Long Shao Aojiao's skills are full

Chapter 171 The Most Trusted Person

Chapter 171 The Most Trusted Person
"Go back and eat." Long Lanyue gave an answer coolly.

Lu Xintong was not surprised at all.She felt that she knew Long Lanyue quite well.

A person of his level would definitely not eat out.

"Okay." She was thinking, and she would send a text message to Ye Qing later, saying that she would go back later and ask her to take cover.It feels like An Yi doesn't seem to be staring at her anymore.

When I got home, I found that the meal was ready on the table.Lu Xintong was a little surprised.This person...is really like a god-man.

It's just that she has more important things to tell Long Lanyue now.

After sitting down, she was about to speak, holding back all the way, and couldn't wait to tell him.

She thought that with Long Lanyue's supernatural powers, she should know what happened to her mother's strange phenomena.

Of course she wouldn't believe it, it was just an ordinary natural phenomenon.Especially after discovering that Long Lanyue has some unbelievable abilities, she can accept anything now.

Even if Long Lanyue told her that there were really ghosts in this world, she would not be surprised or scared.The world is full of wonders.

Lu Xintong was about to speak, but was interrupted by Long Lanyue: "Eat first." His voice was always calm and indifferent, as if he was not in a hurry.

Lu Xintong thought to herself, really don't know what Long Lanyue would be like when she was in a hurry?But she quickly denied it. A person like him should not be in a hurry.

Withdrawing her thoughts, she groaned, then nodded.Listen to him, or he will be cold-faced again.

"Long Lanyue, Lu Qingshan told me some strange phenomena about my mother today." After eating, Lu Xintong couldn't wait to drag him to the sofa and sit down.

Long Lanyue responded lightly.

Lu Xintong told Long Lanyue what Lu Qingshan said before, without concealing anything.For Lu Xintong now, Long Lanyue is the person she trusts the most.

She thought that Long Lanyue would never betray her!

After she finished speaking, she grabbed his hand and asked in disbelief: "Long Lanyue, do you think my mother has a special identity? Is she a fairy who came to the world to experience calamities?"

She thought she might have watched too many TV shows.

But once she opened her mind, she couldn't take it back at all.Even a little uncontrollable imagination, completely let go.

The corner of Long Lanyue's mouth twitched, thinking that the girl was quite capable of thinking.But it does make some sense.

At this moment, Lu Xintong was waiting for his answer.Get in touch with her doubts.

"Your mother's identity is temporarily uncertain, but she is indeed not an ordinary person." In the end, Long Lanyue could only tell her this.No matter how much, he can't say now.

She knows too much, and it's not a good thing for her.

Lu Xintong bit her lip, as if struggling, after a while, she finally asked, her eyes were wet.Arouse pity.

"Then tell me, if my mother is not an ordinary person, is it possible that she is still alive?!" After seeing her photo, she really wanted to get along with her, which aroused deep in her heart, and she thought she had disappeared. desire for maternal love.

Long Lanyue pursed her lips, she really couldn't just tell her about this matter.Otherwise, it would be too cruel to give her hope now, but to be disappointed in the end.

In his silence, Lu Xintong seemed to have got the answer.

It would be false not to be disappointed, but it was true that she was thinking too much.How could mother be still alive?
(End of this chapter)

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