Invincible cultivation system

Chapter 1325 Miracle 1 scene

Chapter 1325 A Miraculous Scene (Determination)

Chu Tian was puzzled, and followed Lin Xi's pace and left here. In the deserted grove, that Lin Xi said, "When you became the seventh person in Jucai Pavilion, I already heard about you, so I came to the city to look for you , found that you often haunt this and that inn, so I paid more attention to it for a while."

Chu Tian couldn't believe it and said, "Why don't I know."

Lin Xi laughed and said, "I hide my breath so well, how could you know?"

Chu Tian couldn't laugh or cry, "That's right, your ability to change your breath and disguise is not easy."

"Are you praising me or hurting me?"

"What do you think?"

Lin Xi laughed, and then said, "Are you looking for those two old people?"

Chu Tian nodded and said, "Yes."

"They disappeared a few days ago. Although I don't know where they went, I think they are not simple people."

Of course Chutian knew that they were not simple people, but he didn't expect to leave so soon, so he sighed, "Well, I see."

Lin Xi could see the loss in Chu Tian's heart and said with a smile, "Why? What's on your mind?"

"No, just thinking about something."

Lin Xi nodded and said, "Are you free now?"

"what happened?"

"I have something to ask you for help, how about it?"

"what's up?"

"You will know when you come with me."

Seeing that there was nothing else to do now, Chu Tian had no choice but to agree to the other party, and left here. When they reappeared, they came to an abandoned city, and in this abandoned city, there were some ferocious beasts running around, as if they were hunting here. .

When they saw someone coming, they disappeared quickly, and that Lin Xi explained, "This abandoned city has been here for many years, no one knows why the people here suddenly died overnight, and many people came in and out Here, within half a day, everyone will die."

Hearing this, Chu Tian asked strangely, "Is it so miraculous?"

"That's right, so this is called an abandoned city, also called a ghost city, and it happened tens of thousands of years ago. Since then, people have come here to explore one after another, and they all died in the end."

Chu Tian was surprised, "Then you still dare to come?"

"I know you're not bad, so I want to bring you here and help me find something."

After Lin Xi finished speaking, she looked at Chutian and expressed her satisfaction, but she was worried in her heart, "This thing is very important. If you don't find it, you won't know what happened to this establishment."

"Why do you want to know what happened in this city?"

Lin Xi replied, "Curiosity."

Chu Tian had no choice but to say, "Alright then, let's go in and have a look."


On the way, that Chutian asked, "What are you looking for, and why does it know what happened here?"

"It used to be an ancient city. There was a magical box in the ancient city. Inside the box was a magical beast. This magical beast was called a memory beast. It could remember everything that happened. It is rumored that as long as you find this memory beast, you can know what happened. What."

Chu Tian didn't expect such a thing to happen, but he was puzzled, "Everyone is dead, why are the beasts okay?"

"I don't understand. Only when I find it will I know what happened."

Chu Tian had no choice but to open clairvoyance and sharp eyes to see if he could find the box around him, but the box was obviously well hidden, and no one knew where the box went.

Lin Xi followed Chutian and asked curiously, "How is it? Did you find it?"

Chu Tian explained, "This thing seems to be well hidden, but it will be difficult to find it in a while."

"If it really doesn't work, we try to evacuate here within half an hour, maybe we can save our lives."

But Chu Tian said, "I don't like to do things halfway, I just like to do things to the end."

Lin Xi didn't know what to say when she heard this, so she could only say silently, "Thank you."

Chu Tian smiled and didn't say much. After a while, he found a huge stone pillar in the center of the city, and there was a black box under the stone pillar. Inside the box was a strange power. In this strange power, there seemed to be something thing.

Chutian had no choice but to open his Tianyantong, and soon through the object, he could see the situation inside the box. It was a duckbill-like divine beast, motionless, but its eyes were shining with black light, as if it was sealed there.

"I should have found it."

Lin Xi was shocked, "Is this true?"

"Well, go take a look."

Lin Xi hurriedly followed Chu Tian's pace, and came to the box in an instant, then Lin Xi surrounded the box and said, "Why is there a stone pillar pressing it down?"

"Didn't you say that it is a memory beast? Just remove the stone pillar and unseal its seal."

Lin Xi thought too, but the stone pillar was very powerful. It tried several times, but it could not be shaken at all. Instead, some black-clothed men suddenly appeared in the air. Those black-clothed men stared at Lin Xi and Chu Tianhou and laughed.

Lin Xi was shocked, "It's you."

A man in black proudly said, "Miss Lin, thank you for helping us find this memory beast."

"Are you following me?"

The man in black said with a smile, "If not, how would you know where you are? Will you really help us find the memory beast?"

That Chutian was puzzled, but Lin Xi looked at Chutian and apologized, "I'm sorry, I."

Chu Tian returned to his senses and said with a smile, "I'm sorry for what?"

"They want me to find the memory beast. If I can't find it, they will kill me, but I can't find anyone to help me, so I can only ask you to help me, so."

Chu Tian smiled slightly, "It's my friend's duty to help you, but I didn't say to help them."

After Chu Tian said these words, three golden lights shot out from three fingers in one hand. These three golden lights directly pierced through the bones of the three people, and even the souls couldn't escape. The rest of the people were frightened.

The leader has the strongest cultivation and is also a god, but he threatens Chutian, "Boy, do you know what we are? Dare to attack us."

"I don't know what your background is, but if you dare to threaten my friend, then you should die."

The man was furious, but Chu Tian was not polite, besides relying on the three fingers, the devilish energy also made those people very painful, and all the dozen or so men in black died on the spot.

Lin Xi who was there was stunned, "This."

Chu Tian laughed and said, "Get this thing out first, and explain later."

Seeing that Chu Tian didn't blame herself, Lin Xi was deeply grateful and said, "Thank you."

"You're welcome."

Then Chutian began to accumulate strength, and in the last circle, the stone pillar was blown away. Lin Xi was shocked. He didn't expect Chutian to be so powerful, and he knocked the stone pillar away.

To Chutian, this was nothing, and he easily picked up the box, then looked at Lin Xi with a smile, "Let's go."

Lin Xi hummed, and hurriedly followed Chutian's pace and left the city. Finally, in a deserted place, Lin Xi stopped and said, "I think, let me tell you first."


That Lin Xi explained, "I have always been controlled by people in one place. They want me to get all kinds of things they want. To put it simply, I just find things for them."

"Oh? What force?"



"Well, they call themselves a dark force. No one knows who the leader of this force is, nor who built it. They only know that there are superiors behind everyone, such as my superiors, who just now have a captain, but The captain is not here."

After Chu Tian understood, he said, "Don't worry, from now on, as long as you follow me, no one will dare to embarrass you."

Lin Xi was naturally very excited, "Thank you very much."

"You're welcome, it's nothing."

Chu Tian then looked at the box, "Take a good look at this guy."

Seeing that Chu Tian opened the box, the thing was like an ice cube, motionless. That Lin Xi was puzzled, "What's wrong with this memory beast?"

"It's probably frozen by something, I'll untie it."

I saw a powerful flame from Chutian pouring in one by one, the ice melted little by little, and the memory beast was able to move very quickly. When it could move, it immediately flew into the air like a bolt of lightning, staring at Chutian like a duck .

That Lin Xi was shocked, "It's so fast."

Chu Tian said with a smile, "No matter how fast the speed is, in my eyes, it's nothing more than that."

I saw a strange power emanating from Chu Tian's body, and this was the power of the divine beast seal, and the divine beast seal could scare any divine beast.

Sure enough, the memory beast flew proudly at the beginning, but the next moment it trembled with fright, and even landed obediently, still lying in front of Chu Tian, ​​while that Lin Xi wondered, "What's the matter?"

Chu Tian explained with a smile, "I guess this guy is scared."

Lin Xi didn't understand very well, but Chu Tian said with a smile, "Okay, let's not talk about this, let's ask about this city."

Lin Xi also immediately looked forward to it, "I want to know too."

At this moment, Chu Tian said to it, "Say it well, what exactly happened."

"What do you want to know?" The memory beast looked at the two and whispered.

Chu Tian pointed to the city just now, "Why did everyone die all of a sudden, and what happened in the city, they must leave within half an hour, otherwise they will die."

At this time, a space appeared around the memory beast, and in this space, Chu Tian and Lin Xi stood in a bustling city, but the next moment, the city suddenly became dark.

It rained in the sky, anyone who touched the rain would die, not only that, the rain killed the whole city at once, and finally Chutian saw the memory beast being frozen into ice cubes by a vague shadow and thrown to the ground. After a box, throw it under a stone pillar.

The fuzzy shadow disappeared at once, and the black mist in the sky also gradually disappeared, and the whole city became dead.

Lin Xi was dumbfounded, "What a terrible rain."

Chu Tian frowned, "The man in black, what did he do? But why did he seal the memory beast? And he threw it under the stone pillar?"

Lin Xi explained, "It is said that the memory beast has a strong defense, and when it enters the defensive state, it will remain motionless. Even the Supreme God can't shake it, so that person probably frozen it and couldn't take it away. It can only be thrown in the There, as for why the stone pillars are used, it is probably afraid that others will find out."

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(End of this chapter)

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