Invincible cultivation system

Chapter 1322 Gathering Under the Pagoda

Chapter 1322 Gathering Under the Pagoda (Determination)
The three people were overjoyed when they saw Chu Tian flying over, and the beast soul inside the giant stone statue suddenly rushed out with a powerful momentum, as if it had a dragon body, three tiger heads, and two huge arms at the same time.

Not only that, seeing the nine snake tails behind him, Chu Tian gasped, "What the hell is this?"

Then the beast soul blew in one breath, Chutian's whole body became unstable, and rolled over there, and finally a crack appeared in the stone statue, sucking Chutian into it.

All of a sudden Chutian disappeared from his original position, and the three of them were secretly delighted. Motian Supreme God even looked at the stone statue and said, "How about the king of all beasts? You got him done?"

The Golden Spirit God also stared at the stone statue curiously, wanting to know the result. As for the Palace Master of the Golden Realm, he quietly waited for the Beastmaster to answer on the weird wood.

As for the king of all beasts, he said to himself, "Don't worry, he has been sealed in my space by me. No one can take him away except me, and he can't leave."

Motian Supreme God said worriedly, "But he has a magic weapon that can open space."

"Don't worry, my space restrains any magic weapon, and his magic weapon is ineffective even if it is inside right now."

Only then did the three feel relieved, and Chu Tian was standing in a space full of various beast souls.

Seeing this scene, Chu Tian naturally wanted to leave, so he took out the Qiankun Realm, but the Qiankun Realm was ineffective, there was no light, and it was impossible to illuminate a passage.

This made Chu Tian frowned, "Damn it, what kind of ghost space is this?"

"Boy, give up. This is the world of beast souls. I am the king of beast souls. There is no way for you to escape from here."

But Chu Tian looked around and said, "The king of beast souls? Then you come out, let's make gestures!"

The king of all beasts joked, "To deal with you? You don't need me, as long as these beast souls enter your body one by one, your body will not be able to bear their strength, and will turn into ashes in the end."

When Chu Tian heard this, he said disdainfully, "You better not, otherwise you won't know how to cry later."

The king of beasts smiled, "Oh? I'm so self-righteous."

Then those beast souls buzzed and gathered in Chutian's body. They had only one task, which was to tear Chutian's body apart.

But Chutian smiled strangely, "Beast souls are also energy, if they come, then suck them up."

I saw that Chutian's godhead was in a crazy absorption mode, so the beast souls that entered were all absorbed by the godhead one by one.

After going on for a quarter of an hour, the king of all beasts realized something was wrong and warned, "Boy, what have you done!"

"Me? I didn't do anything, I just thought it was fun."

The king of all beasts said coldly, "Fun?"

"Yes, is there any more? Keep coming, the more the better."

"Good guy, I hope you can persist like this later."

Later, more and more beast souls appeared, but Chutian still continued to absorb them, and even said unsatisfactorily, "Continue."

The king of all beasts began to feel more and more wrong and put away the other beast souls, "Hmph, do you think I'm stupid?"

"If you don't give it to me, then I will do it myself."

Chu Tian used his golden eyes and clairvoyant eyes to absorb all the beast souls hidden in this space one by one. The king of all beasts could only get angry there, but he couldn't stop Chu Tian at all.

Instead, Chutian seemed to come to his own space, playing as he wanted.

The beast souls in the beast soul space were all absorbed within a few days, and Chu Tian felt much more comfortable, as if he had broken through and beckoned to him.

The most important thing is that Chutian was still standing on the edge of an enchantment. He found that when he put his hand on it, he could feel a heartbeat and breath sound, which was like that of the king of beasts. This made Chutian wonder, "This space, not Could it be in your body?"

The king of all beasts was afraid that Chu Tian would find out the secret and snorted, "No."

"Still sophistry?"

"Boy, what do you want to do?"

"Of course I want to destroy you."

Putting one hand there, Chu Tian opened up his power-swallowing ability, the king of all beasts screamed again and again, and even a crack appeared in the air, sucking Chu Tian out, and finally threw Chu Tian out of the stone statue.

At this moment, the three people under the stone statue were still thinking about whether Chutian deserved to die after a few days. When they saw that Chutian was intact, they were all stunned.

Chu Tian looked at the three of them with a smile, "All right, you three."

Motian Supreme God recently said in shock, "You, why didn't you die?"

The two Jin Lingshen were also dumbfounded, and Chu Tian said with a smile, "Well, you can ask this king of beasts."

Those people looked at the King of Beasts, but the stone statue stopped talking, which made the three of them puzzled what happened, and Chu Tian smiled at the two divine beast beads surrounded by the three of them, "Forget it, you can't ask anything, why don't you give me the Beast Orb."

After speaking, Chu Tian leaped to the front of the two beast beads and took them away. The three people were shocked because they knew that Chu Tian had collected all twelve beast beads.

As for Chutian, after getting the beast beads, he said with a smile, "Goodbye, three."

Chu Tian took a leap and disappeared here, Mo Tian was in a hurry, "No, inform the Quanshen Realm about the Divine Beast Orb."


All of a sudden, the nine major divine states knew about Chutian's acquisition of the twelve divine beast beads, and the people from the nine major divine states also followed the changes in the surroundings one after another, wanting to know the whereabouts of the divine beast beads at any time.

As for Chutian, after gathering the twelve divine beast beads together, he found that the twelve beast beads turned into a red light and rushed towards the sky, and the sky seemed to have opened its eyes, and a huge beam of light fell from the sky.

There is a tall tower hovering in this beam of light, with a total of ninety-nine and 81 floors, and you can also hear the screams of various divine beasts, which startled the entire divine beast. Everyone with the blood of divine beasts can feel the changes in their blood and rush to The place where the incident happened.

Chu Tian thought he could go in first, but he found that the beam of light shrouded him, even if Chu Tian turned on the purification system, he couldn't get in.

It made more and more people around, and that Motian and others also fell one after another, not only that, but also people from the major shrines and people from the major domains.

Some people have grudges with Chutian, some people don't know Chutian, but those who have grudges are not in the mood to pay attention to Chutian at the moment, thinking that they just want to enter the Tower of Divine Beasts.

Chu Tian sighed secretly, "Hey, I managed to collect twelve of them, and everyone enjoyed them."

When Chu Tian sighed, he suddenly shouted loudly, "Boy, die to me."

The person who spoke was none other than the Lord of the Raging Flame Palace. He was wearing fiery red armor and holding a red sword. If Chu Tian hadn't flashed his sword, he would have died.

As for Mo Tian, ​​seeing the Lord Lieyan laughed and said, "Master Lieyan, it seems that we have a common enemy."

The Lord of Lieyan Palace was not in the mood to discuss this at the moment, but just stared around and said, "Boy, get out of here."

But Mo Tian said, "Give up, this kid is so cunning, even us supreme gods can't take him down."

The Lord of Lieyan Palace didn't believe it, "Impossible, he can definitely be abolished."

But Chutian ignored him and appeared in a place in the air with a smile, "I said, Lord Lieyan Palace, do you think you can take me down with your little ability?"

Palace Master Lie Yan was impatient and wanted to attack again, but at this time a green light flashed in the air, appeared in front of Chu Tian, ​​blocked him, and said to the Lord Lie Yan, "I said Master Lie Yan, stop."

The person who spoke was a young man with a cane coiled around his waist, and he had white hair, he looked very cool. The Lord of the Flame Palace frowned when he saw him, "I said Mu Yu, what do you mean?"

Mu Yu is the lord of Mu Yu Shrine, he said with a smile, "He is my junior brother, what do you think?"

Lie Yan snorted, "Mu Yu, I don't care who he is with you. He killed my son and killed many of my people. I must understand this enmity today."

"Oh? Really? That's very similar to the style of our Jucai Pavilion."


Mu Yu smiled slightly, and turned to look at Chu Tian, ​​"Little Junior Brother, that's right, I thought those masters took in the weakest guy, but I didn't expect you to be able to make a few supreme gods go around."

Chu Tian didn't expect Mu Yu to praise him in this way, and then he smiled wryly, "Brother, are you praising me or hurting me?"

Mu Yu said with a smile, "Of course I praise you."

But Lie Yan became anxious, "Mu Yu, you have the ability to protect him all the time."

"Don't worry, I will never let you touch him."

Lie Yan was half-dead with anger, and then many people from the palace appeared, and there were more than a dozen supreme gods at once. This was also the time when Chutian had seen the most supreme gods.

However, there is an extra task in the system at this time, "Ding ~ capture the beast seal in the beast tower, and you can get a special magical power."

"Special supernatural power? What kind of supernatural power is that?" Chu Tian was startled.

When Chutian was curious, the beast tower flashed red, and someone shouted, "Look, it's about to open."

All the supreme gods, as well as the people who came from everywhere, stared at the beast tower, and at the same time, some people exclaimed, "I haven't seen the beast tower for many years."

"Yeah, that was millions of years ago."


While everyone was discussing, Mu Yu said to Chu Tian, ​​"This beast tower is dangerous, don't go if you can."

Chu Tian finally obtained the Beast Orb, just wanted to go in, but now he refuses to go in, how can he do it, so he said with a smile, "Brother, don't worry, I will definitely get the longest one."

Mu Yu was stunned for a moment, then smiled and said, "Your self-confidence is the same as your elder brother."

"Big Brother?"

"Well, a cultivator, I have only seen him once so far, but every time he appears, he always alarms everyone, and I don't know if he will appear this time."

Chu Tian had never met the first few people, so he was very curious about what unique abilities those people had, and they would be accepted as apprentices by the people in Jucai Pavilion.

At this moment, the Divine Beast Tower suddenly rotated at a very fast speed. Everyone only saw a red shadow spinning, and they couldn't see what was going on inside the red shadow at all, until a vortex appeared in front of everyone. Excited to fly inside.

 Third update today.

(End of this chapter)

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