Invincible cultivation system

Chapter 1324 She Comes Again

Chapter 1324 She Comes Again (Determination)
This continued for a few months, and the four great dragons and a phoenix behind Chutian began to change. I saw that their aura became stronger and their bodies transformed.

Yan Xian'er and Mu Yu who were on the side were dumbfounded.

Until Mu Yu said in shock, "It has become a super beast."

I saw the four great dragons entangled together, and finally turned into a huge shadow, and the phoenix also fused together, turning into a huge five-in-one beast.

It was a golden dragon, and all kinds of light shone around the golden dragon. Not only that, there was a pair of wings behind it, which belonged to a phoenix, giving people the feeling of a dragon with wings.

The most important thing was that breath, which made the beast behind Mu Yu and Yan Xian'er tremble slightly, trembling involuntarily.

But Chutian smiled slightly, "It seems that I succeeded."

"It's so scary." Yan Xian'er was dumbfounded, and Mu Yu couldn't believe it. As for Chutian, he really felt the horror of the blood of the super beast. At least at this moment, his strength had increased by dozens, or even hundreds of times.

This made Chu Tian think that with the activation of the blood, plus the supernatural powers, plus the bones, it might not be a problem to kill a supreme god.

However, the space shook at this time, and finally the beast tower shattered, and everyone returned to the God Realm, and there was still a cloud of blood mist around them, but everyone's beasts had returned to their bodies and returned to normal.

However, a small mountain gradually condensed on the top of the head. Chu Tian was curious and directly looked through the sky, and found a square seal floating in the mountain, engraved with a few large characters, "The Great Seal of the Divine Beast"

Chu Tian was overjoyed when he saw this, and looked at Mu Yu and Yan Xian'er, "Wait here."

After speaking, Chutian leaped into the mountain, and the others were wondering what Chutian was going to do. As for the Supreme God, they also rushed up after discovering something, but their speed couldn't catch up with the winged Chutian.

When Chu Tian flew into the mountain, he came to the side of the seal, and the seal was blood-colored, not only that, it was about an arm's width, and it was spinning at the moment.

Chu Tian was not polite, he directly refined and put it away when he touched it with one hand, and a voice from the system flashed, "Ding ~ Congratulations to the host for obtaining the seal of the beast and the magic power of the bloodline beast!"

Chu Tian was puzzled, "The bloodline beast has magical powers?"

After reading it, Chu Tian was surprised. It turned out that the divine beast in his blood can transform into a real flying out of the body and fight with him. Not only that, but the divine beast mark has a not-so-simple background.

"The key to open the divine beast space, and you can enter your own bloodline by subduing the divine beasts in the divine beast space."

Seeing this, Chu Tian was dumbfounded, "Isn't it true that if I want some kind of beast, I'll get my blood, and then use my magical powers to transform it. Then, if I want to deal with people in the future, wouldn't it be that I want some kind of beast?"

This is simply making Chutian even more powerful, and at this time a group of supreme gods appeared, many supreme gods looked around, and stared at Chutian in doubt after finding nothing, while the master of the Lieyan Palace stared, "Boy, is there something, you Hidden."

Chu Tian smiled and said, "What do you think?"

The Lord of Lieyan Palace knew that he could not take down Chutian by himself, so he urged everyone, "Everyone, he must be hiding, take him down quickly."

These people looked at each other in blank dismay, and Mo Tian and the others were naturally with the owner of Lieyan Palace, so they all shouted, "Take him down."

But Chutian smiled strangely, "It seems that I'm going to kill a few supreme gods today for fun."

These people all laughed when they heard this, especially the Lord of the Flame Palace, "Boy, you are powerful, but you are limited to speed and strength, but your attack speed can't keep up with us, and you can't hit us. How can you kill us?"

The corners of Chu Tian's mouth curled up. At this time, the divine dragon transformed from a super divine beast appeared behind him. The divine dragon was not a bloodline, but a real illusion, and it could last for a quarter of an hour. It could be used once a day.

When the divine dragon appeared, the wings of the phoenix behind him were dancing, and the air exhaled from its mouth was very terrifying, and the blood in the bodies of the supreme gods couldn't help trembling.

The Lord of Lieyan Palace looked at Chutian even more dumbfounded, "Okay, it's so scary."

Chu Tian looked at Palace Master Lie Yan with a smile, "Let you try first."

The dragon leaped over, and spewed out in one breath, forming a barrier that trapped the Lord of the Lieyan Palace on the barrier. The Lord of the Lieyan Palace was shocked, "Boy, you."

Chu Tian smiled strangely. He finished accumulating power in his right hand, and then gathered the power stored in the god bone in his right hand to the sword. Finally, the corners of his mouth curled up, "Get mad."

The explosive power of the Xuanyuan Sword combined with the power of the divine bone directly penetrated into the barrier, and the barrier attack could only enter but not exit, and with the fact that Palace Lord Lie Yan was trapped, he could only add a layer of protection to himself .

But this protective layer was directly pierced by the sword energy. Not only that, the sword energy also penetrated into his body, hitting the godhead heavily, and the Lord of the Raging Flame Palace spat blood on the spot, "You."

The other Supreme Gods turned pale in shock. They didn't expect Chu Tian to become so terrifying all of a sudden, but the Lord Lie Yan glared at Chu Tian, ​​"Boy, let me go."

"Let go of you? Do you think it's possible?"

The Lord of the Flame Palace snorted, "Boy, even if you destroy my body, it's useless to destroy my godhead. I am the Supreme God. I have a powerful soul and I will never die."

"Won't die?"


Chu Tian didn't believe it, "Impossible."

"Then you come, just come, I promise I will let you know how terrible I am."

Chu Tian was too lazy to listen to the opponent's nonsense, and after a few strikes, the opponent's body and godhead were shattered and destroyed, but the soul was not there, which made Chu Tian wonder, "The soul escaped?"

As for Mo Tian and the others, they had already left in fright, fearing that they would be caught by Chu Tian, ​​and the other supreme gods saw that they were not to be trifled with, so they quickly withdrew too.

When Chutian walked out of the mountain and fell, that Muyu asked, "How is it?"

"Those guys wanted to kill me, but I scared them away." Chu Tian said with a smile.

Mu Yu was curious, "Oh?"

Chu Tian looked at Mu Yu with some confusion, "Brother, I have something to ask you."


"Is the soul of the Supreme God very strong? Is it really immortal?"

Mu Yu asked suspiciously, "Why are you asking this?"

Chu Tian told what happened just now, Mu Yu and Yan Xian'er were shocked when they heard it, they didn't expect Chu Tian to kill Lieyan Palace Master.

As for Mu Yu, he also quickly returned to the divine way, "The moment the Supreme God's body and godhead are destroyed, the soul will enter a special space and then return to the God Realm, so it is called returning to the furnace, and it is also called the Supreme God Guixu. When it comes back again, it will take a few days. Thousands of years, ten thousand years, you can re-condense the physical body."

"Isn't that immortal?"

"In principle, this is the case, but if the supreme god is sealed in one place, as long as the godhead is not broken, his soul will not be able to enter that special space."

Chu Tian understood, "That's good, next time I will directly seal the Supreme God."

Mu Yu looked at Chu Tian in disbelief, "You are really a monster."

Chu Tian smiled, "It's nothing."

At this time, Mu Yu took out a token and threw it to Chutian, "This is what some senior brothers asked me to give to you. If one day, you feel that you are capable, inject power into this token, and he will bring You go to a special place in the God Realm, and that place is the most terrifying place in the God Realm, and it is also the place where the power of the God Tomb is the most rooted."

"Holy grave?"

"Yes, the seal of the tomb of the gods is about to be broken. Several senior brothers are trying to remedy the situation. They want to spend a little more time so that the people of the gods will have more time to prepare."

Chu Tian knew that once the tomb of the gods was opened, the entire God Realm would be unbalanced, and chaos would naturally ensue. The masters of any shrines would not be enough for other ancient gods with one or two stars to fill their teeth, let alone four or five stars who are more powerful Ancient gods, if there were ancient gods from the ten realms, then the entire God Realm would be destroyed.

So he exclaimed, "How long can that delay?"

"It can be delayed for thousands of years, but there are some people who don't want to delay, and there is a strange force that has been making trouble secretly, always trying to speed up the destruction of the seal."


Mu Yu shook his head helplessly, "I can't find out for now, so if you have the ability, go and help, and I will continue to find the rest of the brothers to investigate who will break the seal."

"Well, yes."

Mu Yu turned around and left in a leap, while Yan Xian'er exclaimed, "If the seal is really released, then the entire God Realm, I'm afraid."

Chu Tian smiled and said, "Don't worry, isn't there me?"

Yan Xian'er hummed, and at this time Yan Xian'er's divine sound stone made a movement, she looked at it and frowned, "My master asked me to go back."

"I'll take you there."

Yan Xian'er said awkwardly, "My master said that she wants to talk to me alone, so please don't go."

Hearing this, Chu Tian was a little bit reluctant, "If you leave, how can I be willing?"

Yan Xian'er was reluctant, but she also knew that following Chutian without the strength would be a burden, so she said, "Don't worry, I will come to you soon."

Chu Tian had no choice but to say, "That's fine."

Only then did Yan Xian'er reluctantly turn around and disappear there, while Chu Tian turned and left after sighing. When he reappeared, it turned out to be in the main city of Lie Yan.

But the inn of the magic operator and the proprietress is gone, Chu Tian raised his brows, "It's gone?"

Chu Tian originally wanted to ask the fortune teller when he could find that Yan Xian'er again, but he didn't expect that the other party was gone, which made Chu Tian a little disappointed, "Hey, I'm alone again."

At this time, a person appeared, it was none other than a woman Chu Tian knew, and this woman was still covering herself very tightly, but Chu Tian recognized her at a glance, "Lin Xi?"

Lin Xi met at the Bloody God Realm back then, so Chu Tian was a little surprised to see her suddenly, but Lin Xi stared at Chu Tian and said with a smile, "Long time no see."

"How do you know I'm here?" Chu Tian looked at Lin Xi strangely.

Lin Xi smiled and said, "I've been following you for a long time."

"Oh? Then why don't I know."

Lin Xi smiled slightly, "It's not suitable to talk here, let's leave here first."

 Today's second update, please recommend a monthly ticket.

(End of this chapter)

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