Invincible cultivation system

Chapter 1304 The Horror of the Ancient Star Gods

Chapter 1304 The Horror of the Ancient Star Gods (Determination)

Chu Tian looked at them coldly and said with a smile, "It's fine if you kill me, but can't I kill you?"

That Emperor Jian stared at Chu Tian strangely, "You, what do you want?"

"It's okay, I want to solve the two of you."

Jian Tianzi and the blood drop man looked at each other, suddenly the two joined forces, the surrounding space reversed, a crack in the sky appeared, and everyone was sucked into it, and when Chu Tian reappeared, he was in a barren mountain in the tomb of the gods.

As for Emperor Jian and Xuediren, they have fled, but there are their voices in the sky, and Emperor Jian is anxious, "Boy, you wait, I will let you die without a place to bury you."

The blood drop man was not to be outdone, "I want all the ancient demons to deal with you."

Chu Tian smiled, "Really? Then let them come, I'll wait."

The two were so angry that they hurriedly left, but Chu Tian had cracking power in his left hand, stored power in his right hand, and wings behind him, so it was no problem for him to fight, defend, or escape.

So Chutian is not afraid of these ancient gods, ancient demons, and ancient demons at all.

After half an hour, there was a lot of movement from everywhere, and many ancient gods and demons fell from the sky all of a sudden.

These are all brought by Emperor Jian and Blooddrop.

I saw Emperor Jian shouting to those ancient gods, "Who can destroy him, I am seriously injured today."

The blood drop man even said, "If you kill him, I will teach him my magic later."

These people were puzzled, why these two people hated Chu Tian so much for this superior god, and Chu Tian looked at a group of ancient gods and demons with a smile and said, "I say, everyone, if you don't want to die, you can just die." Don't get close, or you won't know how you died."

These people thought that Chutian was joking, so they swarmed over at once, but facing so many people, Chutian had no choice but to accumulate energy first, then spread his wings, and quickly avoid them there.

These people chased wildly, and Emperor Jian looked at the blood drop man, "This guy has fused the wings, and his speed is very fast. If you don't control him, you can't take him down at all."

The Blood Dropman frowned, "He can't be dealt with in the Heavenly Cave Palace, so what can we do?"

Emperor Jian thought for a while and said, "It would be great if we could invite that ancient god."


"One star ancient god of our ancient god."

The blood drop man was surprised, "Which one of you ancient gods has already obtained a star position."

"I just got it recently, why? Be envious."

The blood drop man couldn't believe it, "It's not easy for someone to get a star position after so many years."

"Of course, and I'm already a half-star. Originally, as long as I fused the divine bone, I would have hoped to reach the first-star position, but now it's all right." Tianzi Jian got angry when he said this, and immediately turned and left.

As for Chutian, he naturally paid attention to their chats, and even used Shunfeng Ear. When he heard a star, he became confused, "What is this star?"

So Chu Tian consulted the ancient demon in Folian, and the ancient demon was shocked when he heard about the one-star position, "In the tomb of the gods, there is a kind of genius called a star-level genius. These people are very talented and powerful. But if you want to obtain behavior, you must break through the star array of the tomb of the gods and gather the star position and godhead. This process is very difficult, so the probability is only one in ten million."

Chu Tian asked curiously, "So the Ancient Star God is very powerful?"

"Yes, a one-star ancient god, if he is a god emperor, he can instantly kill the supreme gods who are not ancient gods outside, easily crush the ancient gods of the god emperor level, and can easily evacuate in front of the supreme gods and ancient gods .”

When Chu Tian heard this, the talent of this one-star ancient god was indeed a bit terrifying. After all, the supreme gods outside were far above him, and there were only a few supreme gods in the entire continent.

But Chu Tian was even more curious, "Is there two stars above the one star?"

"Well, the strongest one is the ten-star ancient god, but so far no one has seen an ancient god above three stars. It is rumored that their talents are transcendent, and they have entered different spaces in the tomb of gods. In this space, only three-star ancient gods or people with higher talents to comprehend."

Chutian heard this strange question, "You said there is other space in the tomb of the gods?"

"Yes, but they are all rumors. Ordinary ancient gods and demons like us are very difficult to get in touch with."

Chu Tian nodded clearly, and then sighed secretly, "It seems that the ancient god and the ancient demon are much more terrifying than I imagined."

The most important thing is that if the seal of the tomb of the gods disappears, it means that they will all return to the God Realm. At that time, even the highest gods will be high-level ancient gods, let alone ordinary people.

Chu Tian gasped when he came here, but at this moment he had to resolve the immediate crisis, after all, there were too many ancient gods and demons here.

As for Chutian, you are welcome. After accumulating energy, he will injure people, and then use Buddha Lotus to force the seriously injured people inside and seal them up. It goes on and on like this. After two full hours, many ancient gods have been sealed. magic.

The remaining group of people were no longer as fanatical as they were at the beginning, but retreated to the side one after another, not daring to approach Chutian.

Chu Tian looked at them with a smile, "Everyone, what's the matter? Just stop like this?"

Those people looked at each other in blank dismay, and the bloody man said, "Boy, I know you are powerful, don't take us ancient gods and demons seriously."

Chu Tian smiled, "That's right, after all, you are all ancient gods at the level of god emperors, just ancient demons."

The blood dripping man snorted, "Don't be complacent, you will know how painful it is later."

At this time, Jian Tianzi looked at Chutian excitedly, "Boy, you are going to die."

Chu Tian looked at Emperor Jian, and then looked around. He didn't find anyone special, and then said with a smile, "Didn't you invite someone?"

"Yes, already behind you."

Chu Tian suddenly felt a threat, and voices came from the system, "Ding ~ Dangerous!!!"

Chu Tian immediately turned around, just in time to see a young man with disheveled hair punching him, and the opponent looked very powerful.

Chu Tian immediately met with his left hand, and the power of the god bone in his left hand completely dispelled the opponent's punch.

The man's eyes widened, "It's really not easy to crack the divine bone."

Chu Tian immediately flew to the side, and the person disappeared suddenly. At this moment, Chu Tian felt the danger above his head, and the system reminded him frantically, Chu Tian immediately raised his head, and shot out a force with his left hand.

The attack that fell in the air was immediately resolved again.

The people present were stunned. They were curious about how Chutian reacted so quickly and easily blocked the attack of a one-star ancient god.

As for the man who stopped and stopped attacking, the Emperor Jian said with a smile, "Mr. Li, how is it? His divine bone is amazing."

This Mr. Li said, "That's right, I, Li Xing, want this thing, you can go now."

Immediately, Emperor Jian put away his smile and said, "Young Master Li, this bone belongs to you, but he has other bones on his body. How about giving it to us?"

Li Xing gave him a white look, "If you say I will give it to you, I will give it to you? You are too underestimating me, the star-ranked ancient god, right?"

The faces of these people changed drastically, and Emperor Jian frowned, "So, you want to cross the river and tear down the bridge?"

Li Xing glared, "Jian Tianzi, what's the matter? Are you dissatisfied?"

Jian Tianzi is considered the most powerful non-star master among the ancient gods, but at this moment in front of a star ancient god, he didn't even have the courage to fight back, so he could only say there, "It's so, that's okay, I'll step back That's it."

Only then did Li Xing look at Chu Tian with satisfaction, "Boy, I will give you a way to survive, but I will teach you all the bones."

As for the blood drop man, he looked at Emperor Jian and frowned, "Why did you attract such a white-eyed wolf?"

Emperor Jian gritted his teeth and said, "I didn't know he was so greedy, but I can't help it. I only found him as an ancient god, otherwise I wouldn't have looked for him."

The blood drop man was a little depressed, "If he really takes away all the god bones by himself, it will be over."

Emperor Jian frowned, but that Chutian looked at Li Xing, "My things are mine, and no one can touch them, even if you are the so-called one-star ancient god."

Li Xing stared, "Oh? Really? Then I'll let you know how powerful I am."

At this time, streams of water-blue sword qi condensed behind Li Xing, and these sword qi were getting bigger and bigger, like a vast ocean. force.

The power of the left hand only consumed part of the sword energy, and the remaining sword energy of the opponent could be controlled at will, and moved to places that Chu Tian's left hand could not control.

In an instant, the sword energy engulfed Chu Tian. When everyone thought Chu Tian was going to die, Chu Tian came to another place to avoid those attacks. Li Xing sneered, "Want to escape? Is it possible?"

The opponent's attack began to change again, and Chu Tian raised his right hand, and using the power he had stored up, he used the blood light to kill the gods. This move was comparable to the power of the Creator God.

Even if this Li Xing could easily fight against the Supreme God, he couldn't avoid the attack. Blood stains appeared on Li Xing's body on the spot, but the opponent groaned, and the injury recovered immediately.

Chu Tian frowned, "What is this?"

Li Xing proudly said, "Boy, do you think you have a divine bone? Then let me tell you, I have a supreme god's divine bone on me, which is used to repair injuries, and your attack, although you can attack me quickly, give me It hurts, but I can also recover."

Chu Tian secretly scolded that the recovery ability was too scary, and Li Xing laughed loudly after seeing Chu Tian's shocked expression, "How is it, are you scared?"

Chu Tian quickly said calmly, "Then you can't do anything to me."

Li Xing sneered, "It takes time for your divine bones to accumulate power, but it doesn't take time for me to recover, so I'll see how you can resist my attack in the next time."

After finishing speaking, that Li Xing sent out countless sword qi, all of a sudden Chutian was surrounded by sword qi, and Chutian didn't bother to fight with the opponent, so he directly used the jump teleportation technique.

But the teleportation distance here is very short, just after falling, that Li Xing caught up again.

And this Li Xing sneered, "The space jump technique used by the tomb of the gods has no effect, otherwise I can jump farther for you to see!"

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(End of this chapter)

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