Invincible cultivation system

Chapter 1305 Urgently Needing Power

Chapter 1305 Urgently Needing Power (Determination)
Hearing this, Chu Tian went straight into the Immortal Mansion and said with a smile, "What about now?"

Li Xing, who was outside, froze for a moment and then frowned, "Boy, do you think you can just hide in the magic weapon of space?"

"If you have the ability, come in!"

Li Xing was out of breath and started to attack there, but this attack could not break through the Immortal Mansion at all, he could only curse, "Hmph, if you have the ability, you will always hide inside."

"No, you wait outside slowly, I'll take a rest."

After Chu Tian finished speaking, he was allowed to toss around outside, and Chu Tian knew that the opponent was very strong. At least for now, if he didn't improve his cultivation base, it would be difficult to fight against the opponent.

So Chu Tian took a deep breath to see what he could do now.

"If you want to kill him by force, it's very difficult, unless the white light of Soul Devouring can keep him trapped, but the opponent is not an immovable object."

After Chu Tian pondered for a moment, he looked at his own cultivation. This was the most painful thing. He was only a first-level highgod, and behind him were gods, gods, gods, and gods.

In addition, the opponent is still a god emperor at the level of ancient gods.

This gave Chu Tian a headache, "It seems that we have to improve some more realms."

Chu Tian had no choice but to sit down cross-legged and see how he could break through faster.

But the hint given by the system here is something that absorbs the energy level, and Chu Tian wondered, "What kind of energy do we need to absorb now to feel it?"

After thinking about it, Chu Tian planned to go out to play the autumn wind and ask some local ancient gods.

So after Chutian walked out of the Immortal Mansion, he opened his wings and flew quickly, but that Li Xing was shocked, and hurriedly chased him out, barely equal to Chutian, and then yelled, "Boy, stop me."

"Stop? Dream."

Chu Tian continued to fly, but the other party kept chasing him, so Chu Tian had to take a deep breath, "It seems that I will try using supernatural powers and supernatural bones later."

Chu Tian hadn't used his supernatural powers with the divine bones yet, and he didn't know how powerful it was, so he was accumulating power at the moment, and when his right arm was full, he had to try supernatural powers.

I saw that the supernatural power of power and the stored energy were all blessed together, and a god-killing blood light was displayed.

This move was very terrifying. It was the superposition of two powerful forces. That Li Xing's body was completely torn on the spot, and many bones in his body were shattered. There was only one godhead, and one bone was intact.

Chu Tian guessed that the bone was the divine bone, so he made a leap, and when Li Xing was still screaming, Chu Tian grabbed the divine bone with one hand and said with a smile, "Thank you very much."

This Li Xing was furious in the godhead, "Give it back to me."

Chu Tian smiled, "Aren't you amazing?"

Li Xing said angrily, "Boy, I'm an ancient god, I'm an ancient god of stars, you think I'll die if you destroy my body? Tell you, this is just the beginning."

After finishing speaking, Li Xing roared angrily, "Lend me the power of the star position."

At this time, countless strange powers and stars in the sky gathered on that Li Xing godhead, and that Li Xing immediately turned into a huge figure, and his body was very powerful, and he even hummed, "Boy, see, this is the real star!" An ancient god."

Chu Tian didn't expect that the star ancient god could use the power of the stars, and the power of the stars on the opponent's body at the moment was terrifying, as if he would destroy himself at any time.

However, Chu Tian was very calm, and quickly charged up. After all, it was difficult to fight against the opponent relying on his supernatural powers alone, so Chu Tian quickly opened his wings and flew.

That Li Xing said angrily, "Give me back my bones."

But Chutian didn't return it to him, and Chutian guessed that the other party's state must not exist all the time, so Chutian was delaying the time until a quarter of an hour later, Chutian's supernatural power disappeared, which made Chutian wonder, " Damn it, the supernatural power is gone, I can only try again tomorrow."

After that, Chu Tian continued to use his wings to dodge, and that Li Xing was huge, and although he moved cumbersomely, he moved very fast, as if flashing and flashing, he came to Chu Tian at once.

Chutian avoided again, and that Li Xing appeared again, and this happened again and again, Chutian could only enter the Immortal Mansion and said with a smile, "You have the ability to keep doing this."

Li Xing was in a hurry, but Chu Tian asked the ancient demon for questioning, only to find out that the ancient star god can activate the power of the stars and condense the star body, but each person's star body can last for a while at most every day.

Chu Tian looked at the other party, and sure enough, the other party's strength gradually weakened, until the godhead was fully exposed, Chu Tian came out and said with a smile, "Without the power of the stars, what are you now?"

Li Xing was furious, "Boy, just wait for me."

That Li Xing godhead suddenly turned into a beam of light and disappeared, and Chu Tian heaved a sigh of relief, "The star ancient god is really scary enough."

However, Chu Tian calmed down and quickly found a place to improve his cultivation. So he got a few ancient gods out of the lotus, stared at them and said, "I have two questions now, and you must answer them."

They have already been subdued by Chutian, and they dare not disobey at all, so Chutian said with a smile, "One, is there somewhere in your god tomb that is very powerful, such as a strong air, and second, where is the exit of this god tomb?" place."

These people were taken aback.

"What are you looking at, answer quickly."

One person said, "My lord, there is only one exit from this god's tomb, but there is a seal, so we can't go out."

"That's you, I'm not."

Those people immediately said the exit, and Chu Tian knew that the place he came in was the exit, but those people forced him in at the beginning, so the exit there was closed.

But Chu Tian's left hand has the ability to break the seal, no matter how strong the opponent's seal is, he can try it.

But when he thought that there were avatars of the Supreme God and a bunch of god emperors outside, Chu Tian knew that he had to improve his cultivation level a little more, so he wouldn't be afraid even if he met the Supreme God.

So Chu Tian asked, "What's wrong with the first one, who has a strong air?"

"The chaos in the tomb of the gods."

"A chaotic formation?"

"Yes, the air inside is very unstable, sometimes thick and sometimes thin, so no one dares to get close, because they don't want to die inside."

This made Chu Tian laugh happily and said, "Then tell me."

Those people didn't expect that Chu Tian was going to die, but Chu Tian didn't care about it, and after knowing the location, he left in a leap.

Until Chu Tian fell, he saw a huge formation, and the air in this formation was indeed very strange, some places were very thick, extremely thick, and some places were very thin, so people from the tomb of the gods did not dare to come casually here.

Just when Chutian was excited and was about to go in, the Sword Emperor, the Blood Dropman came down with a lot of people, and Chutian turned around and said with a smile, "You guys are really quick, you found me so quickly."

That Emperor Jian frowned, "Where's Li Xing?"

The blood drop man also wondered where Li Xing, who was chasing Chutian just now, went, but Chutian said with a smile, "You said that Li Xing, his body was destroyed by me, and only his godhead remained, and he fled."

These words shocked everyone. After all, Li Xing was a one-star ancient god, but his body was destroyed by Chu Tian.

But Emperor Jian didn't believe it, "Boy, you can say whatever you want, who do you think you are?"

The blood-dropped man didn't believe it, "Boy, you brag."

Chu Tian sneered, "I'm too lazy to brag to you."

After finishing speaking, Chu Tian was about to enter the formation, and at this time Li Xing came again, this time he had an extra armor, and that armor was black, when he landed, everyone was surprised.

Because Li Xing only has a godhead, but under the armor, he has a strong defensive power, and said in that air, "Boy, I have already called for reinforcements, you just wait to die."


At this time, countless fallen leaves flew from the sky. Seeing this, Emperor Jian was shocked, "It's a one-star ancient god, Fallen Leaf Flying."

Luo Yefei's words shocked everyone.

Someone also excitedly said, "It is rumored that Luo Yefei can't see people when walking, and there are only leaves, but this leaf can change and attack at any time, and attack people."

"Yes, he is the weirdest ancient god among the one-star ancient gods."

These people exclaimed in various ways, and that Li Xing proudly said, "Boy, you still have a chance now. If you don't compromise, then when these leaves approach you, it will be your death date."

Chu Tian opened his golden eyes and saw a person hidden in one of the leaves, Chu Tian pointed at the leaf and said with a smile, "Do you think it's great to be hidden in that leaf?"

Everyone wondered why Chutian knew which leaf the fallen leaf was flying in, and at this time the leaf was shining with green light, and then the green light turned into a blurry shadow and said with a smile, "Interesting, even a high god can find which leaf I am hiding in. "

Chu Tian laughed and said, "Otherwise, how could I kill Li Xing."

Li Xing stared and said angrily, "Boy, don't be complacent."

Luo Yefei looked at Chu Tian with a smile, "Boy, I am different from him. Many people don't even know about my killing skills. Do you think you have a chance?"

"I don't know how powerful your killing skills are, but I do know that you dare not come with me."

After Chu Tian finished speaking, he backed away slowly, and then, strangely, he entered the chaos and disappeared in front of everyone.

Everyone present was stunned, "Is he crazy?"

"Don't die, this guy!"

Jian Tianzi said angrily, "He has a magic weapon of space, so he must have hidden it."

The blood drop man cursed, and Li Xing was even more annoyed, but Luo Yefei said, "Don't worry, there is a magic weapon of space, and you can't escape from my palm."

After finishing speaking, these fallen leaves flew into the formation one by one, but these fallen leaves were not affected by those airs. The people present were envious, but Li Xing said proudly, "Brother Luo has a way."

Luo Yefei smiled, "I'll go in now and catch him out."

Luo Yefei then controlled the leaves to fly within the formation, while Chutian was walking within the formation at the moment. When he felt the leaves, he turned and smiled and said, "Interesting, come in through the leaves."

Luo Yefei laughed from inside the leaf, "Boy, you are also interesting, you are so courageous, aren't you afraid that the surrounding air will become thicker?"

"I've never had this trouble." Chu Tian said to himself.

Luo Yefei didn't believe it, "I don't believe it, you can walk here freely."

"Then please open your eyes!"

 Today's second update, please recommend the monthly ticket subscription, thank you everyone.

(End of this chapter)

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