Invincible cultivation system

Chapter 1316 Waste time, go straight!

Chapter 1316 Waste time, go straight! (determined)

Zhuge smiled strangely, "Forget it!"



Chutian thought of the fortune teller, which made him doubt that the person in front of him was also a fortune teller, but Chutian was still dubious, but the other party laughed and said, "Why? Don't you believe it?"

"It's not that I don't believe it, I'm just curious."

Zhuge smiled and said, "Okay, don't be curious, just follow me."

"Follow you? Where?"

"You came here because you were forced in by the master of the Golden Spirit Palace, and you want to improve your cultivation, don't you?"

Chu Tian was secretly startled, this guy even knew what he wanted to do, so he stared at Zhuge with a weird smile, and Zhuge turned around with a smile and said, "Let's go, the front is suitable for you."

Chutian had no choice but to follow up to see what the other party was doing. After a while, Chutian came to a formation, which was covered in mist, but Chutian could hear very lively voices.

After about a while, through the fog, you can see a huge arena, and there are people around the arena, and there is only a floating ladder above the arena.

That Zhuge smiled and said to Chu Tian, ​​"Here, every once in a while, there will be a cultivation entrance. This entrance leads to a place with a strong air, and the better the place, the more people will naturally compete for it. Solve it in the way of the arena."

Chu Tian didn't expect such a thing to happen, so he opened his clairvoyance and piercing eyes to see where this entrance leads to, but there was chaos and nothing could be seen.

Chutian had no choice but to open his Tianyantong, and immediately saw countless small independent formations behind the stairs.

As for Zhuge Yixiao's introduction beside Chutian, "This entrance has been around for several hours, but it has not been decided who will go in. Do you want to try it?"

Chu Tian looked at Zhuge and smiled, "Why are you waiting for me?"

Zhuge smiled but said, "I know that you will be a very powerful person in the future. I befriend you in advance, so I can find a good way out for myself. Does that count?"

That Chutian still didn't believe it, but he couldn't find anything about the other party for the time being, so Chutian came back to his senses and asked, "It's a waste of time to fight in the ring."

I saw Chu Tian leaping towards the arena and flying directly towards the stairs, everyone present immediately cursed, "You bastard, you broke the rules."

"Boy, come down for me."

"Boy, court death."

Many people flew up one after another, trying to intercept Chutian, but their speed was not as fast as Chutian. Instead, Chutian rushed into the stairs with one leap, and then disappeared in front of everyone.

The ladder then disappeared, causing those people to curse in anger.

"Damn it, when he comes out, he must be killed."

"A high god dares to be so rampant."

These people were annoyed in various ways, but Chu Tian didn't bother to pay attention to them, but in a small formation, feeling the strong air around him, he muttered to himself, "This one is still too weak, it seems that we have to look at other small formations. "

So Chutian started to fly around, and there were people practicing in some places, but where there were people practicing, the air was relatively weak, so Chutian chose to fly in places where no one was there.

Time passed little by little until Chutian walked farther and farther away. About several hours later, Chutian came to the deepest part of the formation, where his air had changed color and turned purple.

"Purple look? So weird?"

Chu Tian was amazed, not only that, he found that the air here could improve his cultivation, so he sat down cross-legged and began to practice there.

But at this time, suddenly a crack appeared next to it, and the crack opened like an eye, and then a rope flew out, quickly entangled Chu Tian, ​​and pulled Chu Tian out all at once.

Just when Chutian was about to break the rope, he saw that he was in a large hall, and at the moment the hall was noisy, and they even accused Chutian one after another, "The lord of the hall is him."

"Hallmaster, you must take good care of him."

"Hall Master, this person deserves to die."

"Hall Master, this person broke the rules, he must be punished properly."

Before Chutian understood, a middle-aged man was sitting in the center of the hall, with a golden mask on his face staring at Chutian, "Boy, you broke the rules of the ring in the city, should you explain it to everyone?"

But Chu Tian asked, "You used the rope to get me out?"


Chu Tian looked at the other party up and down, "You are indeed a bit powerful, I don't know how many ancient gods you are."

The man said with a deep expression, "Two-star ancient god, Lin Ao."

Chu Tian snorted, "Senior Lin, isn't this ring just to see who is the best and who wins?"


"Then you also saw that I went to a small formation in another place, not the place they were fighting for, so you have no right to interfere with me."

The people around immediately condemned in various ways, "Boy, you are the entrance to us."

"Yes, this is breaking the rules."

And that Lin Ao stared at Chu Tian, ​​"Boy, you heard that too, these people are dissatisfied."

Just as Chu Tian was about to say something, Zhuge appeared with a smile. He looked at Lin Ao, "Dianzhu Lin, with his strength, even in the arena, he can defeat them."

Those people immediately refused to accept it, and some even shouted, "Zhuge smiled, although you are very smart, you can't open your eyes and talk nonsense."

"That is, can a high god compare with us ancient gods?"

"That's right, the ancient gods here are all at the level of god emperors."

Lin Ao also stared at Zhuge and smiled, "Zhuge smiled, you heard it too, this is what I want to say."

Zhuge smiled slightly, "Then, among you, you can choose anyone at will and compare with him. If he wins, you let him go, but if he loses, let you deal with him, how about it?"

Everyone didn't expect Zhuge Yixiao to be so confident in Chutian, and that Lin Ao stared at Chutian, "Boy, what do you think?"

But Chu Tian said, "Anyone is no match for me, it's a waste of time."

Now those people were completely angry, and an ancient god shouted, "Master, leave it to me, and I will compare with him."

The palace master looked at that person, "Well, Qianhu, come on."

This person named Qianhu has big eyes and a big head, like a big head, and the skin on his body is like a tiger spot. He stares coldly at Chutian, "Boy, have you seen my fist? But fusion If you have the bones of the supreme god, if I punch you down, you will die directly."

Chu Tian glanced at the opponent's fist, and there was indeed a divine bone on it, but Chu Tian smiled disdainfully and said, "Forget it, it's too weak."

This Qianhu completely ran away, and when that Lin Ao was about to untie Chu Tian's rope, that Chu Tian directly broke the rope, that Lin Ao was surprised, and everyone thought Lin Ao let it go.

As for that Qianhu had already clenched his fist, in everyone's opinion, Qianhu's punch was really powerful, as long as this punch passed, Chu Tian would undoubtedly die.

But Chutian stretched out his left hand and directly met the opponent's punch, and the people present were shocked.

"Resist, resist."

That Qianhu was not reconciled, and increased his strength, but no matter how powerful it was, Chutian's left hand seemed to be able to swallow it, and that Lin Ao stared at Chutian and said in surprise, "His left hand has a god bone."

It was only then that everyone knew that Chu Tian had a divine bone in his left hand, which made everyone wonder what kind of divine bone Chu Tian had that could be so powerful.

As far as Chutian was concerned, he looked at Qianhu calmly, "Admit defeat."

Qianhu immediately backed away and stared at Chutian, "Boy, your god bone is in your left hand, but if I attack you elsewhere, you won't be able to resist."

After finishing speaking, Qianhu roared like a tiger, and then countless brown lights flashed on his body, and these brown lights immediately turned into countless stones, appearing from Chutian's body.

All of a sudden, Chutian was surrounded by stones. If all these stones attacked together, Chutian would naturally have nowhere to hide, but just when everyone thought that something happened to Chutian, Chutian had already disappeared from his original position.

This made everyone curious about what happened, until Chu Tian came behind that Qianhu, "You can't even keep up with my speed, and you still want to deal with me?"

The people present were stunned, they didn't expect Chu Tian to be so fast, and that Lin Ao was shocked, "He has a pair of wings and bones."

Everyone exclaimed, "He has two divine bones."

And that Qianhu was not reconciled, and released a powerful momentum, wanting to oppress Chutian, but Chutian smiled strangely, directly breaking the opponent's momentum, and immediately came to the other side of the Qianhu and said with a smile, "It's my turn."

At this moment, Chu Tian's right hand finished accumulating power, and that god-killing blood burst out, instantly destroying that person's physical body, leaving only the godhead.

The people present were dumbfounded, they all knew that Qianhu was powerful, but now they were defeated by Chutian.

As for Chu Tian returning to his senses, that Zhuge smiled and looked at Lin Ao, "Master, do you think he still needs to fight in the ring?"

The people who were clamoring just now had nothing to say, but that Lin Ao stared at Chu Tian for a while and said, "You have three godheads, and they are all gods of creation."

These words shocked everyone, but Chu Tian smiled and said, "Not bad, good eyesight."

Lin Ao stared at Chutian for a long time and said, "It turned out to be so, then you can go back and continue to practice, but I have to remind you, don't run around in that formation, the air in some places is very strange, even powerful enough to Break through your flesh."

"Don't worry, I understand."

Lin Ao just waved his hand, and a crack appeared, "This is where you came out just now, you can go back to where you were just now."

Chu Tian was not polite, he jumped in, and the moment the crack disappeared, everyone started talking, and Lin Ao stared at Zhuge and smiled, "Who the hell is he?"

"The seventh member of the Jucai Pavilion, but you don't know what the Jucai Pavilion is, but I can tell you that only seven people can successfully enter the Jucai Pavilion after countless years in China."

After everyone heard this, they knew how capable Chu Tian was, and Lin Ao said with a strange light in his eyes, "He is so talented. If we let him go to that place, will he be able to survive?"

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(End of this chapter)

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