"team leader."

The four station friends who were ordered to look for Zhao Jinchen ran over when they heard the noise.

Looking at the wolf corpses all over the ground, he grinned, this situation is really intense.

"Here we come. When you save people, the cucumbers will be cold."

Zhou Zixu glanced at them coldly, with dissatisfaction in his tone.

Does he still have such stupid comrades under him?You can go wrong looking for footprints.

The four of them lowered their heads in fright, the captain's gaze was disgusting
Several people were carrying the wolf's body, Zhou Zixu walked in front with his hands behind his back, his head raised, his eyes proud.

He didn't pick up a single wolf, and hated fishy.

The dinner was stewed wolf meat, and Zhou Zixu, Pi Zhou Zixu of the Wolf King, chose to stay. Looking at the bullet holes in the lock of white hair, he clicked his tongue.

Zhao Jinchen was close, and when he heard it, he came over and asked, "What's the matter?"

"I knew it was a little bit off. You see, the lightning was cut off by my waist, destroying the beauty."

Zhou Zixu pouted, eyes full of regret.

Zhao Jinchen looked at him speechlessly, and went home with a wolf skin, is it really okay?

"Jin Chen, we're going to make a big move tomorrow."

(End of this chapter)

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