Invincible cultivation system

Chapter 1323 Just breaking my strength and trying to stop me

Chapter 1323 Just breaking my strength and trying to stop me (determination)
[Thanks to 'User 619392356' and 'Cat God...Wuying' for their rewards, thank you. 】

Mu Yu glanced at Chu Tian, ​​"Little Junior Brother, it's dangerous inside, remember to be careful."

"Thank you brother for reminding me."

Then Mu Yu disappeared with a leap, and Chu Tian also took a deep breath, "It's time to go in and find the seal of the beast."

At this moment, Chu Tian was very curious whether the Divine Beast Tower really had the ability to change the blood of the divine beasts in the human body, and when Chutian came inside, he could only hear the roars of various divine beasts, and at the same time feel the blood in his body Involuntarily activated.

I saw four dragons and a phoenix dancing behind them, and when Chutian saw that they were enjoying themselves, Chutian also got that Yan Xianer out. At this time, behind Yan Xianer was a huge butterfly king, which was also A kind of beast blood.

But Yan Xian'er was surprised, "What's going on? Why is this happening?"

Chu Tian said with a smile, "Sacred Beast Tower."

"You, got it out?"

"Well, now the entire Divine Beast Tower has 81 floors, and each floor seems to have a large space."

Yan Xian'er heard this and hurriedly said, "Then you must quickly enter the highest level, it is said that there, the beasts with the blood of the beasts can become stronger."

"Get stronger?"

"Well, here, they will be outside all the time, and then undergo various changes, and finally become the ultimate form of the beast. With luck, before the tower of the beast disappears, the beast in the blood can be mutated and become a super beast."

"Super mythical beast?"

"Yes, very scary."

Chu Tian was curious about what it would be like for Shenlong and Phoenix to become super beasts, so he began to take Yan Xian'er to look for the next entrance.

But there are all kinds of voices everywhere, but I can't see where the entrance to the second floor is.

Instead, the lord of Lieyan Palace suddenly appeared in front of Chutian like a ball of fire and stared at Chutian, "Boy, what's wrong? Your senior brother left you behind?"

"He has his own business."

After confirming, the Lord of Lieyan Palace proudly said, "It turns out that this is the case, then today is your death day."

At this time, the other party shot out a flame, very fast, and it reached Chu Tian in one fell swoop, and Chu Tian stretched out his left hand, and then punched him, directly dispelling the opponent's power.

The Lord of the Flame Palace was stunned for a moment and then asked, "Boy, how did you do it?"

Chu Tian replied, "Is this very important?"

Seeing that Chutian still didn't take himself seriously, the Lord of Lieyan Palace said angrily, "You're courting death."

At this time, the master of Lieyan Palace alternated his hands, and Chu Tian and Yan Xian'er formed a barrier of flames, and the temperature of the flames was very high. Besides, the barrier kept shrinking.

The Lord of the Flame Palace proudly said, "Boy, when this barrier is completely compressed to the end, it will be your death date."

Chu Tian didn't take it seriously at all, but Yan Xian'er began to sweat, "It's a terrible breath."

Chu Tian had no choice but to settle her in the Immortal Mansion first, and then looked at Palace Master Lie Yan, "You little skill, you can't help me."

"What? Small tricks? Boy, you are so naive."

But Chutian didn't speak, just jumped, disappeared from the original position, rushed out of the barrier, came behind the Lord of the Lieyan Palace, pulled out the Xuanyuan Sword, and then swung the sword over.

Immediately, a protective layer of red light appeared on the Lord of the Raging Flame Palace, but the sword energy was terrifying, so powerful that it shattered the protective layer. The Raging Flame Palace was shocked, he did not expect such a result.

As for Chu Tian holding the sword, he said with a smile, "You are the first Supreme God to resist my sword like this."

The Lord of the Flame Palace stared, "What? Have you fought other Supreme Gods before?"

"of course."

After finishing speaking, Chu Tian struck again with a sword. The Master of Lieyan Palace had the first experience, but he didn't dare to do it a second time, so he could only avoid it, while that Chu Tian laughed and teased, "Aren't you going to kill me? What? Not coming now? This is too bad."

This made Palace Master Lie Yan curse, "Boy, don't be complacent."

"Then come here."

The lord of Lieyan Palace started to fight back, but his attack couldn't touch Chutian at all, or he was deflected by Chutian's punch. This made the lord of Lieyan Palace curse, "Damn it."

Chu Tian sneered, "It seems that dealing with you is very simple."

The master of Lieyan Palace got angry and started to attack Chutian crazily, but no matter what, he couldn't touch Chutian. Instead, Chutian said with a smile, "If you can't touch me again, I won't play with you anymore."

The owner of Lieyan Palace was annoyed, but still couldn't meet Chutian, and Chutian said with a smile, "Waste time, goodbye."

After Chutian finished speaking, he disappeared from his original position. The Lord of Lieyan Palace cursed and roared, "Boy, don't let me catch you, or I will definitely make your life worse than death."

"It's ridiculous. If you have the ability to come, you are welcome at any time. If you can't, just get lost."

The owner of Lieyan Palace was dumbfounded. He didn't expect Chutian to be so crazy, so he jumped away in anger, and Chutian searched here for a long time before he saw the entrance to the second floor.

On this second floor, some divine beasts can be vaguely seen. These divine beasts are very huge, and they also look very ancient. Many god emperors were engulfed by some divine beasts at once.

This scares some people at the level of god emperors to be extra careful, but the supreme god has a very powerful ability, these beasts can't hurt them temporarily, making them leave all at once.

Chu Tian saw that these supreme gods were looking for the exit so quickly, so he also followed.

After about half an hour, all the supreme gods had already reached the first floor. Here, those supreme gods did not dare to move forward, because there was a cloud of fog in front of their eyes.

Inside these fogs are the shadows of divine beasts, but these divine beasts are not low-level divine beasts, they are very violent. If anyone gets close to the fog, countless divine beasts inside will attack, even the supreme gods will be injured.

Therefore, these supreme gods could only sit cross-legged outside the mist and began to settle down to let the bloodline beasts evolve, but the Motian prodded, "Boy, aren't you very powerful? Hurry up and go in."

That Jin Lingshen even laughed and said, "Boy, all your senior brothers have gone in, so you are the only trash in Jucai Pavilion?"

Not only these two people, but even the Lord of Lieyan Palace who just arrived snorted, "Boy, if you have the ability to go in."

Chu Tian looked at these guys with a smile, "I said you, I am the upper god, all of you are supreme gods, you dare not go in yourself, but you want me to go in? Don't you think it is absurd?"

These people have thick skins, so they are not afraid of what Chu Tian said. As for the other supreme gods, they all wonder whether Chu Tian, ​​a member of Jucai Pavilion, dares to enter.

As for Chu Tian, ​​he looked at those shameless people with a smile and said, "Everyone, then you should take care of it and see how I get in."

I saw Chutian leap, disappear from his original position, and rush into the mist. These supreme gods stared at him, wanting to see what would happen to Chutian, but those divine beasts dared not touch him.

The Lord of the Flame Palace scolded, "This guy, why is it all right?"

Mo Tian and the others were not reconciled and tried to go there, but they were scared out of the fog and could only stare blankly there, while Chu Tian rushed through the fog circle to the upper floors, and continued like this until the tenth floor, where there was no entrance .

Instead, he only saw Mu Yu, who was sitting cross-legged in one place to practice, and when he saw Chu Tian appearing, he said with a smile, "It's amazing, you're here too."

Chu Tian was puzzled, "Brother, why can't I go up here?"

"Above the tenth floor, it will take some time to appear, so as long as you practice here, if the opportunity comes, it will appear."


After that, Mu Yu closed his eyes, and hurriedly let the beast change, and Chu Tian also found a place to let Yan Xian'er come out, and just like that, the three of them closed themselves in this place.

Time passed little by little, until half a month later, a vortex began to appear in the sky spinning crazily, Mu Yu opened his eyes and said, "It's come out."

Chu Tian and Yan Xian'er also quickly returned to their senses, but there was an infinite force in the vortex. When Mu Yu approached, cracks appeared on his body and he was bleeding. He quickly backed away, slowly repaired his body, and frowned, "Look If I come to the tenth floor or higher, I won’t be able to get in.”

Chu Tian wondered, "What's going on?"

"This is called a beast storm, and it can tear apart a person's flesh."

"Oh? So powerful?"

That Mu Yu hummed, "Yes, so let's practice here."

But Chutian wanted to go there, so he looked at Muyu, "Brother, you still need to enter my magic weapon, I'll try."

Mu Yu frowned, "Do you have a solution?"


After thinking for a while, Mu Yu entered the Nine Pointed Star, and Chu Tian also settled Yan Xian'er, took a deep breath, turned on the purification system, and rushed into the vortex, and with the purification system, this vortex really couldn't help Chu Tian.

Not only that, Chutian also easily entered the ninth floor, and there is no entrance here, Chutian only needs to get them out and continue to practice.

It continued like this for more than half a year, and the entrances of each floor appeared at intervals, so when Chutian finally came to the top floor of the Divine Beast Tower, he looked around, and it was empty.

When Mu Yu came out, he said in surprise, "I didn't expect that we could reach the top floor."

Yan Xian'er couldn't believe it, but for Chu Tian, ​​he smiled confidently, "It's nothing."

Mu Yu looked at Chu Tian and smiled wryly, "If other senior brothers know that you can come to the highest level, they will definitely regret why they didn't come."

Chu Tian asked with a smile, "Why don't they come?"

"Something happened."

Chu Tian wondered, "What's the matter?"

"I can't say, it's important anyway."

Seeing that the other party didn't know, Chu Tian didn't ask much, but said, "Then let's practice."


Everyone sat down, but Chu Tian still thought about the beast seal, so he asked curiously, "You two, do you know the beast seal?"

Yan Xian'er obviously didn't know and shook her head, while Mu Yu looked at Chu Tian in surprise, "Why are you asking this?"

Chu Tian explained, "It is rumored that there is a seal of a divine beast in this divine beast tower, but I didn't see it all the way to the top."

"There are rumors, but it is said that no one has seen it, and some people even say that the beast tower will appear before it disappears, so let's practice quietly, and it will appear when it should appear."

Chu Tian nodded and closed his eyes, but he kept paying attention to his surroundings, looking for the trace of the divine beast.

 The first update today, please recommend the monthly ticket, thank you everyone.

(End of this chapter)

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