Long Shao Aojiao's skills are full

Chapter 295 How Do You Know She Doesn't Like Me? !

Chapter 295 How Do You Know She Doesn't Like Me? !

According to what she knew about Pan Yunqiao over the years, she would never commit suicide if there was a chance of survival. She was afraid of death, and she was reluctant to part with her splendor and wealth.

That night, she had clearly told Lu Qingshan the conditions for saving her. If Pan Yunqiao knew about this, she would definitely do everything possible to make him agree to save her.

But the result turned out to be such an ending, there must be something tricky, there are only two people in the family, except for Lu Qingshan and Lu Yutong.

These two people, no matter who did it, make people feel chilling.

It turns out that when it comes to one's own vital interests, all feelings can be sacrificed, plastic mother-daughter love, plastic husband-wife love.

Lu Xintong withdrew her thoughts, the nasty things between them had nothing to do with her, this time Pan Yunqiao died because of her, she had to avenge her.I don't want to have anything to do with them in the future.

Lu Xintong kept telling herself that she didn't care about their affairs, but after hearing this, she was still a little depressed.As if a stone was pressed against her chest, she was a little out of breath.

Not because of sympathy or guilt for Pan Yunqiao, but because of thinking of himself.

If one day, she and Long Lanyue encounter the same situation, will Long Lanyue be like Lu Qingshan...

This question only sprouted for two seconds before being cut off by her.She was sure that Long Lanyue would definitely not do this!He is already strong enough that he doesn't need to sacrifice anyone to achieve himself.

She was annoyed at the thought she had just had.

Since she was with Long Lanyue, she shouldn't doubt him. There must be enough new talents between lovers.She firmly believed that such a thing would never happen to them.

It's fine if Pan Yunqiao is dead, otherwise he's been plotting to harm her all day long.It can be regarded as solving a big hidden danger. As for Lu Yutong, if she is not afraid of death and dares to provoke her, she will definitely not be soft-hearted.

After chatting casually with Mira, Lu Xintong hung up the phone.

For the rest of the working hours, he was a little absent-minded and felt uncomfortable. He just wanted to get home from get off work quickly and nestle in Long Lanyue's arms.don't want to do anything...

At the same time, on Long Lanyue's side, it's rare that Si Chen is also in his castle today.

In fact, Si Chen came here to find Long Lanyue on purpose.

I had been planning to tell him about him before, but I never had the chance.He couldn't help himself a little, and decided to come over in person, otherwise this guy would not take it seriously.

At this time, they are in the study.

Si Chen was sitting on the sofa in the study, leaning on his legs with folded legs, and he was still as lazy as usual.

Long Lanyue was sitting behind the desk, looking at the guy in front of her with disgust.

"Lanyue, just tell me when to call my girl back." He said casually, with a faint smile on his lips.

Long Lanyue raised her eyelids, and a cold voice sounded: "Who is your girl, don't take advantage of it."

There was no warmth in his voice, and his own arrogance was revealed in his words.

"You know it clearly, don't pretend to be crazy with me," Si Chen said with a slightly serious face.

"Ye Xue has no interest in you, so much love." This person, when rejecting others, is so decisive, directly poking his heart.

Si Chen covered his heart with one hand, accusing Long Lanyue of being ruthless.

"You're not her, how do you know she doesn't like me? I'm so suave, Yushu Linfeng, unless you are blind, there is no one who doesn't like me! Anyway, don't talk so much nonsense. Call me back."


(End of this chapter)

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