Invincible cultivation system

Chapter 1042 Ignoring the Rules

Chapter 1042 Ignoring the Rules (Determination)
Chutian looked at the 'weak' flame and smiled without saying a word, but under the mask, the other party couldn't see it, and the old man stared at Chutian, wanting to see if he was doing anything.

But Chutian didn't move under the flames, and didn't even say a word, which made the old man wonder, "Don't you feel uncomfortable?"

"Steward Qin, this power is not worth mentioning to me."

The old man became weird when he heard this, "Oh? Is it really so powerful?"

Chu Tian smiled, "If I dare to recommend myself, I will definitely pass your test!"

The other party didn't expect Chutian to be so confident, so he stepped up his strength, but Chutian was still fine when the strength was increased, which made the old man ponder, and he murmured to himself, "He is clearly a golden immortal, but why can he be so powerful?" The resistance is so strong."

So the other party looked at Chu Tian again, "You are not a god, but why are you so powerful?"

"Steward Qin, although I'm not divine, I'm not bad."

The other party nodded, and it lasted for a quarter of an hour before the other party put away the flames, "You have passed my test, so I will take you there."

So this steward Qin got up, took Chutian and left here. When he reappeared, he had already arrived outside the elite pavilion.

The two guards didn't expect Guanshi Qin to come in person, they said respectfully, "Guard Qin."


Afterwards, Guanshi Qin led Chu Tian into the formation, and then a ladder appeared, and then they walked up the ladder together.

Until a gate appeared in front of me. When the gate was opened, there were many floating houses inside. There were corridors between each of these houses, which was like connecting different bird's nests together.

Qin Guanshi said to Chu Tian, ​​"Elite Pavilion, everything is solved with strength, and there are ten floors here. The higher the floor, the fewer the houses, but the better and the bigger, so you want to live comfortably and well. If you have great power, then you have to challenge the house you want."

Chutian didn't expect it to be so ruthless here, and then the steward Qin took out a token and hung it on Chutian's waist, "You are number 180 here, also called 180, and people here are known by numbers You can’t use your real name for the other party’s, you understand?”

After Chu Tian understood and nodded, that steward Qin clapped his hands, and in an instant someone was poking out from the windows of every room, looking very strange, like a person locked in a cage.

As for Guanshi Qin, he said to them, "This is a newcomer, No. 180."

Immediately after that, it became lively, and Qin Guanshi smiled, "I wish you good luck."

Manager Qin left soon, and the higher the level, the less he took it seriously. Obviously they looked down on Chutian, let alone worried that Chutian would provoke them, so they all hid.

As for those at the bottom, they looked at Chu Tian for a while, then gradually retreated, and all of them became quiet all at once.

Chu Tian came here not to fight, but to find someone, and he yelled, "Su Mengxi!"

This remark immediately alarmed countless people, and now it has become lively, and some people even shouted, "Boy, you are so brave, you dare to call someone's name."

"Boy, you don't want to live anymore, you can't call your name here."

"You're really tired of living."

Sure enough, a ball of flames fell from the sky, and a man with a fiery red mask appeared, surrounded by balls of flames, glaring at Chu Tian, ​​"You broke the rules, and you will be punished once."


"That's right, I was attacked once!"

Some people in those rooms gloated, "This newcomer really doesn't know the rules."

"If you don't understand the rules, you will suffer!"

"I don't know if he will die miserably after taking the palm of this law enforcement officer."

And the man with the fiery red mask stared at Chu Tian, ​​"Look at it."

The opponent immediately slapped out a palm, and this palm with a strong aura of flames hit Chu Tian all at once, and Chu Tian stepped back a few steps in a row, only let out a muffled grunt, and then he recovered quickly in his body.

This made the person under the fiery red mask stare at Chu Tian with a frown, "Boy, are you alright?"


The law enforcement officer was a little displeased, after all, he was a law enforcement officer, and he taught those who broke the rules here, but now the people who broke the rules were fine, so he frowned and said, "Then do you know the rules here now? "


The other party just turned around and disappeared, but Chutian was a little depressed. Su Mengxi should have heard him yelling just now, so he looked around, and then walked around in place, wanting to yell again.

A few people on the bottom floor came out, and they surrounded Chutian, which made Chutian wonder, "Everyone, what's the matter?"

"Yes, you made us practice because of your noise."

Chu Tian smiled wryly, "Why did I bother you?"

"You woke us up when you yelled just now, so we are very upset."

Chu Tian didn't take it seriously, "It's none of my business if you are unhappy."

"Whenever we are unhappy, we have to go to the pharmacy to buy some medicine, and this medicine needs a lot of fairy stones, so if you can give each of us [-] million fairy stones, we will forgive you today."

Chu Tian stared at them and smiled wryly, "If you want to rob, just say it directly, what are you doing to make it so troublesome."

Those people immediately laughed, and one of them said, "Boy, you are enlightened, so hurry up, six people, one person is [-] million."

Chu Tian stared at them, "Don't say [-] million for each person, I won't give each person one."

"Boy, don't you want to live?"

"Can we do it here?" Chu Tian asked doubtfully.

Those people laughed, mocking Chutian's ignorance, and one person said, "As long as the surroundings are not dirty, anyone can do it here, and we have a magic weapon to kill people invisible, so you'd better be careful."

"A magic weapon? Then I'll take a look."

These people finally looked at one person, and that person took out a needle and said with a smile, "Boy, this needle is called a soul-inducing needle. As long as I release it, we can control it together, and the power of the six of us can directly penetrate the needle." It is very simple to break your immortal soul with your physical body."

But Chu Tian said coldly, "I think you'd better not try it, or you will regret it."

Those people immediately became angry, feeling that Chutian was provoking them, so the person released the needle, and then the six people controlled the needle together, and then stabbed directly at Chutian with powerful force.

Everyone watching the play in the air thought that Chu Tian was going to die now.

But the moment the needle touched Chutian, the needle reached Chutian's hand, and Chutian held the needle and sneered, "Is this the power of you six trash?"

The six people were stunned, and the audience was also curious about how Chu Tian stopped the injection.

Until one person cursed, "Bastards, let's go together and attack with the soul."

I saw these six people surrounded Chutian, and then frantically launched a soul attack, but Chutian stood there helplessly, allowing them to attack, and at the same time teased, "Too weak, continue."

These six people were annoyed, and even used the booster magic weapon, but they couldn't win Chutian.

Chu Tian smiled instead, "If you can't do it, then I'll come."

The needles in this hand were suddenly used by Chu Tian, ​​and then flew out one by one, passing through the bodies of the six of them in an instant, and the souls of the six people screamed on the spot.

Chu Tian then stared at the six seriously injured and said with a smile, "Do you want more immortal stones?"

These six people were frightened, until one of them said, "Boy, you, don't do anything, or our big brother won't spare you."

"I don't care who your eldest brother is, as long as you mess with me, I won't be polite!"

After speaking, Chutian stepped forward and wounded them one by one. The people present were stunned and wondered what kind of strength Chutian was and why he was so powerful.

As for Chu Tian calmly asked the six of them who could no longer move, "Do you want to continue?"

The six of them were dying, until they reached the fifth floor in the sky, one person walked out, and he landed, staring at Chu Tian with cold eyes.

Those six people said excitedly, "Brother Sanjiu."

"Sanjiu?" Chu Tian took a glance, and it turned out that the other party's number was Sanjiu, and these people called their eldest brother, directly using the code name.

As for Sanjiu, he stared at Chutian, "Boy, do you know the consequences of hurting them?"

But Chu Tian asked, "What? Are you coming to rob too?"

"I'll ask you again."

"I'll ask you again!"

The people present were stunned. They didn't expect that Chu Tian dared to challenge Sanjiu, but those six people acted like a tiger, and someone even said, "Boy, you are finished. Our big brother Sanjiu is a fairy king, and his strength is very strong!" Strong."

"That's right, Immortal King, killing you instantly is not a problem."

These people shouted loudly one by one, and everyone watching the play began to mourn for Chu Tian.

As for Chu Tian staring at the already angry Sanjiu with a smile, "Just come if you have any skills, I'm not afraid of trouble."

These [-] forces formed a wood-green enchantment to trap Chutian, and then said coldly, "This is the enchantment I created, and no one can escape without my permission."

But Chu Tian stared at the barrier and said, "Just break the barrier? Do you still want to trap me?"

Seeing that Chutian dared to ignore his own barrier, Sanjiu stared at Chutian coldly, "You really don't want to live!"

But Chu Tian walked out of the barrier in front of everyone, "I've said it all, just break the barrier, you don't believe me!"

Only now did everyone know that Chu Tian was not joking, and that Sanjiu felt as if someone had slapped him in the face, and he was very unhappy and said, "You boy, you are able to walk out of my enchantment. You must have a magic weapon."

As soon as these words came out, some people were immediately attracted, and Chu Tian sneered, "So what if you have it, so what if you don't have it."

"If there is, this magic weapon is mine today."

After the other party finished speaking, without hesitation, he leaped to Chutian, and a claw quickly appeared in his hand, and then swiped across, trying to tear off a huge piece of Chutian's flesh.

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(End of this chapter)

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