Invincible cultivation system

Chapter 1315 One God-Man Halfway

Chapter 1315 One God-Man Halfway (Determination)
Looking at the cracked ground, Chu Tian floated in the air and said with a smile, "That's right, one sword can crack the ground."

The Supreme Demon God of the Demon Heaven stared at Chu Tian, ​​and instantly shot out two rays of magic light from his eyes. This magic light was made of highly compressed magic energy, which was powerful and very fast.

Chu Tian immediately avoided it, and wherever those eyes saw, the rocks in that place were all shattered, which made Chu Tian take a breath, "Fortunately, this is only space, otherwise it would be easy for a supreme god to destroy a city .”

As for the Motian Supreme God who was not happy, he looked at Chu Tian angrily, "Boy, you have offended me, I will not let you go!"

Chu Tian smiled slightly, "I just want the Beast Bead."

"Hmph, not only do I want the Beast Bead, I also want your life."

The Supreme Demon God disappeared after he finished speaking. Chu Tian had an ominous premonition, and sure enough, the Supreme Demon God suddenly came behind Chu Tian, ​​opened his mouth, and spit out a ball of devilish energy.

The air flow was very fast, and it knocked Chutian into the air. After Chutian rolled in the air and finally stopped, the Supreme Demon God appeared in front of Chutian again and punched him.

Chu Tian quickly blocked the punch with his left hand, and then said with a smile, "It's a bit naive."

Although Motian Supreme Demon God's punch was resisted, the powerful impact still caused Chu Tian to fly backwards, and Chutian heaved a sigh of relief after standing still, "Supreme Demon God, it really is not easy."

"Boy, let me see how long you can last."

The other party released countless demonic energy all at once, surrounding Chutian, not giving Chutian any chance to evacuate, but Chutian smiled wryly, "You want to entangle me like this? Then you are naive."

After finishing speaking, Chutian absorbed all the demon energy at once, and the Supreme Demon God of Motian stared at Chutian, "It seems that you are really not that simple."

"Is not this nonsensical?"

"Then come again."

After finishing speaking, Motian Supreme God Demon God continued to attack, trying to finish off Chutian, but no matter how hard he tried, Chutian was able to avoid it without any damage, which made him curse inwardly, "Damn it, it seems that I have to think about it!" There are other ways to deal with him."

So Motian Supreme God Demon God quickly had an idea and said, "Boy, I can't deal with you, but someone can."

After finishing speaking, Motian Supreme God and Demon faced the sky with both hands, and suddenly a strange force hit the sky with both hands, and then the surrounding space distorted, and when it reappeared, Chutian was in a dark place.

At the same time, there is an enchantment all around, and outside this enchantment, there is a huge ice layer, and then there is the Supreme Demon God outside, and there is one more person beside him.

This person sat there motionless, as if he was dead, but he still had breath and said, "I said Motian, why did you send him to our Golden Spirit Palace?"

"I want him to die, and I can't do it alone. I can only use your magic weapon and your strength to deal with him. I will definitely give you a lot of benefits later."

The person sitting cross-legged moved, and after countless dust scattered, the other party smiled and said, "Oh? Really?"

"That's right!"

Mo Tianen, "That's right."

"Well, I'll use my magic weapon of space to crush him."

At this time, there was a powerful crushing force in the barrier and the ice layer. If it was someone else, it would have been shattered at this moment, but Chutian stood there without a problem and said with a smile, "I said this old man, who are you?" .”

The person said, "I, the Palace Master of Jinlingshen Palace, Jinlingshen, do you have any questions?"

But Chu Tian said, "I see, you'd better let me go quickly, otherwise I will rush out later and definitely turn your Golden Spirit Palace upside down."

"It's ridiculous, you little high god, how dare you mess up my Golden Spirit Palace? You are naive."

Seeing that the other party didn't believe it, Chu Tian said, "Don't believe it? That's fine, you just wait for me, and I will cause you Jinling Shrine to suffer heavy losses."

At this moment, Chu Tian took out a talisman, which was the treasure positioning teleportation talisman. After Chu Tian tried it, it disappeared in a flash. The Mo Tian was shocked, "Where's the person?"

Jin Lingshen frowned, "Were you still here just now?"

Mo Tian hurriedly said, "Look for it."

So the two opened their consciousness, but the next moment they were both dumbfounded, because Chu Tian frantically pretended to take everything away in the treasure house of the Golden Spirit Temple, and the Golden Spirit God cursed, "Asshole."

Then the old man disappeared from here all of a sudden, and that Mo Tian also appeared quickly.

The people in Jinlingshen Palace were curious about what happened, until Jinlingshen chased Chutian and cursed, but Motian couldn't catch Chutian, everyone was dumbfounded, they wondered who their palace master was chasing after, and why? So angry.

But Chu Tian moved around in the Golden Spirit Palace, and said with a smile, "I told you, you will regret it, you are satisfied now."

"Bastard, I will definitely take you down."

At this time, Jin Lingshen stopped, and then made a strange gesture with both hands, and Chu Tian entered a strange space, surrounded by golden light, which was stronger than the barrier just now.

At the same time, under the golden light, that Chutian was still being crushed, but Chutian said with a smile, "So you want to trap me?"

Jin Lingshen snorted, "Boy, in this dimension of mine, let alone you, any god emperor must be subdued."

Mo Tian also threatened there, "Boy, you have no way out, just surrender obediently."

But Chutian said indifferently, "Sorry, I'm not interested."

Jin Lingshen became anxious, and Mo Tian also cursed at him until Jin Lingshen stepped up his strength, but after a long time, Chu Tian said without incident, "I said, you supreme gods, supreme demon gods, is this the only thing you can do? Don't be afraid Being laughed at?"

The two of them were shocked at the moment. They didn't expect Chutian to be fine under the pressure of such a space, so they discussed it.

Just listen to Jin Ling's air, "This guy is too hateful, I can't deal with it, I can only throw him into the tomb of the gods."

Mo Tian was a little unwilling, "If it is thrown into the tomb of God, then I will not be able to get what I want."

"That can't be helped, I can't kill him now."

Mo Tian finally gritted his teeth, "Then after throwing him in, can you get him out again?"

"Yes, as long as he's alive."

"Okay, then you throw him in for a day, let him out after a day, and see if he is still so stubborn."

Jin Lingshen hummed and looked at Chutian, "Boy, I will let you go to our God's Tomb to experience it for a day."

Chu Tian couldn't ask for it, maybe he could get a different god bone, and that Jin Lingshen didn't know what Chu Tian was thinking, so he just threw him into it.

When Chutian reappeared in another god's tomb, he blinked his eyes and laughed, "It seems that there is something similar to chaotic qi array, let me improve my cultivation."

So Chutian began to look for the ancient gods and asked them to guide him.

Jin Lingshen and Mo Tian didn't know that Chu Tian came here, and they wandered around as if they were at their own home.

When Chu Tian reappeared, he saw that everyone was worshiping a stone statue, and under the stone statue was a huge altar, and the stone statue shone with golden light, and those ancient gods didn't know what to say.

When Chutian approached, those ancient gods all came back to their senses immediately, and then turned their heads to stare at Chutian.

Until the one-year-old man shouted, "Catch him and use it as a sacrifice to the ancient god king."

"What? The ancient god king?" Chu Tian also understood that these ancient gods seemed to have gone crazy, but luckily they were just ordinary ancient gods, and they were all god emperors. Can't touch.

They were so angry that they cursed, and Chu Tian naturally wanted to know what was going on, so he wounded the older man all at once, and said to everyone, "Stay away!"

Those people were shocked, but the older man only had a godhead, and looked at Chu Tian in shock, "Boy, you, what are you going to do."

"I don't want to do anything, I just want to ask, what is your ancient god king?"

"A great leader we pay homage to."

"Great leader?"


Chu Tian didn't expect that there are still people here who regard a certain type of person as a leader, but Chu Tian didn't care about this, and asked directly, "Where are you most energetic?"

As soon as these words came out, everyone looked at each other in blank dismay.

"What? Is there a problem?"

An ancient god said, "Star City."

"Star City?"

"Well, behind it there is a huge aura array, which contains countless strong auras, but it is also called the tomb of the ancient gods, so if you go there, you will only seek death."

Chu Tian felt that this star city seemed not simple, so after questioning, he found out that it was an ancient city in the tomb of the gods. This ancient city usually gathers countless ancient gods, ancient demons, ancient demons, and there are many forces.

So when Chutian brought that older guy here, he attracted countless ancient gods, ancient demons, and ancient demons.

These guys stared at Chu Tian strangely, until someone asked, "Boy, who are you, dare to come here to act wild."

But Chu Tian said, "I'm not interested in you, go away."

Everyone was annoyed, they were ancient gods, all of them were at the level of god emperors, but they were told to go away by a high god, so angry that everyone wanted to take action, and Chu Tian disappeared from everyone's eyes like a gust of wind.

"so fast!"

When everyone realized that Chutian had already arrived in Star City, a person suddenly appeared in front of him blocking his way. This person was holding a fan, had a beard, a hat on his head, and was wearing a brown robe. Just like a wise man.

Not only that, but the other party also looked at Chu Tian with a smile, "Boy, I'll wait for you for a long time."

Chu Tian looked suspiciously at the other party, "You know me?"

"Yes, the seventh member of Jucai Pavilion."

Chu Tian showed suspicion. After all, these ancient gods, in the tomb of the gods, how do they know their identity, so Chu Tian stared at him strangely, "Who are you?"

"Me? I belong to the Zhishen Army."

"Wisdom Army?"

"Yes, since ancient times, there have been many such people, and I am called Zhuge Yixiao."

Chu Tian showed a puzzled expression, "Then how do you know me?"

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(End of this chapter)

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