Chapter 172 Awakened
"Long Lanyue, will what I told you today help you in your investigation?" After a long silence, Lu Xintong asked again.

"Yes." Long Lanyue could answer this question very readily.

The loss in Lu Xintong's heart was finally relieved a little.As long as it can help Long Lanyue, it is worth it for her.And he also took the opportunity to vent his emotions.

In Lu Qingshan's office.

Ever since Lu Xintong left, he has been immersed in certain thoughts and cannot get out.

Sometimes it was the questioning from his wife in his dream, and sometimes it was the heart-piercing accusation made by his daughter just now.Then there is my concern for her over the past 20 years.

Admittedly, he did very little.

Thinking that Pan Yunqiao would treat her sincerely and leave many things to her, he stopped asking about family affairs.He has always been quite traditional in his thinking.But I didn't expect that it would cause such a great harm to my daughter.

Lu Xintong is right, freezing three feet doesn't happen in a day, she is not so sharp from the beginning, like a hedgehog, stabbing anyone who comes close.

It is true that he has dereliction of duty and failed to fulfill his responsibilities as a father.

Lu Qingshan thought about it, his eyes were a little red, as if he had aged ten years in a flash.A few strands of white hair instantly added to the temples.

Especially what my daughter said just now, the thing about Pan Yunqiao poisoning her was simply heartbreaking.

Although he didn't investigate now, he didn't have conclusive evidence, but inexplicably, he believed everything Lu Xintong said.

Withdrawing from his thoughts, he took out his mobile phone, dialed a number, and the call was quickly connected.

His deep and hoarse voice sounded: "You investigate for me what Pan Yunqiao has been doing during this time, and you can't let her know. Tell me immediately if you have any clues."

After closing the line, he fell into his thoughts again.Now what Lu Qingshan thinks is how he can make up for his daughter, he actually still wants to get her back.Although I know it's hard.

Maybe it's because I'm getting older, and I always like to recall the past.

Although he and her mother have only been together for a year, it is indeed an indelible memory for him. Moreover, this memory seems to have become more and more profound in the recent days, and he does not know what is going on. .

When Fa's wife was alive, she also had those sweet days for a few months, and then she began to owe her.After she left, she told her to take good care of her daughter, but he finally broke his promise.

More than 20 years have passed, and unconsciously, my daughter has grown up, but she is getting farther and farther away from him, and her attitude towards him is more like a hostile stranger.He was not feeling well at all.

Lu Qingshan thought, what should he do to make up for his daughter? !

At this time, Pan Yunqiao had no idea that her husband suddenly realized that he had other ideas.

She is now accompanying Lu Yutong in the hospital.

It was strange to say that yesterday she was still in pain, but today she seemed to be fine, and now she was going to be discharged from the hospital and go home.

"Yutong, what's going on? Why are you so well-behaved and suddenly have a stomachache?" Pan Yunqiao couldn't help asking when she was packing her things.

Lu Yutong shook her head dejectedly: "I don't know, it just happened suddenly, as if she was cursed suddenly. There was no warning at all." Her voice was very low.

Thinking that the first date with Jiang Muchen was so dirty, he must have had a bad impression of her, she was very upset.

Hearing her daughter say this, it seemed that two words suddenly hit her point, Pan Yunqiao suddenly woke up!
(End of this chapter)

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