Invincible cultivation system

Chapter 1321 Competition for the Divine Beast Hall

Chapter 1321 Competition for the Divine Beast Hall (to be determined)

After hearing this, Chu Tian laughed and said, "That's not necessarily the case."

Jin Lingshen sneered, "What? Can you still figure it out?"

"Hard to say."

Jin Lingshen didn't take it seriously, but Chutian made a move. He took out the Qiankun Realm, took a picture of a place, and a passage appeared, and then Chutian leaped outside.

It happened to see three people maintaining this huge three-sided killing array.

When they sensed Chutian coming out, they all looked at Chutian, and the Jin Lingshen was shocked, "How is that possible."

Motian Supreme God couldn't believe it, and the Palace Master of the Golden Realm was even more inconceivable and said, "How did you do this?"

The Jin Lingshen didn't know what to say about Chutian, but Chutian looked at them and said with a smile, "Three, are you still maintaining the formation?"

The three of them hurriedly withdrew, but these three were dignified and supreme gods, but they couldn't take down Chutian. They were so angry that they didn't know what to say, they could only stare there.

Chu Tian had no choice but to say, "That's okay, I should go too."

"Let's go?" The supreme gods were stunned, and Chu Tian smiled and said, "Yes, I have got my beast beads, and I can't kill you for the time being, but it doesn't matter, one day my cultivation level will break through, and I will definitely be able to kill you."

The three of them immediately became angry, but Chu Tian laughed loudly and disappeared in the blink of an eye. The people in the Golden Realm Shrine were shocked. They didn't expect that there was a high god who could make the three supreme gods curse there. .

But Jin Lingshen said anxiously, "It's not the way to go on like this."

Motian's eyes flashed with murderous intent, "This guy is probably collecting magic beast beads."

The Palace Master of the Golden Realm was puzzled, "Warcraft Orb?"

"Well, I guess I have already collected quite a few."

Jin Lingshen said curiously, "It is rumored that if you gather twelve, you can open the beast tower. This guy will not really want to open the beast tower."

"Hard to say."

Jin Lingshen was not reconciled, "If he is really allowed to open the Divine Beast Tower, the consequences will be disastrous."

Motian Supreme God looked at the two of them, "It's simple, we just need to find the remaining beast beads before him, so that he can't get all of them, and we can also threaten him with the beast beads."

Jin Lingshen asked curiously, "Then how do we do it?"

After Motian Supreme God announced his plan one by one, the three disappeared in the blink of an eye. As for Chu Tian, ​​after leaving the Golden Realm Palace, he got Yan Xian'er out.

Yan Xian'er already knew what happened, so she asked curiously, "Then there are still two left?"


"Then how do you find it?"

"Ten gathered together, we can already determine the whereabouts of the other two. They are in Lie Yan Shenzhou. We will find them when we go back."


Afterwards, the two left until they returned to Lieyan Shenzhou after spending some time. After Chutian tried to confirm it, he took out the picture and pointed to a place and said, "Here."

Yan Xian'er frowned when she saw a strange black area on the map, "Poisonous."

"What? Is this poisonous?"

"Well, when Du Zong was forced to enter here, it became Du Zong's paradise, and outsiders couldn't get close to it. Even those supreme gods didn't dare to step in at will. It is rumored that there are things that the supreme gods are afraid of."

Chu Tian really wanted to see it, so he said with a smile, "Let's go."

"Are you really going?"

"of course."

Afterwards, Chu Tian calmed down, took Yan Xian'er, and rushed to Du Zong quickly.

This poisonous zombie is a unique place. There are all kinds of poisonous gas and poisonous insects in it all year round, so people who are not poisonous zombies dare not come here. After Chu Tian fell down, he looked at Yan Xian'er, "It's going to be troublesome again. is you."

Yan Xian'er has long been used to it, but she also knows in her heart that if her cultivation continues to be like this, she will be farther and farther away from Chutian, so she has an idea in her heart at this moment, that is to become stronger.

But that was just a fleeting thought, and after Yan Xian'er entered the Immortal Mansion, Chu Tian went into a deadly state.

This poisonous zombie is surrounded by mountains, as well as some purple-black air currents, and there are various bugs moving around. Not only that, there are spider webs and venom everywhere.

But these were nothing to Chutian, but after Chutian walked for a while, a black shadow appeared in the sky.

These black shadows were hidden under the animal skins, and they were wearing animal skin masks. The leader was a wolf head. He stared at Chu Tian and asked, "Who dares to come here to make trouble."

But Chu Tian said directly, "I'm going to your poisonous zombie."

"Dream, we don't let any outsiders approach here."

"Then what if I want?"

"It's ridiculous, you are a high god, how dare you force your way?"

Chu Tian ignored the other party and really walked in, while the wolf head sneered, "Stimulate a wave of poisonous insects."

At this time, countless poisonous insects flew over from some holes, underground, or even trees, with only one purpose, that is to kill Chutian, and Chutian glanced at these insects, and purple light immediately radiated from his body.

These bugs could only hover in place on the spot, and finally retreated to the dark place, not daring to do anything, which shocked those people.

They never expected that Chu Tian would be so terrifying and able to control these insects, but the leader was unwilling, "Why are you in a daze? Release the poisonous insects into his body for me."


These people began to emit strange gas from their bodies, and the gas had only one purpose, which was to enter Chutian's body, and then produce bugs in Chutian's body.

But after these gases entered Chutian's body, they were purified one by one, but those people didn't know what happened.

The leader said arrogantly, "Boy, you are already poisoned, you should surrender obediently."

Chu Tian teased, "Surrender? I don't know which eye you see that I have to surrender?"

The person in the lead snorted, "Induce the poison."

Those people started to arouse the poison in Chutian's body to make the poisonous insects explode, but Chutian smiled strangely as if nothing happened, and shot out countless gods and demons one by one.

These people were immediately afflicted with the demonic energy, and they all floated up, which made everyone scream.

Chu Tian said, "Lead the way."

These people were shocked, but now they don't have the ability to resist at all, they can only follow Chutian's footsteps, and every time they choose a path, Chutian forces them to say.

In this way, Chu Tian passed through the area openly and came to a forest, and in this forest, there were vicious people everywhere, when they saw an outsider, they rushed in.

Immediately, many people came out and surrounded Chutian, but Chutian looked at them with a smile, "Everyone, my target is not you, you get out of the way."

These people didn't expect that a high god would dare to threaten them, so they all wanted to do it, but in the end, only one of them either fell down or became a balloon.

All of a sudden, the entire poisonous zombie became a sensation, and countless masters came from all over the place. God kings, god kings, and even god emperors all appeared, but none of them was Chutian's opponent.

Instead, Chutian came outside a large hall, which looked like a giant beetle, which surprised Chutian, "This structure is a bit strange."

At this time, those vicious people behind were pointing and pointing.

"Boy, if you go in, you will die."

"Yes, this is our temple."

"Only our past lords are eligible to enter!"

But Chu Tian said disapprovingly, "It's nothing!"

After finishing speaking, Chutian walked into the hall without hesitation, and those people lamented in various ways, and even paid homage to the temple, obviously because of guilt, or even cursing themselves for not being able to stop Chutian.

This made Chu Tian wonder, it's just a big hall, so why make it so exaggerated.

However, the moment Chutian stepped into the main hall, the door had already closed automatically, and it was dark before Chutian's eyes, so Chutian had no choice but to open his golden eyes and clairvoyant eyes, and what imprinted in front of him were statues of various insects.

Chu Tian smiled wryly, "I said, it's time to come out."

At this time, an old man walked out from behind the statue. The old man had disheveled hair and a worm-like ring in his hand. He stared at Chu Tian through his hair, "Outsider, do you know what it means to step into this hall?" ?”

"Does it have anything to do with me?"

"It seems that you are very confident."

"Sorry, I'm not confident, I have to come in."


"The last two divine beast beads."

The old man widened his eyes and snorted, "The Beast Bead belongs to our poisonous land, and no one can take it away."

"But what do I want?"

"Sorry, you don't have a chance."

Chu Tian looked around and found that the two beads suddenly disappeared, which made Chu Tian frowned, "What's going on?"

"Three people came early and were willing to help us guard it."

"Three people? Guard it?"

"Yes, they are now guarding the bead with our beasts in the hall of beasts."

Chutian had an ominous premonition. Sure enough, a door appeared out of nowhere. After the door opened, two people and a piece of wood appeared in front of Chutian, surrounded by two divine beast beads.

These two people are exactly the same as Jin Lingshen, Mo Tian, ​​and the Palace Master of the Golden Realm.

This made Chu Tian dumbfounded, "It came so fast."

That Motian looked back at Chu Tian who was outside the door and said with a smile, "Boy, I was sure you would come, so we came ahead of time, and we also reached an agreement with the owner of the Divine Beast Hall to guard the Divine Beast Orb together. "

Chu Tian flew into the gate like a gust of wind, and in the hall, there was a huge shadow, which was hidden in a statue, breathing like a terrifying demon.

Seeing Chu Tian's startled expression, the Mo Tian smiled and said, "Boy, there is one most terrifying thing in the Divine Beast Palace, and that is the King of Beasts."

"The king of beasts?"

"Yes, the king of all the beasts. Although it has no body, its spirit is very domineering. If you dare to provoke it, it can blow the Supreme God away with a shout."

Chu Tian didn't believe that this beast without a body was so powerful, so he laughed and said, "Are you scaring me?"

"Scaring you? Then come over and try, I guarantee you won't be able to walk by our side."

But Chutian laughed strangely, and rushed over in a leap.

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(End of this chapter)

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