Invincible cultivation system

Chapter 1319 Under One Sword, There Are Only Ruins

Chapter 1319 Under One Sword, There Are Only Ruins (Determination)
Seeing that Zhuge Yixiao was so optimistic about Chutian, Lin Ao began to look forward to it, and Chutian was in the temple, and at this moment, he saw flowing gas everywhere, and this gas would attack people, if others would have been penetrated.

But Chutian was not affected by the barrier, and he could still use his aura, so he could move freely, and he also found an underground passage, and finally saw ten stone swords under this passage.

The stone sword formed a sword formation, surrounding a person, and this person's body was as dry as a mummy, and at the same time he was sitting there cross-legged with his eyes closed.

But his voice was like a ghost, and there was a spirit who suddenly appeared behind Chu Tian and said, "He has some skills."

Chu Tian immediately turned around, just in time to see a young man, and the young man looked very high-spirited, and he couldn't even see through the opponent's strength, Chu Tian warned, "Who are you?"

"I? I am the master of this body."

Chu Tian frowned, "He? So old? Are you so young?"

"Old? It's just that the power of my physical body has been sealed, and my soul can only move around this body, and the appearance of my soul is the real self."


"Well, by a nasty guy."

Chu Tian wondered, "So your name is Fei Yijian?"

"It seems that someone still knows me."

Seeing that the person in front of him was Fei Yijian, Chu Tian said bluntly, "I came here to learn ancient divine arts. I wonder if you can teach me?"

"Teach you? Can you learn it?"

"Why can't you learn?"

That Fei Yijian smiled and said, "My swordsmanship is very difficult to learn, and if I want to teach you, I have to demonstrate it to you, and I can only demonstrate it once at most, otherwise my spirit will dissipate."

Chu Tian said indifferently, "Just once."

Fei Yijian stared at Chu Tian strangely, "Are you sure once?"


Fei Yijian thought for a while and said, "Then I have to test you, otherwise everyone will come here and learn my sword skills, wouldn't it be a waste of my time."


"Have you seen these ten stone swords?"


"This stone sword is a sword array, which seals my power. If you can reach my physical body and pull out the sword stuck in my back, then these sword arrays will disappear, and my physical body will also slow down. Slow recovery, when the time comes, don’t say demonstrate once, just demonstrate ten times.”

Chu Tian suddenly understood that the other party wanted to save him by himself, but Chu Tian said, "How can I ensure that you will regret it later?"

"Repent? I'm flying a sword, how could I repent."

"Hard to say."

The other party had no choice but to say, "Then I will make a promise."


So Fei Yijian made a promise, and then looked at Chutian, "Boy, I have already made it, but I'm afraid it will be difficult for you to get close, because these sword arrays are very terrifying, and can kill even a powerful ancient god."

Chutian directly ignored the other party's words and walked in, and these sword qi suddenly attacked Chutian everywhere, trying to penetrate Chutian, but Chutian was fine and even intact.

That Fei Yijian was stunned, "Strange, why isn't this guy afraid of these sword qi?"

However, Chu Tian came to Fei Yijian's body all at once, and saw that there was indeed a sword stuck behind him, and this sword was integrated into the godhead in his body, as long as the sword moved, the godhead would move.

It would be uncomfortable to fly a sword, but Chu Tian had to ask, "How to do it."

"Pull it out quickly."

Chutian had no choice but to grab it with one hand and pull it out quickly. He could see that it was a black and slender sword. When the sword completely disappeared from Fei Yijian's body, Fei Yijian's aura began to become stronger, and his physical body Recovery began, and soon a man appeared intact.

Fei Yijian looked at his physical body and became excited, "I, I finally broke the seal."

Fei Yijian never thought of this, so he looked at Chu Tian and said with a smile, "I don't know how to call it?"


Fei Yijian smiled and said, "Okay, I will pass on the sword skills to you now, no matter how many times you learn it, it's fine."

After finishing speaking, a wooden sword appeared in Fei Yijian's hand, and then he danced his ancient magic technique there, and this sword technique is very simple, it can store power through the sword, the longer the power is stored, the heavier the sword energy on the sword , and the whole process cannot be interrupted, once it is interrupted, it must be restarted.

This made Chu Tian stunned, until the opponent's accumulation reached a certain limit, and he threw out the sword technique. The sword technique was like beams of light, hitting the front wall with a whistling sound, and a big hole was ripped through the wall immediately. And that power is very powerful.

Fei Yijian smiled and said, "How is it? Do you understand?"

Chu Tian has a system and naturally knows it all at once, and he also knows that this sword technique is called one sword to destroy the sky.

This made Chu Tian sigh, "It's really not easy to destroy the sky with one sword."

Fei Yijian didn't expect Chu Tian to know the name and said with a smile, "It seems that you know something about this ancient magic."

Chu Tian returned to his senses and said with a smile, "I heard that."

Fei Yijian smiled, "Tell me, if there's anything you don't understand, I'll demonstrate it to you again."

"No, I've learned it."

"What? You learned?"


Fei Yijian didn't believe it, but Chu Tian took out Xuanyuan Sword, which is his strongest sword so far, and he started to accumulate power according to Fei Yijian's method, and after accumulating power for a while, he felt that there was something on the sword Very powerful sword energy.

This sword energy is so strong that Xuanyuan Sword is buzzing and trembling, as if it is about to leave Chutian's palm, while Fei Yijian frowned, "The longer you store your energy, the greater the power, and you can't even control it, so sometimes don't store your energy Too long, unless the person you have to deal with is terrible, you can only fight once, and under normal circumstances, it is almost enough."

Chu Tian still suppressed it until he couldn't suppress it anymore, and the sword hit the other wall, making a bigger hole than the flying sword, and it was deeper. After that, he couldn't believe it, " Just read it once, you are really against the sky."

Chu Tian thanked, "I have to thank you."

Fei Yijian shook his head, "You don't need to thank me, you deserve it."

Chu Tian smiled and said nothing, but Fei Yijian said after seeing the ten stone swords trembling, "No, the person who sealed me has already sensed that I have left, so leave here quickly, or there will be trouble .”

After Fei Yijian finished speaking, a flicker disappeared, and Chu Tian had no choice but to leave here.

After walking out of here, Lin Ao and Zhuge asked how Chutian was doing with a smile, but Chutian said with a smile, "I have learned."

The two gasped, and Chu Tian looked at their expressions and said with a smile, "No matter what, I'd like to thank you for letting me learn and gain a lot."

Instead, the two became embarrassed, and Chu Tian smiled, "Okay, I should go too, there will be a period later."

The two of them didn't expect Chutian to leave so soon, so they had no choice but to say goodbye to each other, and Chutian left here with a leap, relieved to see that no one was chasing him.

Finally, he stood at the entrance of the tomb of the gods, looked at the entrance of the seal and said with a smile, "It's time to go out, and have fun with this Jin Lingshen and Motian Supreme God."

At this moment, Chu Tian is different than before he came in. Not only does he have a new bone, but also a new sword technique, as well as a tenth-level upper god, which makes him more confident in dealing with these two people.

So Chu Tian opened his left hand, broke the seal, and rushed out.

Jin Lingshen, who was retreating at the side, never expected Chu Tian to come out suddenly. When he realized it, Chu Tian was already standing in front of him and said with a smile, "Hello, Jin Lingshen."

The Jin Lingshen was shocked, "You, how did you come out."

"How can the tomb of the gods trap me?"

Jin Lingshen was furious and was about to strike again, but Chu Tian took out Xuanyuan Sword again, then grabbed the sword and stared at the other party with a smile, "Do you dare to take my sword?"

"Hmph, with your broken swordsmanship, do you still want to hurt me?"

"You'll know when you try it."

Jin Lingshen ignored Chu Tian until he saw the trembling aura on the Xuanyuan Sword, which made him frown, "What is this?"

Chu Tian smiled strangely, and swung his sword over, while the Jin Lingshen quickly avoided, but the huge sword energy directly punched a huge hole in the surrounding area, not only that, through the hole, you can also see Many buildings outside were collapsed by the sword energy.

Everyone in the Golden Spirit Shrine was curious about what happened, why there was such a powerful air flow that destroyed countless halls.

Jin Lingshen was floating in the air, staring at Chu Tian who came out of his training hall, and said in shock, "You."

Chu Tian smiled slightly, "Try again."

The Jin Lingshen snorted, "Do you think you want to defeat me with this sword technique?"

"How do you know if you don't try."

Jin Lingshen was in a hurry and started to fight with Chutian, and Chutian had wings to avoid the opponent's attack, and this Jin Lingshen was the supreme god after all, and his speed was also very fast, making Chutian's swordsmanship no matter how powerful it was, he could not attack. It's useless to reach the target.

However, Jinling Shrine, a good shrine, will be in ruins all around after a while, and those who were affected by the sword energy will either be seriously injured or die. The entire Jinling Shrine is no longer a shrine, it is completely a ruins field .

Jin Lingshen blushed with anger, "You, you."

Chu Tian teased, "Are you still here?"

Jin Lingshen knew that he couldn't do anything to Chu Tian by himself, so he opened his hands, and a cracked black hole appeared behind him, and then he walked into it and challenged Chu Tian, ​​"Come here if you have the ability."

Through that crack, Chu Tian could feel that the inside was leading to the Demon God's Palace, so he smiled, "Alright, let the Demon God Palace, like your Golden Spirit Palace, be reduced to ruins together."

After finishing speaking, Chu Tian leaped over, and the Motian supreme god didn't know what was going on, until Jin Lingshen found him suddenly, pointed at Chu Tian and said, "He, he came out."

The Motian Supreme God looked into the distance, and saw Chu Tian holding the sword, smashing all the halls and some hills in the Motian Temple, as if a Supreme God was attacking everywhere.

This made Motian Supreme God roar angrily, "Boy, stop!"

 Today's fourth update, please recommend tickets to subscribe, thank you everyone.


(End of this chapter)

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