Chapter 294 Suicide
Early in the morning, a scream came from Pan Yunqiao's room and resounded throughout the apartment.

Lu Qingshan just woke up, heard the voice, hurried to his wife's room.

I saw my little daughter lying on her bed and crying bitterly.Look at the person on the bed, lying quietly, on the bedside table next to him, there is a bottle of sleeping pills, and there are a few pills scattered around...

What happened seems to be clear.But for Lu Qingshan, it was undoubtedly a very heavy blow.He staggered two steps, but fortunately he stabilized in time so that he didn't fall to the ground.

Perhaps sensing that someone was coming in, Lu Yutong quickly turned her head. After seeing her father's gloomy face, a moment of panic flashed in her eyes, but it was quickly covered up by sadness.

She stood up, ran to Lu Qingshan, hugged his arm, and buried her head on his shoulder.

"Father, mother, she...she's gone..." Lu Yutong's voice broke down with sobs, and his whole back trembled violently.From Lu Qingshan's point of view, it should be very sad.

He could also understand, as he stroked his daughter's back, his eyes were moist.He was really sad that his wife who had been with him for many years left just like that. In fact, he had spent a whole night of ideological struggle and smoked cigarettes for half the night, and he had already decided to agree to Lu Xintong's request.

As long as the person is still there, the money can still be earned back in the future.He is in his 40s this year, and he is not too old. If he works hard for another ten years, he should still be able to do it.

It's just that she couldn't hold on, and chose an extreme method, probably all hope was lost.

He walked to the edge of the bed and sat down, grabbed his wife's hand, tears streaming down his face.

"Yunqiao, how can you be so stupid?! I'm already thinking of a way, why can't you wait for me?" Lu Qingshan said in a low voice, his voice choked.

Lu Yutong stood aside, feeling scared and flustered.In fact, she didn't want to do that either, but for some reason... she did it by accident.

Seeing her father like this now, she suddenly regretted it...

But there is no way, she has done everything, she has no turning back now, she must not let her father know, otherwise her father will definitely not forgive her, but she really doesn't want to have nothing, and she doesn't want to be ridiculed, especially Lu Xintong.

If she has nothing left, laugh at what she hates the most, the first person to step her under her feet must be the broom star, so she must not let her get what she wants!

She has silently said [-] million times in her heart that she is sorry for her mother!

Two days later, Lu Qingshan held a funeral for Pan Yunqiao, and he seemed to have aged ten years overnight.While missing his wife, he also blamed Lu Xintong for being too cruel.

If she hadn't been so ruthless, she wouldn't have forced her to commit suicide, and she would definitely not be able to hold on.

However, Lu Xintong only found out about this matter two days after Pan Yunqiao's funeral.

I heard Mira call and gossip with her.

When she heard the news, she couldn't help exclaiming: "You said that Pan Yunqiao committed suicide? A person like her would commit suicide?!" She obviously didn't believe it at all.

"Yes, that's what I heard. Xintong, do you know what's going on?!" Mira asked gossipingly.

Lu Xintong here couldn't recover for a long time.

It wasn't until Mira yelled several times that she suddenly pulled out of her thoughts: "Ah, I don't know either." She couldn't say anything else.It can only be vague.

However, she thought that this matter was definitely not as simple as it appeared on the surface.

(End of this chapter)

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