Invincible cultivation system

Chapter 1308 Is it reasonable to rob people?

Chapter 1308 Is it reasonable to rob people? (determined)
But Chutian said disdainfully, "In the final analysis, you are also a Demon God Emperor, and you are not an ancient god, let alone a star-level ancient god."

That Zitianfu didn't know what Chutian said, but Chutian suddenly came in front of the opponent at this time, that Zitianfu didn't expect Chutian to be so fast, so he quickly punched him with a punch, and Chutian met the opponent with his left hand This punch.

The divine bone on the left hand immediately dispelled the opponent's punch, and at the same time, he punched with his right hand at will with the fully charged punch.

Just this punch hit the opponent heavily, and the opponent's place was directly penetrated, and that Zi Tianfu's face changed greatly, "You!"

Chu Tian smiled, "It's too bad."

Due to the powerful punch, that Zitian Mansion was not only pierced, but also fell heavily to the ground. Empress An Ning, who was on the side, stared at Chu Tian in disbelief.

Zi Tianfu lay there and glared at Chu Tian, ​​"Boy, our Demon Palace will not let you go."

Chu Tian suddenly came to that Zitian Mansion and said with a smile, "I will take you to your Demon Palace."

"You, what do you mean?" Zi Tianfu stared at Chu Tian strangely.

Chutian looked at Zitian Mansion with a smile, "I mean, I want the three beast beads left in your Demon Palace."

After Chutian finished speaking, he directly sealed his godhead and threw it into the nine-pointed star. After everything was settled, he came to the Empress An Ning and said with a smile, "Thank you Empress for the Beast Orb."

The empress stared at Chu Tian strangely and said, "I didn't expect you, a high god, to be so terrifying."


Empress Anning said again, "But you have to be careful, their magic palace is not easy."

"I will be careful."

"That's fine, come often when you have time."

Chu Tian nodded after Empress Anning finished speaking, and then left here. When he walked out of the town, he suddenly felt a problem. This magic palace is so strong, why is there only one person in Zitianfu here to deal with Empress Anning, and it is still thousands of years old .

So Chu Tian turned around curiously, only to find that the whole town was gone, and the ruins were gone, which made him dignified, so he had to grab Zitian Mansion.

That Zitianfu godhead stared, "Boy, what are you going to do?"

"Tell me, your magic palace is so powerful, why did you only arrange for you to stay here for thousands of years?"

Zi Tianfu was angry for a while, "This empress is extraordinary. I also found her when I entered here by mistake, but it is rumored that once I leave the town, I can't go back, and things like communication magic weapons can't be used inside. , even if I found her, I couldn't find a helper."

Chu Tian thought of the reason why he couldn't use the Shenyin Stone before, but he didn't understand how the empress did it, and why she could make the whole town disappear.

This made Chutian unable to figure it out, but Chutian had already obtained the seventh one, and the remaining three were in this magic palace, and the other two were in stasis. Once the twelve gathered together, Chutian would be consummated.

So Chutian looked at Zitianfu, "Tell me, where is your magic palace?"

Zi Tianfu sneered when he heard this, "What? Are you really going?"

"Stop talking nonsense and lead the way."

Zi Tianfu snorted, obviously he didn't want to say it, but Chu Tian stared at him and said with a smile, "If you don't say it, then I won't be polite."

This Zitian Mansion was very brave at first, but finally compromised and said, "The entrance is in a city."

"What city?"

"In Jinling Shenzhou."

"Golden Spirit Divine State?"

"Well, it's a state to the east of Lie Yan Shenzhou."

Chutian hasn't been to other states yet, so he should go now, so he said with a smile, "Okay, tell me the place and city."

After that Zi Tianfu told Chu Tian, ​​Chu Tian calmed down and released Yan Xian'er, and Yan Xian'er came out and asked curiously, "This is it?"

After Chu Tian explained the matter, Yan Xian'er asked in surprise, "Going to Jinling Shenzhou?"


Yan Xian'er was a little worried, "It will be more complicated for the major Shenzhous to communicate with each other."

"Access is complicated? What do you mean?"

"There is a huge enchantment between the major divine states, and the only way to pass is through the border teleportation array, and there are guards from the major divine palaces. For example, we are the guardians of the Flame Divine Palace. They may not let you in."

After hearing this, Chu Tian disdainfully said, "I don't need their formation, I can also go to Jinling Shenzhou."


Chu Tian smiled, "What? Don't tell me the lady doesn't believe what I said?"

Yan Xian'er's face turned red immediately, "Who is your wife?"

"Just now we were paying homage." Chu Tian teased with a smile.

Yan Xian'er suddenly had nothing to say, "Then it's half."

"What is half ah?"

"My father and the others are not present, so it counts as half." Yan Xian'er laughed, and then flew away first, Chu Tian couldn't laugh or cry, and chased after her.

About a few days later, they came to the so-called border, and they could see the huge enchantment of the two divine states.

When Chu Tian brought Yan Xian'er out of Lieyan Shenzhou, he could see a barrier of golden light, and past here was Jinling Shenzhou.

When Chutian and Yan Xianer landed, they went through forests and finally landed in a nearby city. Chutian looked at Yan Xianer, "Let's buy this map of Shenzhou."


As soon as the two entered the city, they attracted the attention of countless people, and they were still pointing. Chu Tian curiously said, "They seem to be staring at us."

Yan Xian'er also looked puzzled, until a group of people came towards them, these people surrounded Chu Tian and Yan Xian'er, soon a sedan chair descended, and beside the sedan chair stood an old man.

The old man stepped forward to look at Yan Xian'er and said with a smile, "This girl, the young palace master of our Fairy Palace, would like to invite you to our Fairy Palace, please."

Before Yan Xian'er could speak, Chu Tian asked, "Fairy palace, what fairy palace?"

The old man said with a smile, "The Immortal Palace is a shrine dedicated to collecting all kinds of beauties in Jinling Shenzhou, and our palace master is a supreme god, and our young palace master is the future successor, so once he values ​​it The person who is sent to the Fairy Palace, that woman will belong to the Fairy Palace in the future, and with this status, she will have the title of Fairy in Jinling Shenzhou."

Chu Tian couldn't laugh or cry when he heard this, "Sorry, my wife, I don't want to join this fairy palace."

The old man's smile froze, "Your wife?"

"What? Do you have any questions?"

The old man frowned, "It's not like, how can you have such a beautiful wife?"

Chu Tian couldn't laugh or cry, "What do you call me."

The old man didn't bother to pay attention, but looked at the sedan chair, "My lord, what should I do?"

"What should I do? Steal people!" A person inside said something frantically, and the old man looked at the crowd, "Everyone, why are you still in a daze, please let this girl go."

Yan Xian'er was shocked, but passers-by were talking about it.

"This couple is unlucky."

"That's right, if you are targeted by the Fairy Palace, the beauty will become the Fairy Palace's, and you will never be able to get rid of the Fairy Palace."

"Yes, I don't know how many women have been ruined by the fairy palace."

"Hey, the so-called fairy palace is nothing more than the harem of the Supreme God and his son."

These words made Yan Xian'er feel that these people were too scary, and Chu Tian didn't expect that someone could be so shameless, and even specially collect beauties as his harem, and even dare to be so blatant.

This made Chutian helpless, and with a wave of his hand, countless god-devil qi shot out. Those people were only high-gods, and even the tenth-level high-gods suddenly turned into balloons under the influence of god-devil qi.

The people present were dumbfounded, they never expected Chu Tian to be so terrifying, and the old man frowned, "Boy, do you dare to resist?"

"I'm not a fool. If you want to arrest my wife, I'll hand it over to you?"

The old man snorted, "Then look at me, a god, I will meet you for a while."

"It's better not to make a move, just you old trash, not my opponent."

Everyone didn't expect that they dared to call this old man an old waste, and the old man suddenly became angry, rushed to Chu Tian, ​​and snorted, "Dare to call me a waste, I will let you die first."

But when the opponent hit Chutian with a palm, Chutian resisted with his left hand, and easily punched him with his right hand, knocking him out of the sky. Everyone saw bloodstains flying in the sky.

When everyone looked up and looked up in doubt, the old man fell heavily again, and a big pit appeared, and the old man had already lost his vitality, and the godhead climbed out, came to the side of the sedan chair and said nervously, "Young master, this guy is not simple."

The person in the sedan chair snorted, "Look at me."

At this time, a handsome man walked out of the sedan chair, but with a big obscenity written all over his face, he looked at Yan Xian'er strangely, but he was holding a knife in his hand, and then pointed at Chu Tian Said, "Boy, do you know who I am?"

"A piece of trash."

The man was furious, "I am the young master of the Fairy Palace, Qiu Xue."

The people present were surprised when they heard this, "Qiu Xue? Could it be Qiu Xue who ranks in the top [-] on the Jin Ling genius list."

"It should be. I remember that on the list of geniuses, it was said that his identity is the Young Palace Master of a certain palace."

"I didn't expect him to be from the Fairy Palace."

"Then he is amazing. It is rumored that those who can enter the genius list are all very talented, and his strength is now in the ranks of gods, and he can easily destroy ordinary gods."

"Well, those two are going to be unlucky now."

At this moment, everyone felt that Chutian would be very miserable, but Qiu Xue liked this feeling and stared at Chutian, "Boy, you heard me, my identity is not only the young palace master, but also I am a genius."

"Genius list? Is it amazing?"

"Of course, that's an independent list established by the God Hall. In Jinling Shenzhou, those who can be called geniuses are placed on the list. They are all top existences in different strengths. For example, I used to be a god In the Masters Competition, the top ten people."

When Chu Tian heard about the Godly Contest, he thought of the last Highgod Contest, but he didn't take it seriously and said, "So what?"

 Today's first change, please recommend monthly ticket subscription, thank you everyone.

(End of this chapter)

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