Invincible cultivation system

Chapter 1320 Three-faced God Killing Formation

Chapter 1320 Three-sided God Killing Formation (Determination)
Chu Tian held the sword and looked at Motian Supreme God with a smile, "Stop it if you say it? Who do you think I am?"

The Motian Supreme God was annoyed, "Boy, if you don't stop, I will kill you."

"It's ridiculous, you couldn't deal with me before, and now you can't stop me."

Motian Supreme God gritted his teeth and looked at Jin Lingshen, "What's going on?"

"I don't know, this guy is terrible."

Jin Lingshen was already frightened by Chutian's methods, and the Motian Supreme God glared at Chutian, "What do you want?"

"Give me those three divine beast beads!"

Motian Supreme God's eyes flashed with a strange light, "You, do you really want those three?"


Mo Tian pondered for a while and said, "It's so, then I'll just give it to you."

I saw Motian Zhigao's hand for a while, a road leading to the place where the four pillars were, and the three beast beads were on three of the pillars, and then Motian Zhigao stared at Chutian, "It's right here, Go yourself if you have the ability."

Hearing this, Chutian leaped and rushed in there. Just as he was about to grab a divine beast bead, the four pillars shone with black light, and Chutian was directly sucked into it.

The Motian supreme god looked at Chu Tian with a sneer, "Boy, I forgot to tell you, this seal, as long as someone touches it, it will suck that person into it."

Chu Tian didn't know whether to laugh or cry, "Do you think this seal is effective for me?"

"Boy, you still think about whether the guy in this seal will eat you up."

Chutian looked behind him, there was a big monster controlled by countless ropes, and it had a long tongue that was thrown towards him, trying to eat Chutian, but Chutian smiled wryly, "It's just this shit, I still want to eat it!" I?"

The Supreme God of Motian, who was sealed there, sneered, "Boy, don't be self-righteous, this is a terrible guy. I have always wanted to break the seal, just to let him out."

But Chutian said calmly, "Oh? Really? Then I will let you know that this guy will be very unlucky."

But the monster roared angrily, and its tongue came, and it could release bursts of thick green liquid, with the purpose of entangled Chutian and killed him.

But Chutian smiled strangely, "Do you want to pester me like this? Naive."

I saw the sword in his hand flicked hard, the opponent's tongue broke, and the monster roared, obviously in pain, but the tongue grew out again, as if it could not be destroyed.

Chu Tian could only sneer, "It's so, then I'll let you try this."

At this time, Chutian was accumulating power in his right hand, and then injected the power into the Xuanyuan sword. This was equivalent to the power of the god bone bursting out on the sword, and the sword energy that was shot out was very terrifying.

The sword energy hit the monster directly, and the monster turned into ashes.

The Demon Heaven Supreme God who was outside was shocked, "You."

Chu Tian put away his sword and said with a smile, "I thought it was powerful, but it's nothing more than that."

That Motian Zhigao was so angry that he was half dead, but he couldn't help Chutian. Instead, Chutian looked around the space, jumped up, and got all the three divine beast beads into his hands.

The Motian supreme god who was outside was angry when he saw that the three beast beads were not there, and said, "Boy, give it back to me."


At this moment, Chutian took a leap and walked out of the seal. The Motian Supreme God stared at Chutian in shock, "You actually came out."

Chu Tian looked at Motian Supreme God with a smile, "Do you think breaking the seal can trap me? Or do you want to use that useless monster to deal with me."

Motian Zhigao was so angry that he wanted to kill Chutian, but his attack couldn't touch Chutian at all. Instead, Chutian held the sword and played with the opponent there. After Chutian turned the entire Motian Temple into ruins, the Motian Supreme God shocked.

Jin Lingshen expressed helplessness, until Motian Supreme God looked at him, "You should think of a way."

The Jin Lingshen looked depressed, "I can't help it either."

Motian Supreme God stared, "It was you who led him here."

Jin Lingshen smiled wryly, "If I don't get him here, my Jin Lingshen Palace will be in ruins."

Mo Tian Zhi Gao was so angry that he wanted to curse, but this was not the way, the only way was to lure Chu Tian away, so he looked at Jin Lingshen, "Come, let's send him to Jinyu Shrine together."

Jin Lingshen was stunned, "Are you trying to bring the flames of war to Jinyu Shrine?"

"Well, Jinyu Shrine, those people must have a way to suppress him."

Jin Lingshen had no choice but to join forces, and the three of them were brought to the Jinyu Shrine by a space crack.

This Golden Realm Shrine is much stronger than the Golden Spirit Shrine and Motian Shrine, and when the three of them suddenly appeared, they attracted countless people. These are all experts of the Golden Realm Shrine.

Among them was the Great Elder of Jinyu Shrine, who stared at Jin Lingshen and Motian Supreme God strangely, "My lords, what are you doing here at our Jinyu Shrine?"

Jin Lingshen said awkwardly, "We want to find your Palace Master."

"Our palace master is retreating."

Jin Lingshen pointed at Chu Tian, ​​"This guy, if you want to destroy your place, if your Palace Master doesn't show up again, he will destroy this place."

Motian Supreme God also said, "That's right."

Those people from the Golden Realm Shrine wondered why a high god would come here to make trouble, and two supreme gods led the way, and that Chutian didn't expect these two people to lead him here.

However, that Qin Linyue appeared at this time. Seeing that Chu Tian had come here, he hurriedly said to the elder, "Elder, this guy injured me before."

"Oh? He hurt you?"

"Yes, Great Elder, you must avenge me."

The great elder wondered, "A high god? Hurt you? I said Qin Linyue, you are too weak."

Qin Linyue was embarrassed, but Chu Tian said, "For Jinyu Shrine, today is my grievance with these two supreme gods. If any of you dare to approach, you will die."

Everyone didn't expect that a high god would challenge the supreme god, and even dare to threaten them. A group of geniuses who thought they were great wanted to make a move, but who knew, Chu Tian stretched out his hand.

The fingers shot out streaks of golden light, and these golden lights directly pierced the godheads of some god kings, while the god emperors seemed to be burned, which shocked the elders.

Until the great elder scolded, "Damn it, take him down for me."

When these people were about to make a move, Chu Tian swung his sword across, smashing the people in the front to pieces on the spot, while the rest of the sword energy hit the building and shattered them all.

The people present were stunned, but the Jin Lingshen looked at them and said, "You should let your Palace Master come out quickly, otherwise he will have to demolish this place."

The Great Elder and the others still didn't believe it, but after a few twists and turns, many parts of the Jinyu Shrine had been turned into ruins, and everyone present was dumbfounded.

Until Motian Supreme God stared at a place in the dark, "I said, are you still coming out?"

At this time, a hole appeared in the sky, and a dull voice came from inside the hole, "I say, you two, you are too wicked to lead such a guy to me."

Jin Lingshen explained, "This guy, the three of us must form a three-sided killing array, otherwise he is very fast, and it is impossible to suppress him."

The voice in the cave hesitated and said, "Isn't it just a high god? Is it necessary?"

After seeing the other party's disbelief, Motian Supreme God said, "He is not simple at all."

Jin Lingshen hummed, "That's right."

The person in the dark had no choice but to say, "Okay then, I'll just see what kind of ability a high god has to give you two such headaches."

At this time, a piece of wood flew out, and the wood stood in the air, and everyone said respectfully, "Palace Master."

A voice came from inside the wood, "Well, step back."

Everyone retreated one after another, while the wooden man stared at Chu Tian and said, "Boy, you killed many people in my palace, and also destroyed many buildings in my Jinyu Shrine."

"so what?"

"What? Are you still not afraid?"

Chu Tian laughed and said, "These two guys brought me here, so I have nothing to be afraid of."

"Okay, then I'll let you know how good I am."

At this time, the wood shone with golden light, and then a golden enchantment seal appeared around Chutian, trying to trap Chutian, but Chutian easily rushed out of the enchantment and said with a smile, "If it's an enchantment or something, forget it, you It can't trap me."

The Palace Master inside the wood asked suspiciously, "You actually came out?"

"of course."

Jin Lingshen who was on the side said, "Hurry up and use the three-sided killing god formation, otherwise there is no way to deal with him."

Motian Supreme God also said, "That's right."

The person inside the log had no choice but to say, "That's fine."

At this time, the three people formed three corners, facing Chutian, and the three released a powerful aura, forming a strange space. In this space, Chutian was in a dim starry sky.

Chu Tian looked around suspiciously, and the Motian Supreme God said, "Boy, this formation can kill the Supreme God. Using it to deal with you, I really think highly of you."

After hearing this, Chu Tian laughed and said, "You still want to kill me with this?"

The Motian Supreme God sneered, "You will know how scary it is later."

At this time, starlight appeared in the starry sky, and these starlights had the ability to burn, and Chutian felt as if his body was about to be burned the moment he got close to Chutian.

The Motian supreme god became proud, "Boy, enjoy it slowly."

That Jin Lingshen also became proud, "Boy, if you tell us what you have cultivated, we can consider letting you go."

"Practice what?"

Jin Lingshen replied, "Yes, that's why you are so powerful."

Chu Tian smiled, "I have cultivated a lot."

"That said."

"Sorry, I won't tell you."

Jin Lingshen snorted, "Then you will die."

At this time, Chu Tian opened his wings, rushed out, and then began to fly around this space, but this space seemed endless, and even the boundary could not be found.

"Boy, don't waste your energy in vain. This space has no boundaries and no exits." The Golden Spirit God laughed at Chu Tian.

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(End of this chapter)

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