Invincible cultivation system

Chapter 1307 The Real Reason

Chapter 1307 The Real Reason (Determination)
Before Chu Tian came back to his senses, the old lady and a group of people dragged Chu Tian and Yan Xian'er into the inn, and got them into a room where they were dressed as newlyweds to get married.

Not only that, there were men and women, groom and bride clothes on the table, which made Chu Tian a little embarrassed and said, "This."

Yan Xian'er said nervously, "It's too soon for us to get married."

Chu Tian also nodded, "Yes, it's a bit soon."

Yan Xian'er got up, "I have to inform my father and them."

At this time, Yan Xian'er took out the Divine Sound Stone. After all, she was married, so she had to let her relatives come, so she wanted to notify, but found that the Divine Sound Stone had failed. Chu Tian asked curiously, "What's wrong?"

"The Divine Sound Stone is useless."

Chu Tian curiously took the Shenyin Stone and found it useless. Not only that, Chu Tian also found that some magic weapons were useless, which made him suspicious, "It seems that Anning Town is not peaceful."

Yan Xian'er asked curiously, "What's wrong?"

Chu Tian smiled slightly and said, "This town has problems."

I saw Chutian was about to open the door, but the room changed. Suddenly Chutian and Yan Xian'er appeared in the same space, and they both put on the groom's and bride's clothes.

At the same time, there were countless people congratulating here and there, and the tables in front of these people were full of banquets, as if they were really going to get married, which surprised both Chu Tian and Yan Xian'er.

At this time, the old lady behind them laughed and said, "Come, come, the whole town is here, you two, take these two gods as your parents, bow down, and you can enter the bridal chamber."

Although Chu Tian really wanted to pay homage to Yan Xian'er, this incident made him feel a little strange, so he asked, "Senior, and everyone, can you tell us what's going on?"

The old lady smiled, "Just as long as you like it, why bother."

Before Chu Tian came back to his senses, he and Yan Xian'er couldn't help standing together, and then they worshiped each other face to face, while the old lady shouted joyfully, bowing to the heaven and earth, bowing to the high hall, husband and wife bowing to each other.

After the three prayers, the two entered the same room, but they couldn't move, and instead they lay on the bed.

That Chutian frowned, "It seems that these people are not ordinary people."

Yan Xian'er also became nervous, "What should I do, I can't move anymore."

"It's okay, look at me."

Chu Tian turned on the purification system, and then he returned to normal, then got Yan Xian'er off the bed and said, "You enter the Immortal Mansion first, and leave the rest to me."

"Well, be careful."

Seeing Yan Xianer's red makeup, Chu Tian couldn't help laughing and said, "You still look pretty in a red wedding dress."

Yan Xian'er shyly said, "What time is it, you're still joking."

Chu Tian smiled, and after getting her into the Immortal Mansion, he came to the door, and when he opened the door, what appeared in front of him was the square, and the square was full of banquets.

Everyone was having a great time drinking there, but Chu Tian came out and said, "Everyone, can you have a good chat with me?"

As soon as the words came out, everyone was shocked. They didn't expect Chutian to come out, and the old lady came out at this time, dressed in black, and stared at Chutian strangely, "Young man, why do you want to let everyone down?" How about kindness?"

"What kindness is this? I'm afraid it's not that simple."

The old lady laughed and said, "What? Will everyone harm you?"

Chu Tian smiled, "Let me see everyone's true colors."

At this time, Chu Tian's golden eyes opened, and a golden light swept over them one by one. Those people turned into black smoke and disappeared one by one, obviously they were all illusions, and after the golden light touched the old sky, it first turned into a piece of wood, and then disappeared.

The surrounding space also disappeared. At this time, a ruined town appeared in Chutian. The original beautiful scene turned into ruins and desolate, as if no one had visited for many years.

As for the so-called two god statues next to where he was, they were still intact. Chu Tian felt that there was something wrong with the two god statues, so he stared at the two god statues and said, "I said, is there someone to talk to me about?"

At this time, the two statues flashed light, and the old lady appeared again, dressed in black, staring at Chu Tian strangely, "Boy, why did you hurt us?"

"Tell me, who are you guys and why did you attack me?"

The old lady laughed. "We're happy people living in this town, just."

"Just what?"

"One day a villain came and destroyed our town, and it became like this, but our thoughts are still there, so it's okay to have fun with the passers-by, without malice."

Chu Tian was suspicious, "Evil?"

"Yes, this villain is right in front of him. I did this because I didn't want you to get close. I stopped him if I could. Otherwise, I don't know how I will die."

Chu Tian looked at the ruins in front of him, there was a bunch of black lights flickering there, "So, that villain is inside?"

"Well, a god emperor, even the empress, is no match for her, so go ahead and don't go there."

"My lord empress?"

"It turns out that the owner of the town is Empress Anning."

After hearing this, Chu Tian said, "Then I want to go and have a look."

Chu Tian had guessed that the beast bead was probably inside the black light, so he got up and left there alone, no matter how the old lady tried to stop it, it was useless.

As for Chu Tian passing through a pile of ruins, he soon saw that the blue light was coming from the underground ruins.

So Chu Tian took out the Qiankun Realm to shine, then passed through here, entered the underground, and there was an underground palace below, and there were two breaths in this underground palace.

One has a weak breath like a woman, while the other is strong, like a demon.

When Chu Tian approached, a woman in white clothes was quickly imprinted in front of her eyes, her whole body was shrouded in white light, and she was holding a divine beast bead in her hand, and she was wearing white gloves on both hands.

The white gloves protected her and the beads with strength, and not far behind her, a man was wearing a black cloak and a bat mask, just like Batman.

But the aura emanating from the other party was disgusting, and he was sitting there cross-legged, controlling a black needle, trying to break through the white light.

When Chutian appeared, the two of them were immediately alarmed, and a woman's face was pale and her lips were chapped. Chutian's system immediately appraised it and muttered to herself, "It really is Empress An Ning."

As for the other man, Chu Tian also identified him as a demon god emperor who cultivated demons, and his name was Zitianfu.

Chutian didn't expect someone to be called by such a name, but the empress could sense the beast beads on Chutian's body and Chutian's kindness, and said, "I've been waiting for you for a long time."

"wait for me?"

"Well, you are the one who should have the Divine Beast Orb."

After finishing speaking, the divine beast bead flew out and arrived in front of Chu Tian at once, while the empress held her dantian with both hands, and the white light on her body strengthened to protect herself, while the Zitianfu stared at the divine beast bead and hummed, "This is my of."

Seeing Zi Tianfu leaping forward, he rushed in front of Chu Tian, ​​and Chu Tian moved away and said, "Didn't you hear this beautiful empress say that this thing is mine? How could you snatch it from me?"

Zi Tianfu stared, "Boy, I have been working for thousands of years for this bead. If you don't give it to me, I will kill you."

Chu Tian wondered, "Thousands of years? Do you really need this thing?"

"That's right! I'm short of one, and I can bring it back to my magic palace to form a four-beast formation."

When Chutian heard the Four Beast Formation, he was curious about what it was, and the empress said to Chu Tian, ​​"Be sure to give it to him, otherwise they will get four beast beads and form the Four Beast Formation, and they will release a terrifying Supreme Demon God. "

Chu Tian didn't know what the Supreme Demon God was, but the four divine beast beads attracted him. That is to say, besides the seventh, there were also the eighth and ninth beads in Dujiang, and the last three were in this purple bead. In the magic palace where Tianfu is located.

So Chu Tian smiled and said, "Thank you for reminding me."

That Zi Tianfu stared, "What do you mean?"

"I know where the other eight are." Chu Tian smiled.

That Zi Tianfu stared, "Boy, those eight can't be on your body."

"What do you think?"

"That's even better, I'll take you down directly, and all your beast beads belong to our palace."

At this moment, when Zi Tianfu made a move, a flying needle hit Chutian, and Chutian had wings and bones, so the opponent's attack was like a child's play to him.

So Chu Tian avoided it easily, and even laughed at him, "What? Is that all you are capable of as a Demon God Emperor?"

That Zitianfu was furious, unwilling to reconcile and shot a few more times, but the result was the same, and the empress was dumbfounded, "What a terrifying speed."

After Zitian Mansion passed by a few times, seeing that he couldn't deal with Chu Tian, ​​he had to say, "Boy, it's like this. Then, I'll let you try this too."

At this time, countless demonic energy gathered around, and a black stove appeared in the opponent's hand, and this black stove accelerated the accumulation of demonic energy, and all the demonic energy gathered around Chu Tian at once.

Empress An Ning was shocked, "Boy, you can't inhale these gases, otherwise it will conflict with the aura in your body, and you will become weaker and weaker."

But Chu Tian suddenly opened his mouth wide and took a deep breath. The Empress An Ning froze and said, "Didn't I say not to inhale?"

That Zitianfu laughed loudly, "You're an idiot, you dare to smoke."

Chu Tian smiled slightly, "Don't worry, beautiful empress, his attack is useless to me."

The empress didn't understand what Chutian meant, but that Zitianfu laughed at Chutian, "Boy, you say it's useless? Then you can watch it, and let you know what is scary."

Seeing that the other party wanted to control the eruption of demon energy in Chutian's body, Chutian smiled slightly, "What are you, why don't you look at me."

At this moment, Chutian burst into the opponent's body with a divine and demonic energy, and that Zitianfu was shocked when he saw that Chutian could control a strange airflow, "What?"

"How about it, do you understand?"

Zi Tianfu was furious, he directly forced the anger out and snorted, "Look at me killing you!"

 Today's fourth change, please recommend the monthly ticket subscription, thank you everyone.

(End of this chapter)

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