Chapter 994

The team leader of the third team had been following Zhou Zixu for a long time, looking at the foot of the mountain with a binoculars, the smoke billowing from the kitchen, the team leader smiled brightly, and the food was delicious.

"I think the captain is playing with us."

The third captain made a conclusion based on what he knew about Zhou Zixu.

Because the team leader usually has a hippie smile, but when he really came out to practice in the field, he stayed with them for food and lodging. Good day, he took nineteen people to eat barbecue and let them train by themselves.

"No way? We've replaced it with an empty head. Could it be a joke?"

The second captain felt that something was wrong, frowning in deep thought.

"Can the thinking of the captain be the same as that of ordinary people?"

The third captain glared at him, thought for a while, and decided to set up a defense to prevent problems before they happen.

"First team leader, you stay at the position where you ambush last time. The second team leader leads people to dig a hole near the high ground. The hole dug last year must still be there this year. Let's come and invite you into the urn."

The third captain issued orders loudly. Vice-captain Wu looked at the two of them, unable to remind them, so he could only watch the two dispatch their generals.

No one ambushed people on the edge of the cliff, they were all ambushing on the road.

After watching it, he felt that it was not certain who would win in this battle!

The day turned into night in an instant, and the third captain and the second captain began to patrol the various ambush points.

"Everyone is fully awake, the captain may take advantage of this time to attack the mountain."

The two arranged a circle, returned to Height No. [-], looked at the map of Junshi and studied it for a while.

"I think the captain is most likely to launch a surprise attack in the second half of the night, and we will be caught off guard."

The second captain pointed to several key uphill roads and said to the third captain.

"Tonight, we will take turns to patrol in the first half of the night and the second half of the night. The captain's character, if he attacks, he will choose between two and three o'clock. This is the time when people are most tired, so we must pay attention. "

The third captain nodded, and felt that it made sense, so the two of them divided the work like this.

Although Deputy Captain Wu was not sure when the captain would attack, he knew the route the captain chose. Because of this route, he would not choose to attack in the middle of the night.

It's not easy to remind, and I don't think it's necessary to stay with them, so I just find a place to sleep.

Feeling sorry for the stationers under him, all of them were recruited by the second captain and the third captain. He is now named as the captain, and the old brother is in vain.

Close your eyes and blame the captain, why do you let yourself be a bystander and not allowed to participate in the station?
This night, all the stationmates were tense, staring nervously at the position on the mountain.

It's a pity that the night was calm and nothing happened.

In the morning, the third team leader and the second team leader both wore dark circles and looked down the mountain with binoculars.

"Where's the captain?"

The morning sun was shining golden, and the morning fog was lingering. It was difficult to see the bottom of the mountain.

"I did not see it."

The third captain's eyes were sore, but he didn't notice anyone.

"Did you go hunting in the woods? The barbecue last night was really delicious."

The second captain clicked his mouth and his stomach growled.

"Could it be called up? Send an order to keep everyone on guard." The third captain felt faintly uneasy. The feeling of being calculated by others made him more vigilant.

A day passed, and the stationmates waited tensely again, but they still didn't wait to attack.

"The captain is grilling meat again."

In the evening, the third captain weakly put down the telescope and handed it to the second captain.

"The captain is not interesting, is it? With Falcon, these nineteen people can get into his eyes?"

The second captain got angry after reading it, and muttered in his mouth.

After midnight, they still didn't wait for anyone to come, and the two decided that Zhou Zixu was playing with them.

The morning sun rises, it's another day
(End of this chapter)

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