Invincible cultivation system

Chapter 1043 Do you really think you are the boss?

Chapter 1043 Do you really think you are the boss? (determined)

Chu Tian could feel the aura released from the other party's body, which was about the size of the three-star Immortal King. This strength seemed to be very powerful for ordinary people, but Chu Tian was not afraid at all, and it could even be said that he didn't take it seriously.

I saw Chu Tian turned around and then crossed over again, and disappeared from the original position easily, and Sanjiu naturally missed it.

Some people booed for the peace of the sky, and the scene immediately became lively.

This Sanjiu was a little puzzled, why did Chutian disappear from his original position in the blink of an eye, even though he was still here just now.

So he planned to lock Chutian, but he released a series of barriers to trap Chutian and prevent him from leaving.

But Chutian smiled strangely when he saw the barrier, broke through the barrier directly, and said, "It seems that I have no choice but to make a move."

Seeing that Chutian can break even his own barrier, Sanjiu is even more convinced that Chutian has a magic weapon.

Not only Sanjiu, but everyone in the room in the sky also felt that Chu Tian must have some powerful magic weapon, which made many people's eyes shine strangely.

But just when Sanjiu made an attack, thinking that he could seriously injure Chutian, Chutian moved away again, sneered, and a flaming sword appeared in his hand.

After a while, a sword field appeared, and everyone in the air suddenly saw that Chu Tian and that Sanjiu had disappeared, and they all showed curiosity.

As for Chutian Sword Domain, that Sanjiu was surprised, "What kind of place is this?"

"A place to teach you a lesson!"

I saw the raging flames burning the sky, turning into huge flames, and then fiercely rushed towards that Sanjiu, and with a 'bang' sound, he hit that Sanjiu heavily.

This time Sanjiu was seriously injured on the spot, and then stared at Chutian darkly, "You, you!"

Chu Tian laughed, "What? Do you have any questions?"

This Sanjiu gritted his teeth and looked at Chutian, "You really pissed me off."

"So what if you're mad at you? I'm going to kill you!"

"Ridiculous, I am the Three Star Immortal King, you are the Golden Immortal, you want to kill me? Dreaming!"

Chu Tian sneered, "I forgot to tell you that in my sword domain, my swordsmanship can still be enhanced, so the next moment, it will be your life."

After finishing speaking, Chutian's raging flames and burning sword energy suddenly strengthened. Sanjiu felt the fear and wanted to escape, but the other party was only a three-star fairy king, and he couldn't escape from the sword field set up by Chutian, so he could only shout there, "no no!"

But it was too late, the sword qi fell one by one, severely injuring that Sanjiu, and finally Chutian sealed his soul.

Inside Chutian's sealing device, that Sanjiu shouted unwillingly, "Boy, let me go, let me go!"

"Do you think that's possible?"

Sanjiu became impatient, "Boy, you'd better let me go, otherwise you will never have a better life in this elite pavilion."

"Are you still threatening me?"

The other party snorted, "I'm not threatening you, I just want to tell you that this is the truth!"

But Chu Tian stared at the other party coldly, "You should stay here."

Chu Tian didn't pay attention to the other party, but put away the sword domain. Those people who were outside at the moment saw that there was a dead body beside Chu Tian, ​​and it was still in the middle of the night, and they were all shocked.

The six seriously injured people all wondered what happened, why Chutian was able to kill Sanjiu, but Chutian looked at those people, "Everyone, it's your turn."

Those six people were shocked, "No, no."

I saw the six of them trying to escape, but Chu Tian got them into the nine-pointed star and solved them all at once.

This also made the Elite Pavilion lose seven people immediately. This is not a trivial matter, and soon attracted the law enforcement officer, who stared at Chutian strangely, "You, kill all seven of them."


The law enforcement officer frowned, "You, killed so many people at once?"

But Chu Tian laughed and said, "Is there a rule here that you cannot kill people?"

"Not really, but I have to remind you that here, you can provoke others, you can fight, try not to kill people, otherwise, if you kill too many people, it will cause an imbalance here, and then you will be sanctioned."

"Sanction? What kind of sanction?"

Seeing that Chu Tian was still asking questions, the law enforcement officer had no choice but to explain, "It was taken to a separate place."

Chu Tian didn't need to understand to know that it should mean to lock up, and the other party disappeared after finishing speaking.

Chu Tian had no choice but to look at the houses in the sky, thinking about how to find Su Mengxi, so he planned to start with some girls who looked like women.

But just after asking one person, three people appeared, and each of them took out a box-like thing in their hands.

The three boxes released three black rays of light converging on Chutian, and Chutian disappeared in an instant.

Then a person fell from the sky, and he looked at the three of them, "Is it done?"

"It's done, now we have trained the forest."

"Well, let's go."

After a while, the four of them disappeared, and Chu Tian was puzzled, he suddenly came to a forest, and this forest was some distance away from the castle not far away.

This made him wonder, "How did these people send me here."

At this time, the three people appeared again and surrounded Chutian. Chutian was puzzled when he saw them, "You guys got me out?"

The three of them didn't speak until a person fell from the sky, and he had a strong aura, like an immortal emperor.

Chu Tian stared at the other party and said, "What? You want to deal with me too?"

The other party took out his number, which was engraved with three, which is the number three, but he quickly put it down and said, "You killed many of my younger brothers, do you know the consequences?"

Chu Tian smiled wryly, "Are they your little brothers?"


"It's obvious that they attacked me, so can't I fight back?"

But the other party took it for granted, "There, I am the boss, you have to respect me and hand in some fairy stones to me, it's only a matter of course, why? Don't you agree?"

Chu Tian didn't expect the robbers to be so rampant now, and he smiled wryly, "I said, you are a majestic immortal emperor, do you have such a shortage of immortal stones?"

The immortal emperor sneered, "There are very few ways to earn immortal stones here, but immortal stones are of great use here. Do you think you are a newcomer, so you shouldn't give us some? That way, we can protect you too." ?”

Chu Tian sneered, "If you rob, you rob, as if you're protecting me."

"Boy, I'm not bragging, if we don't rob you, someone will rob you, so now you hand over the good things, even all your magic weapons, maybe I can let you go, and even let you join my forces , whoever bullies you in the future, we will protect you."

But Chu Tian said, "Sorry, I don't need it."

Seeing how crazy Chu Tian was, those three people immediately began to curse.

"Boy, don't you want to live?"

"Boy, do you dare to talk back to our boss?"

"Boy, we didn't scare you, our boss can beat you to pieces with one palm."

Seeing these three people who spoke out loud, Chu Tian had a headache and said, "I said, you three little brothers, can you stop bragging like this, otherwise the cowhide will be broken, and it depends on how you pretend."

Those three people immediately prepared to attack, but the number three raised his hand and said, "Don't worry, give him another chance."

The three had no choice but to hold back their anger, but Chu Tian laughed and said, "I'll take the opportunity myself, I don't want you to give it."

Number three frowned, "So, you, a golden immortal, are going to compete with me, an immortal emperor?"

"What about the Immortal Emperor?"

No. [-] had no choice but to say coldly, "Okay, you three don't have to be polite, let me fix him until he can't move."


The three of them fought immediately, and it is obvious that they can fight at will here, so the three of them released a powerful aura from the beginning, all three of them are fairy kings, and they are all five or six stars.

Chu Tian had no choice but to take out the Divine Lightning Hammer, stared at them and said with a smile, "You guys want to play, so I'll accompany you!"

The Divine Lightning Hammer charged up and directly shot out thunder and lightning, and the three of them felt paralyzed, but there was no serious problem, at most it only slowed down their movements.

No. [-] stared at Chu Tian and exclaimed, "This hammer is good, I want it too, so don't break it."

"yes, Sir."

The three fought again, and Chu Tian sneered, "Slowed down? Do you still dare to be arrogant? Then I will let you know how powerful I am."

I saw Chutian took out a sharp dagger and combined it with the Divine Lightning Hammer. When those people moved slowly, Chutian's dagger slashed across their bodies. After a while, the three of them bled to varying degrees.

This made the three of them yell at each other, and the number three stared even more, "A bunch of trash, you are the fairy kings."

"Boss, his hammer will slow down our actions."

No. [-] had no choice but to say, "I'll suppress his magic weapon, you guys go ahead."


Seeing that No. [-] took out a rope, with a swish, it entangled Chutian's divine thunder hammer. The three were overjoyed, and quickly launched their own attacks, thinking that they could give Chutian a blow.

But Chutian smiled strangely, and swiped across with one hand, the rope was cut by the dagger, which stunned No. [-], "This dagger, why is it so powerful?"

As for the three of them attacking Chutian at this moment, they did not expect Chutian to break free suddenly, and the divine thunder hammer hit them again, and threw them all into the nine-pointed star.

When the three of them entered the nine-pointed star, they were dumbfounded when they saw freshmen wearing masks everywhere.

As for Chu Tian used Sword Domain again, he killed the three of them alive.

No. [-] who was outside at the moment frowned after seeing the calm everywhere, "Where's the person?"

At this moment, Chu Tian came out with a hammer in his hand and said with a smile, "Here it is."

At the same time, the three corpses were thrown aside, and number three frowned as he looked at the corpses, "You killed them all?"

"Well, besides, I want to kill you!"

That No. [-] snorted, "I am the Immortal Emperor, do you have the ability to kill me?"

"I haven't, but I can try this."

Chu Tian cast the nine-pointed star directly, and then let the opponent enter the wind and thunder formation, and immediately scared the opponent to shout, "What is this?"

"Wind and Thunder Array! It's just right to deal with your Immortal Emperor."

No. [-] said, "Boy, I'll give you another chance, let me out!"

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(End of this chapter)

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