Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 995 Taking advantage of the morning fog into the mountains

Chapter 995 Taking advantage of the morning fog into the mountains
"Captain, is this the dangerous mission you mentioned?"

No. [-] couldn't bear it anymore, Zhou Zixu ordered everyone to sleep early last night, and he snored when he lay down, but she didn't sleep much all night?
I came to ask the captain early in the morning, regretted not staying on the mountain, followed Zhou Zixu to have a barbecue with the Xiangye Technical Team here, or just sleep, it was a waste of time.

"Am I the commander or are you? The iron-blooded man's vocation is to obey orders, don't you understand?"

Zhou Zixu's black eyes shot out a sharp cold air, he stared into No. [-]'s eyes, and taught her a lesson unceremoniously.

The harsh voice was completely different from usual.


No. [-] was stunned for a moment, straightened his back, and replied with a salute.

"Do [-] push-ups, and after returning to the team, you will be confined for seven days."

Zhou Zixu was cold-hearted, and stared at No. 1 with sharp eyes. On the field, she questioned the command of the commander so much that she had to make a serious mistake.

It will affect the whole plan and kill many people.

"We Falcons don't want personal heroism. As a stationmate, just remember to obey and execute orders, and don't ask questions. If you are better than me, then I am under your command, not you being ice under my hands."

Zhou Zixu stared coldly at No. [-]'s eyes, his low but majestic voice proved that he was very angry now.


Zhao Jinchen came over and called his name with his lips.

Zhou Zixu glanced at him sharply, and the coldness in his eyes was even worse.

Zhao Jinchen smacked 11 to one side. As a man of iron and blood, it is indeed his bounden duty to obey orders.

"The weather is fine today, with no wind."

Zhou Zixu raised his head, sensed the direction of the wind, and smiled confidently.

One day and two nights is enough to paralyze the enemy.

"Pack up your things and take advantage of the morning fog to enter the mountain."

Zhou Zixu issued an order, and he was the first to kick away the fire on the ground, and walked towards the valley with big strides.

"Why don't you take the mountain road?"

NO.12 asked in a low voice, and she suddenly realized that No. 13, No. [-], and No. [-] had gone somewhere?

"Let's go!"

No. [-] has learned a lesson and has learned to be smart, so he followed behind Zhou Zixu with a dull head.

The morning fog dissipated and the sun was shining brightly. Both the third captain and the second captain held binoculars and stood on the fifth height to look down the mountain.

"There is no one during the day, did you go hunting again?"

"It's time to barbecue again in the evening. Shouldn't we also eat something good? After two days, we only ate wolf meat and gruel. In order to prevent the team leader from attacking us, we didn't dare to go hunting."

The second captain muttered, he was convinced.

"Send five people to hunt for some wild game, and the others continue to watch with all their energy."

The third captain was right after thinking about it, he was out for six days in total, and the dry food he brought was limited.

He also needs to be self-sufficient in the mountains, but for the past two days, all his attention has been on the captain, and no one has been sent to hunt.

Lunch was being prepared on Height No. [-], and the teammates took turns to rest after shifts and fell asleep.

Now eating is not as important as sleeping. For two nights in a row, I was fully armed and highly nervous, but I just didn't wait for the captain to attack the mountain.

Now, in broad daylight, he naturally relaxed his vigilance.

"Tsk, they're eating barbecue too."

In the valley, Zhou Zixu chewed dry food and took a sip of the stream water. He smelled the smell of barbecue floating down from the mountain, and he laughed wantonly and frivolously.

"Captain, we are all ready."

When Number Five came to report, Zhou Zixu put away his smile and returned to his sternness.

"There are all of them. This is the best time to attack. According to the task I just assigned, we can't let them eat too much."

(End of this chapter)

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