Invincible cultivation system

Chapter 1309 Weird Invitation

Chapter 1309 Weird Invitation (Determination)

Everyone didn't expect Chu Tian to be so crazy that he didn't pay attention to the young palace master, but that Qiu Xue sneered, "Boy, you don't know how terrible the talent list is today, so you say this."

"The list of geniuses is nothing more than fiction, come here if you have the ability." Chu Tian doesn't like talking nonsense with the other party.

That Qiu Xue had no choice but to say, "If this is the case, then I will send you to die."

At this moment, the bloody light of the saber on the opponent's body flickered, and after the bloody light shot out, it turned into streaks of golden light, and these golden saber shadows turned into huge knives, which fell heavily from the top of Chu Tian's head.

Just when everyone thought that Chu Tian was about to die, something unexpected happened.

Chu Tian opened his left hand with bare hands, only to see a flash of light in his left hand, and then resisted the shadow of the knife forcefully, the people present were dumbfounded.

"Bare-handed knife method?"

"how can that be."

That Qiu Xue was shocked, "Boy, what did you do?"

"What did you do? What do you say?"

At this moment, Chu Tian's god-killing blood flashed, and that Qiu Xue's face changed drastically. He could only see those attacks passing by him one by one, and that godly body, even a genius, could not resist Chu Tian's attacks.

What's more, this is because Chu Tian didn't use the god bone in his right hand, and just relied on his own strength to break up the opponent.

Everyone looked over, only to see this so-called genius, whose physical body was destroyed, and the godhead trembling in the air and glaring at Chu Tian, ​​"Boy, you have offended our fairy palace, and you can only die."

"I think it's better to deal with you directly."

At this time, Chu Tian opened his wings and came to Qiu Xue's side at once, and a black hole appeared behind Qiu Xue's godhead and sucked him in. At the same time, there was a shout from inside the black hole, "Who dares to touch my son."

Everyone exclaimed, "The voice of the Most High God."

Chu Tian had nothing to fear about the Supreme God, so he said with a smile, "You Supreme God, you failed to discipline your son well, so naturally I will help you."

The supreme god was furious, "My son, do you still dare to control? Kid, you don't want to live anymore?"

"What? Want to kill me? Then come."

Everyone didn't expect Chutian to be so crazy, and he didn't pay attention to the Supreme God, but the Supreme God said angrily, "Boy, you wait for me, I will arrange someone to deal with you."

Then the black hole disappeared, and Chu Tian suddenly said helplessly, "Just leave like this."

As for the rest of the people, they ran away in fright, and the passers-by around were stunned. Chu Tian looked at Yan Xian'er, "Let's go."


Later, after Chutian bought a map in the city, he left the town, and Yan Xian'er asked, "Which city are we going to now?"

"The man from the magic palace said that in the magic sky city of Jinling Shenzhou, as long as we find this place, we can find the entrance."

"Magic Sky City?"


Yan Xian'er then searched for the Motian City on the densely packed animal skin map with Chu Tian, ​​and finally Chu Tian stared at a point and said, "Here."

Yan Xian'er said solemnly, "It will take at least half a month to get there from us."

But Chu Tian said with a smile, "If I want to, let alone half a month, it can be done in less than a day, but I want to see the scenery with you, how about it?"

Yan Xian'er said embarrassedly, "You can do whatever you want."

"Okay then, let's go and take a good look at what's so special about this Golden Spirit Divine State."


Afterwards, the two went on a trip together, completely forgetting that they were looking for beast beads, but the people in the Fairy Palace became lively, and they sent countless people one after another, with the purpose of taking Chu Tian to Yan Xian'er, but they suffered a sudden catastrophe .

In the end, Xiangong had no choice but to send a heavy-weight woman, who is also the Great Elder of Xiangong, whose strength is at the level of a god emperor, and who can change her breath and appearance at will.

Even if she stood in front of some god emperors, she couldn't be recognized, and Chu Tian and Yan Xian'er were already accustomed to harassment by people from various fairy wombs, so they panicked if they didn't move for a day.

Yan Xian'er asked, "Who do you think will be sent to the Fairy Palace this time?"

"These days, they have suffered heavy losses. If their Palace Master doesn't come, then at least they are very powerful people, or they are hiding."

Yan Xian'er smiled and said, "That's true."

While the two were chatting and laughing, a city appeared not far ahead. Yan Xian'er looked at the map and said with a smile, "This is the most beautiful main city in Jinling Shenzhou, and Jinling City is also the most beautiful city."

"No way, have you arrived at Golden Spirit City?"

"Well, look."

Chu Tian glanced at it, and it was indeed the Golden Spirit City and said with a smile, "This is the main city."

"Well, do you want to go?"

"Of course, it's rare to come here once, so you have to play anyway."

Yan Xian'er also released her playful nature and said with a smile, "Yes, let's go."

Then the two of them entered the main city, which is as lively as the main city of Lieyan, and there are all kinds of people. Fighting is also prohibited here, so Yan Xian'er is not afraid that people who are worried about the fairy palace will suddenly appear to deal with them, so she said happily, "It's finally easy."

"What? Isn't it easy these days?" Chu Tian laughed at himself.

That Yan Xian'er chuckled, "No, there is a fairy palace, which is always harassing and annoying."

"Don't worry, if they dare to come, I will definitely clean them up."

But just after they walked a few steps, a group of lively people appeared in front of them, surrounding a store, as if they were vying to buy something.

Chu Tian and Yan Xian'er walked over curiously, just in time to see them queuing up one by one in front and squeezing one by one behind, which felt weird.

Yan Xian'er couldn't help asking curiously, "Everyone, what are you doing?"

Yan Xian'er is a killer of men, her sweet and stunning charm made those men immediately give up squeezing and quickly surround her, but fighting is prohibited here, so they can only be frivolous in language.

"Little sister, don't you know that Hongdanfang is selling magic pills today?"

"Divine pill?"

"Yes, a unique divine pill. After taking it, you can comprehend the stars, enter the magical realm, and then you can practice there. After the end, the cultivation base will break through."

Yan Xian'er was dubious, "Is there such a weird thing?"

"Of course, this is the Xingchen Pill, Jinling Shenzhou, this is the only one, and I don't know how many big people come to buy it, but ah, they only sell a part of it every month, and it will be gone when they are sold out."

After hearing this, Yan Xian'er looked at Chu Tian strangely, and Chu Tian was curious about the connection between this Star Pill and that ancient god.

After all, they are all related to stars, but Chu Tian is just guessing, he can't be sure, after all, one is the tomb of the gods, and the other is the land of China.

"Little sister, do you want to buy it? But I'm afraid I don't have a chance. It's almost sold out now, and everyone is scrambling for the last few."

Yan Xian'er shook her head, while Chu Tian looked at Yan Xian'er, "Let's go."


Those people saw that Yan Xian'er and the two left, and then joined the squeeze filling, and that Yan Xian'er was puzzled, "Is this kind of elixir really so miraculous?"

"It's not miraculous, it's nothing, but it's quite weird to enter a weird space to practice."

After Yan Xian'er hummed, Chu Tian said, "Okay, don't worry about it, let's continue shopping."


Soon the two continued to hang out here, and then came to a restaurant and ordered some snacks. Yan Xian'er was quite interested in the snacks here, and said, "The food in Jinling City is quite delicious."

Chu Tian looked at Yan Xian'er and said with a smile, "In the past few days, you have eaten a lot, this time is the best."

"It can't be compared with other places." Yan Xian'er laughed.

At this moment, there was a beating of gongs and drums, which was very lively, and then a certain part of the restaurant was emptied, and then a ring was set up there, and there were people fighting on it to cheer up the surrounding people.

This made Yan Xian'er surprised, "There are still people competing in this place?"

Chu Tian also felt strange, and at this moment something flew over from the ring and landed on Chu Tian and Yan Xian'er's table, and then the ring disappeared, and so did the person.

Those who watched the fun started to eat again after their interest, obviously not surprised by this kind of thing.

But Yan Xian'er looked at the flying thing that burned, it was a small piece of wood, and the piece of wood on it fell into a soup and was slowly melting, and finally turned into a few large characters, "Qi Tian Pavilion"

Yan Xian'er was puzzled, "What is the Qitian Pavilion?"

At this time, the spectators around were discussing again, obviously curious that Chu Tian and the others didn't know this place, and someone even said, "Both of you, are you from out of town?"

After the two nodded, the man said with a smile, "Qi Tian Pavilion is a special place in Jinling City. There are countless outstanding heroes gathered there every day, and there are countless good things auctioned every day, but it's not just for everyone to enter. By invitation."

Yan Xian'er asked strangely, "Then what did you mean by throwing this at us just now?"

"It means that you have been invited. If you want to go, you can go and have a look. Don't miss it. There are many good things there, such as magic pills, magic weapons, magic spells, or you may encounter the bones of the supreme god. "

This person became more and more excited as he talked, and the others also seemed very envious. After all, they were not qualified to be invited, and Yan Xianer wondered, "Who will invite us?"

Chu Tian smiled, "No matter who it is, you will know if you go and have a look."

"Are you going? What if it's a trap? Or someone from the Fairy Palace?"

"Come on, I'm still bored."

Knowing that Chutian was planning to go, Yan Xian'er said, "Then shall we set off now?"

"Well, let's go."

Then the two left, and when they appeared the next moment, they had already arrived at the Qitian Pavilion. It was really huge, like a big courtyard, and there were many guards guarding it outside.

At the same time, the people who can enter and exit here are not simple people, but when Chu Tian and Yan Xian'er wanted to go in, they were stopped.

"Two, who are you?" A guard asked.

Chu Tian said with a smile, "Someone invited us in."

The man didn't believe it, "Inviting you? How is it possible."

 Today's second update, please recommend the monthly ticket subscription, thank you everyone.

(End of this chapter)

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