Invincible cultivation system

Chapter 1318 Impressive Stone, Ancient Divine Art

Chapter 1318 Impressive Stone, Ancient Divine Art (Determination)

Chu Tian said after hearing this, "So that's how it is."

That Lin Ao stared at Chu Tian nervously, "Then did you get the god bone?"

"Well, got it."

Lin Ao was very excited, "Can you give us some?"

Chutian hesitated for a moment, but before he spoke, that Zhuge smiled and said, "Don't worry, we are not robbing you, but exchanging with you."


"Yes, we can exchange with you something you don't have."

Chutian's supreme bones are really useless, it would be nice if they could be exchanged for some good things, so he said with a smile, "Yes, but the things I exchanged are not simple."

Zhuge smiled and said very politely, "Just say it, as long as we have or we can get it, we will definitely get it for you."

"That's what you said."

"of course."

Chu Tian smiled, "Okay, I want something with powerful energy, which can be used to assist cultivation."

Zhuge smiled and immediately took out a stone, which was about the size of a palm, and it seemed to have a strong spirit on it, and he immediately introduced, "This is called the spirit stone, which belongs to a kind of stone with high compression and high concentration of spirit. My quality is the Seventh Grade Spirit Stone, and it is also very expensive in the tomb of the gods, how about it? I can exchange it with you."

Chu Tian was puzzled, "Seventh Grade Spirit Stone?"

"Yes, the energy of this stone is equivalent to the power of a single blow from the body of a Supreme God."

Chu Tian didn't expect the stone to have such a great energy and asked, "Then there are more than the seventh grade?"

"Of course, spirit stones range from grade one to grade nine, and grade one is the most powerful, but even if we can see, the best ones are grade five, which is comparable to the power of a single move of the Creator God, and these spirit stones are generally used To cultivate, or to make magic weapons, or even to maintain formation-like power stones."

Chu Tian had no choice but to randomly take out a piece of divine bone, "Here."

That Zhuge was overjoyed with a smile, and after Chutian got it, the godhead in his body was like a greedy mouth, absorbing the energy from the spirit stone at once, and at the same time Chutian could feel as if he had eaten something, which was very refreshing.

But Zhuge Yixiao and Lin Ao were dumbfounded, Chu Tian asked with a smile, "What's wrong?"

Zhuge smiled and said strangely, "If you absorb this seventh-grade spirit stone according to the realm of our ancient gods, it will take at least half a day to absorb it completely. You can absorb it in one breath?"

"Well, nothing."

Zhuge was stunned with a smile, and Lin Ao quickly took out a piece, which was also of seventh rank, and Chutian also threw out a piece of divine bone.

In this way, Chutian absorbed two pieces, but Chutian was still not satisfied and asked, "I don't know where there is such a spirit stone?"

"This spirit stone is found in some special places in the tomb of the gods, and we finally got it, so if you want to say who has it, I really can't answer, but we can take you to a city in our tomb of the gods, where They specialize in buying and selling all kinds of things, such as spirit stones."

Of course Chutian was happy, and immediately asked these two people to lead the way. About half a day later, they arrived in a city.

This city looks very gloomy, especially in a dark place like the tomb of the gods, such a city with black walls and gusts of wind flying around, it looks very strange.

It wasn't until Chu Tian followed them into the gate that he saw another scene. There were shops everywhere, and each shop was engraved with what to buy and sell.

Until Chutian saw a place called Shenqi Stone Exchange, that Zhuge smiled and said, "Go in."


Soon the three of them walked in, and there were rows of different spirit stones inside, and there were small and large pieces, and there were clearly marked prices at the same time, and this price was not for god stones, but for god bones.

Chu Tian glanced at it. Even here, there are at most hundreds of Qi stones of different qualities, and these stones are borrowed and sold here by others, so the prices vary.

Chutian naturally chose a good one. For example, he directly valued a fifth-grade spirit stone and needed five spirit bones. Chutian unceremoniously threw five spirit bones. The shopkeeper took a glance and gave the spirit stone to Chu sky.

Chu Tian didn't absorb it right away, but put it away, then looked at the others and said, "Shopkeeper, I want it all."

As soon as these words came out, both Zhuge Yixiao and Lin Ao were taken aback, while the shopkeeper was puzzled, "Boy, do you want both?"


This attracted the passers-by, and they crowded in one after another, and many people in the city soon learned of the news. When they saw Chu Tian, ​​who was not an ancient god, they all showed greedy expressions, and even wanted to take him down.

But with Zhuge Yixiao and Lin Ao, the two-star ancient gods, they didn't dare to move. They had already completed the deal with Chutian and left the shop.

Those people talked one after another, "This guy, what is his background?"

"I don't understand, there are two-star ancient gods protecting it."

"What a pity."

As for Lin Ao and Zhuge Yixiao, the whole city was dumbfounded. They didn't expect Chutian to have so many god bones. Even after walking out of the city, Zhuge Yixiao couldn't help asking, "How many god bones do you have?"

Lin Ao also stared at Chutian. As for Chutian, he took out more than a dozen yuan and threw it to them, saying, "You guys can share it equally. It's a thank you."

This remark made the two of them overjoyed, and Chutian knew that without them, he would have been in more trouble. After all, those people in the city were staring at him, but Chutian looked at them with a smile, "As for how much I have, this I don't know either, I only know that there are quite a few pools in that pool, and I took them away."

The two were dumbfounded, but Chu Tian looked at them with a smile, "I still want to exchange it, but where else is there?"

The two shook their heads one after another, and Chu Tian was a little disappointed, but he calmed down and said, "Then let's go."

Lin Ao said anxiously, "Boy, besides the spirit stone, don't you need some powerful magical skills?"

"Divine magic?"


Chu Tian smiled wryly, "I have a divine bone, so is there anything more powerful than a divine bone?"

But Lin Ao said, "It's different, the divine bone and the divine art can be used together, and the power will naturally multiply."

Chu Tian has the blood light of killing gods and the aura of gods and demons. He doesn't know any other magic skills that can be more powerful than these two, so he said with a smile, "I also have powerful magic skills."

Zhuge smiled and said, "Your magic is definitely not as powerful as what we said."

Chu Tian asked curiously, "Oh? So sure?"

"Yes, that is one of the so-called top ten ancient divine arts."

Chu Tian wondered, "One of the top ten ancient magic arts?"

Zhuge smiled and said, "This can be traced back to many years ago."

"Oh? Talk about it."

"In the past, the God Realm was in turmoil. Later, many god tombs appeared, and some divine arts appeared one after another in these god tombs, but these divine arts were not the strongest. Later, some ancient divine arts appeared, and ten of them One is the most powerful, and it is rumored in the tomb of the gods that whoever can obtain one of the top ten magic arts will become the overlord of one party, and it is not a problem to kill the Supreme God or fight the Creator God."

Chu Tian asked suspiciously, "How does that compare with the Ancient Star God?"

"Star-level ancient gods are another matter. These are different, especially if they exceed the level of three-star ancient gods, it is even more terrifying. It is beyond our imagination."

Chu Tian said in a low voice, "Then what is the name of one of the top ten ancient magic arts in your mouth? Where is it?"

Zhuge smiled and said, "There is a place in our tomb called Forbidden Temple. It is rumored that any god who enters it will lose his aura and the power of his bones. Some of them are just ordinary bodies walking in it, but there are rumors I saw an ancient god in this Forbidden Temple, and this ancient god is said to have learned Fei Yijian, one of the top ten ancient gods."

"Fly a sword?"

"Well, that ancient divine technique is swordsmanship, but some people said it was a rumor, but many people still went to inquire, but they either died or left with serious injuries."

After hearing this, Chu Tian asked, "Could it be that Fei Yijian is very powerful?"

"They said that in the Forbidden Temple, there is a strange force that specifically attacks these people who have only flesh and no power. As for Fei Yijian, some people have seen it, and some people have not. Even if they saw it, they would Can't get close to him."

Chu Tian smiled, "So you want me to go."

Zhuge smiled embarrassedly and said, "We're not saying that you are going to die, but because you are so powerful, if you can really get in touch with Fei Yijian and learn ancient magic from him, then, in the future, if your cultivation base improves, then you will be able to rely on it." You can dominate one side in the tomb of the gods."

Lin Ao said with a smile, "Yes, we only want you to become stronger. We thank you for giving us so many god bones."

Chu Tian had no choice but to say, "That's fine, I can go and have a look."

Zhuge Yixiao and Lin Ao immediately brought Chutian to the so-called Forbidden God Temple, but from a distance it looked like a ruin, and the ruins looked like temples, just like what Chutian saw in another god's tomb Temples are similar.

It's just that this place is relatively big, and there is a strange barrier around it. When Chu Tian approached, he felt the aura in his body seemed to be compressed.

That Lin Ao said outside the barrier, "Once you enter, your aura will disappear."

Zhuge smiled and nodded, "That's right, if it's dangerous then, run out quickly."

"Well, I'll try."

However, after Chutian disappeared in front of the two of them, his spirit recovered. After all, he could use the purification system to solve this problem, and he disappeared into the ruins all at once.

The two chatted there at the moment, and Lin Ao said, "Do you think he can see Fei Yijian?"

Zhuge smiled and replied, "According to my calculations, it is possible, and he can also get the ancient divine art taught by Fei Yijian."

"real or fake?"

"Well, really."

Lin Ao looked forward to it, "If this is the case, then this kid has a bright future."

"More than that, when the seal of the tomb of the gods is released, even if all the ancient gods rush out here, he can still make those ancient gods tremble!" Zhuge smiled confidently and expressed his thoughts.

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(End of this chapter)

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