Invincible cultivation system

Chapter 1326 Just this ability?Still want to surrender me?

Chapter 1326 Just this ability?Still want to surrender me? (determined)

Chu Tian wondered, "Who is that person?"


Chu Tian was puzzled, why would one person kill the entire city? gone."

Lin Xi turned around, and saw a young man with a black silk scarf tied on his forehead, a handsome face, and a powerful aura hovering around his body.

Lin Xi was shocked when he saw this person, "Captain Fen."

The man snorted, "You still have the face to regard me as the captain?"

At this time, Chu Tian laughed and said, "It's true that you, a cold-blooded person, should not be the captain."

The man stared at Chu Tian, ​​"Boy, what do you mean?"

"What I mean is very simple. Your team didn't send other people to die, but you sent her there. In the end, you still want to seize his achievements. What kind of people are you talking about?"

Chu Tian became sarcastic, and the man stared, "We don't need you, a high-ranking god, to point us out when we do things."

"What do I want?"

The man stared, "You can see clearly, I am the king of gods, if you are dishonest again, I promise to destroy you immediately."

But Chutian smiled slightly, put away the memory beast and said with a smile, "It's not that I look down on you, even if I stand here, you can't hurt me."

The god king was furious, he didn't expect that someone would dare to look down on him so much, and then snorted, "Boy, then you can remember, the person who killed you is named Fen Shisan."

"I don't care if you are thirteen, or nineteen, or thirty-eight."

This Fen Shisan was furious, and he slapped Chu Tian with his palm, thinking that he could easily kill Chu Tian, ​​but Chu Tian quickly blocked the opponent's attack with his left hand and said with a smile, "Why? Is that how it is?"

That Fen Shisan was shocked, he didn't expect Chu Tian to be so terrifying that he could take his own attack with bare hands, and that Lin Xi was relieved, at least Chu Tian had a way to resist the opponent's attack.

That Fen Shisan snorted, "Boy, I will definitely let you die."

After speaking, the other party made some gestures with both hands, and countless flames appeared in the air, and these flames looked like elders. Lin Xi was shocked when he saw this, "It's the fire dragon technique."

Chu Tian glanced at it, "It doesn't matter what kind of skill it is, it's just a bit of ability."

That Fen Shisan sneered, "This ability? Then let you die."

After the other party finished speaking, countless fire dragon arts frantically appeared in Chutian, trying to tear Chutian into pieces, but Chutian looked at him calmly and said, "Why? Is it just this little ability?"

That Fen Shisan was stunned, he didn't expect these flames to hit Chu Tian, ​​but Chu Tian was still fine, instead he stood there smiling and looking at him.

Lin Xi was already pleasantly surprised, and that Fen Shisan was unwilling to reconcile, and planned to make a move again, but Chu Tian shook his head helplessly, and with a flick of the Xuanyuan sword, a huge sword energy flew out, the opponent's body and godhead were shattered on the spot, while the spirit fled away in a hurry .

All of a sudden, scenes were everywhere, and Lin Xi said dumbfounded, "It's amazing."

Chu Tian laughed and said, "It's nothing."

Lin Xi felt relieved, "At least now no one will bother us."

Chu Tian asked curiously, "How does he know where you are?"

Lin Xi explained helplessly, "Those of us who are forced to enter the dark forces will be blessed by a force, and this force is the dark force, which cannot be cracked, and people in the dark force can find each other through the dark force."

Chu Tian was dubious, "I'll break it for you."

Lin Xi was a little worried, "Forget it."


"Because this dark power will suck away people's power, even if you inject more power, it will not be able to break it."

But Chutian said to himself, "Don't worry, it's fine."

That Lin Xi still wanted to refuse, but when Chutian injected power, he found that Lin Xi's body was empty, and he couldn't see anything, just like an independent dark space, and he couldn't even see the breath.

"It's amazing too."

"If it can't be broken, forget it."

But Chu Tian said, "No, I won't be reconciled if I don't break it."

That Lin Xi has long been used to it, "Forget it, let's not talk about it."

However, Chu Tian still insisted on continuing, and injected strength crazily, but the result was the same. Finally, when Chu Tian withdrew his hand, he pondered, "Is there no way to crack it?"

"Only the dark stele of the dark forces, that dark stele is the thing that can crack the dark power, but this dark stele is guarded by the ten supreme gods, so no one can get close, that is to say, it can never be separated."

After hearing this, Chu Tian said, "Go, take me to this faction."

Lin Xi was shocked, "No, no, if you go, you will also be injected with dark forces by dark forces."

"Come here, whoever is afraid."

Lin Xi kept refusing, but under Chu Tian's persistence, Lin Xi finally agreed, and then followed Chu Tian's pace and left here.

As for the soul of Fen Shisan, he had already returned to a black castle ahead of time, and finally landed under a hall, and there were eighteen stone statues in this hall.

Na Fen Shisan paid homage, "My lord."

At this time, eighteen voices overlapped, "Didn't I tell you to find the memory beast? Why haven't you found it yet?"

"My lord, I found it, but one of our dark forces colludes with an outsider, and this outsider is the seventh member of Jucai Pavilion with extraordinary strength."

"Oh? Is it the rumored high god?"


Then the voice said again, "He probably has rushed to our place."

Fen Shisan was shocked, "What? He's here?"

"Well, I guess I want to solve the trouble for that woman."

"What should I do?"

"It's better if he comes, we'll get him into the dark space, and when the dark seeds are planted in his body, then he will be ours from now on, and we can do whatever we want him to do."

Fen Shisan was overjoyed, "Your Excellency said so."

Then the 18 people said to Fen Shisan, "Go, get ready."


As for Chu Tian and Lin Xi, they naturally didn't know that people of that power were waiting for them, until Chu Tian and Lin Xi spent a little time outside a castle.

"That's it."

Chu Tian wondered, "A small castle can trap so many of you?"

"There is a weird space inside. Once sent there, it will be planted with dark power."

Chu Tian didn't believe it, but at this moment the surrounding space suddenly changed, that Lin Xi was shocked, "No, they set a trap here."

As soon as these words fell, the two came to a dark space. Here, Lin Xi was shocked, "I was brought here before, and after a few days, there was more power in my body."

Chu Tian has a purification system, so he is not afraid, but eighteen voices from the dark molested him, "Boy, you are crazy, dare to come to our place."

Chu Tian wondered why there were eighteen voices, but Lin Xi was shocked, "It's eighteen elders."


"Yes, the elder controls the countless captains below, and those captains control us."

Chu Tian suddenly realized, and the 18 people in the dark said, "You traitor."

But Chutian said, "She is not a traitor, but was forced by you."

"Hmph, boy, what do you know?"

"I don't know anything, but I know that you people are despicable and shameless, and you even arrested people to do dangerous things for you."

"That is to complete the great coming of the Dark Lord."

When Chu Tian heard the Dark Lord, he showed curiosity, "Dark Lord?"

"That's right, the great God of Darkness. With his arrival, he will definitely be able to command the God Realm, command the ancient gods, command the ancient demons, command the ancient demons, command all masters, and create dark forces."

Chu Tian didn't want to listen to the other party's brainwashing, but said, "With your abilities, I probably killed him before he came."

"It's ridiculous, you are a high god, do you really think you are great?"

"What? Don't believe it?"

"of course."

Chu Tian smiled, "I know where you are hiding, so I'll come and play with you now."

After Chu Tian finished speaking, his piercing eyes opened, and after seeing a passage, he took Lin Xi out of there with a leap, reappeared, and came to a hall, and in this hall were the eighteen stone statues.

Lin Xi was surprised, "It's the Hall of Elders."

The eighteen stone statues were also stunned, and at the same time stared at Chu Tian strangely, "Boy, you are really hateful."

Chu Tian smiled slightly, "Aren't you going to come out? Or are you willing to come out only if I kill you?"

"Hmph, want to destroy us? Dreaming."

Afterwards, a group of god emperors appeared around them, and they were all under control. They only had one task, which was to kill Chu Tian.

So those people ordered, "Kill that kid, and there will be a reward."


Those god emperors went berserk, Lin Xi was frightened and even trembled, but Chu Tian smiled strangely, opened the Xuanyuan Sword in his hand, one sword went down, and one god emperor went down.

After a few sword strikes, they were broken everywhere, even Chu Tian hit those stone statues with his sword, and the stone statues were shattered one by one.

The elders in the dark cursed, "Bastard, kill him for me."

But those god emperors were shocked one by one, and even heard Chu Tian say, "Everyone, if you don't want to die, then give up listening to their orders, and wait until I destroy them and save you."

These words really had an effect, especially some people who didn't want to be controlled gave up attacking Chutian one after another. The elders behind him cursed and even threatened, "If you don't do anything, then tomorrow will be your death day."

These people were afraid again, but Chutian's strength was so terrifying that they couldn't resist at all. Instead, Chutian took Lin Xi to smash all the stone statues into pieces, and finally Chutian made a tunnel.

Lin Xi said nervously, "If you guessed correctly, behind this stone statue is probably where those supreme gods are located, and those elders."

But Chu Tian said with a smile, "Go, let's take a good look at what these guys look like."

Lin Xi looked at Chu Tian in fear, "This."

Chu Tian didn't care so much, but looked at the people around him, "If you want to leave, just wait here obediently, don't make trouble for me, or I will let you all know how terrible I am."

 Today's fourth update, please recommend a monthly ticket subscription Thank you everyone.

(End of this chapter)

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