Invincible cultivation system

Chapter 1314 The Supreme Demon God's Horror

Chapter 1314 The Supreme Demon God's Horror (Determination)

At this time, the Lu Bai who was outside said angrily, "Boy, you are really hateful!"

"Damn it? Are you hateful?"

Lu Bai snorted, "No matter what, you must die today anyway."

"Death? You think too much."

Seeing that Chu Tian was not afraid at all, Lu Bai became more and more angry, until the old man's voice sounded after a while, "Here we come, the three elders of Motian Temple have already arrived."

At this time, three shadows appeared, and these three people, each of which is stronger than the Demon God Emperor, is naturally very powerful in the eyes of ordinary people, but Chu Tian is very calm, and these three people are fat, some are thin, and one is tall. .

The tall one among them was obviously older, and he was still staring at Chu Tian for a while, then he was surprised, "You have a magic beast bead on you."

The other two were surprised, but that Chu Tian smiled, "You can see that?"

"Well, I've been studying magic beast beads for many years, as long as they are in front of me, I will definitely find them." The man said proudly.

Chu Tian smiled, "Not bad, great."

The tall man smiled and said, "Boy, I will give you a chance. If you are willing to give us the magic beast beads, we will not attack you, and we can let you leave here."

The old man outside was in a hurry, "I said Three Devils, we have an agreement, you have to help us deal with this kid, we can give you benefits, otherwise we will be in a hurry with you."

But the tall man said to the people outside the space, "When will we need your orders?"


At this time, the tall man looked at Chu Tian, ​​"Boy, how are you doing?"

But Chu Tian firmed up the other party and said with a smile, "Your name is Ren Laofei?"

The tall man hummed, "Yes, my name is Ren Laofei, but how do you know?"

That Chutian said with a smile, "Don't worry about how I know, you just need to know, I won't give you the beast beads, and I want the three beads from your Demon God Palace."

The three of them immediately got angry when they heard this, especially the tall one who stared, "Boy, how do you know we have three."

At this time Chu Tian got Zi Tianfu out, and Zi Tianfu was shocked when he appeared, "Great Elder."

That old Ren Fei was shocked, "Zi Tian Fu, why are you here?"

At this moment, Chu Tian controlled his spirit and said with a smile, "Of course I took care of him."

After finishing speaking, Chu Tian put away his soul, which made Lao Fei stare angrily, "Boy, be honest with me, or I will make your life worse than death."

Chu Tian smiled strangely, "Let me give you one last word, I want all your beast beads."

Ren Laofei snorted, "Come on, kill him."

The three of them attacked immediately, thinking that with their power, they could easily kill Chutian, but they never expected how terrifying Chutian was, so they directly used a charged attack to kill the fat man among them. Beat until only Godhead remains.

The remaining two were shocked, and that Ren Laofei was shocked, "Boy, you."

"It's your turn."

This Ren Laofei immediately looked at the other person, "Retreat."

As for the fat man who also wanted to escape, but was captured by Chu Tian directly, and when the two people exited the space, Chu Tian laughed and said, "Don't leave in a hurry."

That old Ren Fei was already so frightened that he led his people away, but the outside was completely quiet, even the old man's voice was silent, and Lu Bai even stopped.

Chu Tian didn't know what happened outside, but he had already taken out the Universe Mirror, one illuminated, and a tunnel appeared. When he walked out, he saw empty halls everywhere.

Chu Tian was puzzled, "Isn't everyone scared away?"

Chu Tian wondered and began to search around, and opened his clairvoyance. After finding that there was no one there, Chu Tian had no choice but to turn around and leave, and went to Motian City to look for Motian Temple.

However, the Ren Laofei who fled back to Motianshen Palace looked at the other skinny man, "Hurry up, tell the Palace Master what happened, and ask him to protect the three divine beast beads."


The thin man then left, and that Ren Laofei said after thinking, "We have to open the seal and make the Devil's Temple disappear for a while."

I saw that Ren Laofei activated the disappearance seal of the Motian Shrine, and the entrance of the Motian Shrine disappeared all of a sudden.

As for Chutian who came to Motian City, he found that he couldn't find the intersection, so he had to get out the Zitian Mansion and asked, "Tell me, where is the entrance of Motian Palace?"

Zitianfu looked around in surprise and said, "It's closed."


"Well, there is a sealing array in our Demon Heaven Palace. Once it is opened, the entire palace will disappear near the Demon Heaven City. That is to say, it is completely cut off from the outside world. We can only open it inside, and we have no way of knowing from the outside."

Chu Tian didn't expect that Mo Tian Shen Gong had such abilities, which made him helpless, so he had to get that Yan Xian'er out. Yan Xian'er didn't know what happened yet. After Chu Tian finished introducing, Yan Xian'er said in surprise ,"Now what."

"Don't worry, watch mine."

I saw Chutian opened his Tianyantong and began to search around here. Finally, he found a small spot in the sky, which could not be seen with the naked eye and spiritual consciousness, but Chutian could.

So Chu Tian leaped up and touched it with his left hand, exposing the entire Demon Heaven Palace in front of them, Yan Xian'er was surprised, "This, is Demon Heaven Palace?"

Chu Tianen said, "It seems that you have to avoid it again."

Yan Xian'er naturally knew that she was not capable of fighting these demon gods, so she hid obediently, while that Chu Tian passed through the formation and entered the Demon God's Palace.

This naturally attracted everyone in Motian Temple, and that Ren Laofei was shocked and stared at Chutian with a group of experts, "Boy, you, how do you know we are here."

Chu Tian smiled, "I want to find you? It's still very easy."

These words stimulated Ren Laofei and made him snort, "Boy, do you want our divine beast beads?"


"Dream, we won't give it to you."

Chu Tian smiled slightly, "I'm sorry, if you don't give it to me, I'll get it myself."

After speaking, Chu Tian spread his wings and flew to a place, because he had already sensed the position of the divine beast bead, and saw him land on a mountain after it fell.

Those people couldn't keep up with Chutian's speed at all, so when they caught up, Chutian had already sneaked into the mountain.

There is a space in this mountain, and there is a seal in this space. There are four stone pillars planted in this seal, three of which have a divine beast bead on each side.

Obviously, just one more bead can activate the seal, and Chu Tian was about to remove these beads when a shadow appeared in the dark.

Chutian looked over, it was a middle-aged man with disheveled hair, and he was staring at Chutian with a strong aura, "Put your divine beast beads in, and then we can go."

Chu Tian was stunned for a moment, then smiled and said, "Sorry, I'm here to pick it up."

The other party's eyes flashed red, "Do you know who I am?"

"Not interested in."

"It's ridiculous, I am the supreme god of the devil sky, one of the top ten devil gods, and everyone calls me, Motian crazy!"

"I don't care whether you are crazy or crazy, anyway, I want these things."

Mo Tian groaned madly, "Overthinking one's abilities."

At this time, the space was distorted, and Chu Tian disappeared in the same place, but stood in a strange space, and this space was naturally the domain space of that Mo Tianlun. Here, the voice of Mo Tianlun said, "I will give you another One chance, otherwise even if you have a god bone, it's useless."

Chu Tian didn't expect that the other party could see that he had a god bone and said with a smile, "Then do you know what my god bones do?"

"No matter what you do, as long as you are in front of me, you will be vulnerable."

Chu Tian laughed and said, "Not necessarily."

"Oh? Really? Then I want you to see how good I am."

At this time, a beam of black light in the air suddenly reached Chutian, and Chutian picked it up with his left hand. Although he dispelled it, his whole body was still sent flying by the strong impact and fell heavily to the ground.

Chu Tian's face changed greatly, "This attack at the level of a supreme god is really not easy."

Chutian was startled secretly. After all, Chutian had seen some one-star ancient gods at most, and they were still at the level of god emperors. Now that he saw more powerful supreme gods, he had no choice.

But he smiled and said without fear, "If you are like this, you can't take me down."

"Really? Then I will send you a magic energy."

At this time, a huge amount of devilish energy rushed into Chutian's body, trying to explode Chutian's body, but Chutian was intact and said with a smile, "If you want to take me down like this, then you are naive."

The Motian supreme god asked suspiciously, "What? You are a cultivator, aren't you afraid of devil energy?"

"I said that I am a Demon God Dual Cultivator, do you believe me?"

The other party obviously didn't believe it, "So far, there is no god or demon who can cultivate both gods and demons, so you are even less likely."

"You underestimate me."

After finishing speaking, Chu Tian absorbed the devilish energy, and the Supreme Demon God said strangely, "It seems that I really underestimated you, but it's okay, I still have many ways to kill you."

At this time, various attacks appeared, but the opponent himself did not appear. This made Chu Tian open his wings and bones, and at the same time, Clairvoyance and Fire Eyes looked around, and he could see a person lying in a pile of wasteland hiding in the distance.

This person was the middle-aged man just now, so Chu Tian said with a smile, "Why don't you come out?"

"To deal with you, I don't need my deity to appear, just rely on the attack in my domain."

But Chu Tian said, "You are too confident."

After finishing speaking, Chu Tian made a leap and came to the pile of ruins, and there was a person lying under the pile of rubble.

This person didn't expect Chutian to come here at this moment, so he got up and stared at Chutian with terrifying eyes, "You are indeed very powerful."

"of course."

"But, I still have to die."

At this moment, a magic sword suddenly fell from the top of the head, very fast, and released a strong air current, locking Chutian and preventing him from escaping, and the Supreme God of Motian sneered, "Die."

But Chutian used the purification system to break away from the airflow directly, and added wings to avoid it all at once, causing the magic sword to hit the ground heavily, and the ground immediately split open, like an earthquake.

 Today's third update, please recommend tickets to subscribe, thank you everyone.


(End of this chapter)

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