Invincible cultivation system

Chapter 1330 Difficult to break?Eat soul directly!

Chapter 1330 Difficult to break?Eat soul directly! (determined)
The moment the space was torn apart, Chutian appeared in a forest full of green lights, and it was quiet here, as if no one was there, but Chutian could feel the changes around him, and even said with a smile, " Won't you come out for a while?"

Muteng people condensed from the trees in those forests, and these Muteng people obviously found it inconceivable that Chu Tian could appear here.

There was even a person who shouted, "Damn outsider, are you courting death?"

"I'm not here to seek death, I just want to talk to people from your Mujie tribe."

"Talk about what?"

At this moment, Chu Tian brought out that Su Mengxi's appearance, "Don't touch her!"

When those people saw it, they laughed immediately, and some even said, "Boy, she is the enemy of our tribe. Our tribe must kill her, but you came here for her?"

"of course."

"Then don't even think about leaving."

At this time, those Muteng people created a huge barrier, trapped Chu Tian there, and then one of them said, "Wait, our Great Elder is here, and it is your time of death."

After saying this, a huge tree fell from the sky and hit the ground, and there was a hole in the tree. At the same time, in the hole, there was an old man wrapped in green vines, and speaking, the whole tree was shaking. move.

"Boy, are you that woman's friend?"


The old man immediately flashed his killing intent, "Let's not say that you broke in, just because you are her friend, I must kill you."

"Kill me? Do you think you have the ability?"

The old man snorted, "Suicide!"

After finishing speaking, the old man had flashed his killing intent, and then the power in the barrier exploded, squeezing Chu Tian, ​​and Chu Tian smiled and said, "What? You want to kill me like this?"


But the power in this enchantment couldn't kill Chu Tian at all. On the contrary, those powers were absorbed by the godhead one by one. Chu Tian said comfortably, "It turns out that your power can still be absorbed."

The old man stared at Chu Tian angrily, "Boy, do you want to die?"

"Death? Do you think it's possible?"

The old man stared at Chu Tian angrily, "You really want to die!"

After finishing speaking, the old man shot countless green lights, and these green lights rushed into the barrier, hit Chutian one by one, and then turned into countless vines, wrapping Chutian there, like giant pythons, trying to kill Chutian Give smash.

Chutian smiled, continued to absorb madly, and finally walked out, shocking everyone present, and the great elder looked at Chutian in shock, "You."

"I just want to ask you a question, do you want to give up attacking her?"

The Great Elder snorted, "Dream."

Chu Tian had no choice but to draw out his sword, "Then, I have no choice but to destroy this place today."

At this moment, the old man snorted, "Withdraw."

Everyone present disappeared immediately, and Chu Tian was the only one left in the entire forest, and Chu Tian looked around, "Is it useful to hide?"

The great elder said in the dark, "Boy, you can never find us."

Chu Tian opened his eyes and saw that many trees are connected by passages, which can pass between different places at any time. After seeing this, Chu Tian laughed and said, "Underground passages? Do you think you are hiding?"

After saying this, Chu Tian went directly to the side of a tree, broke it open, and then a tunnel appeared, and Chu Tian walked towards the tunnel.

After going on for a while, Chutian came to an underground palace, and it was very quiet in this palace, as if there was nothing there, but Chutian knew that these people must be in the dark.

Sure enough, the Great Elder appeared in front of him, staring at Chu Tiantian like a ray of green light floating there, and said, "Boy, our Mujie tribe is one of the ancient tribes, if you continue to pester us, then we have to use ancient methods to deal with you gone."

"An ancient method?"

"Yes, let you be wiped out."

"I want to try."

The Great Elder was impatient, "Okay, then I will let the ancient warriors deal with you."

After finishing speaking, a green light appeared in the elder's hand, and the sky around Chutian changed instantly, and there were green lights everywhere, and these green lights condensed into a Muteng figure one by one, but these Muteng figures in front of him were different from the previous ones. Even each of the Muteng people exudes a breath of death.

Not only that, these Muteng people approached Chutian step by step. When Chutian slashed down with his sword, the sword energy couldn't penetrate the Muteng people. Then the Muteng people swung one hand, and a huge vine wrapped around Chutian.

After Chutian was entangled, it seemed as if his body was about to be torn apart, but Chutian endured the pain, and with the power stored in his right hand, he directly cast the god-killing blood light.

Seeing these attacks hitting these vine men, and seeing the sparks of friction from the wooden vines on the vine man, but the other party is still fine, which surprised Chu Tian, ​​"Damn, what the hell is this."

At this time, one after another sound from the system flashed, "Ding ~ Dangerous!"

"Of course I know the danger, but now my body is under control, and I can't enter the Immortal Mansion at all." Chu Tian was depressed, and he was even more depressed because of his own carelessness.

As for the great elder in the dark, he said, "Boy, these are all ancient warriors, and their wooden vines have been formed through countless years, and even the Supreme God cannot break them."

Chutian didn't believe that the other party was so scary, so he opened his sharp eyes, wanting to see the weakness in the other party's body, until Chutian saw that each Mu Teng's body was extraordinary. Light protects.

"It seems that we can only attack their spirits."

So the soul-eating white light in Chutian's body followed the vines into the bodies of those Muteng people, and these Muteng people immediately screamed again and again, and the elder in the dark was shocked, "Boy, you."

Chu Tian laughed and said, "It turns out that these guys have weaknesses."

The Great Elder asked puzzledly, "Boy, what do you mean?"

"My meaning is very simple, that is, these wooden rattan people have weaknesses, don't they?"

The Great Elder glared at Chu Tian, ​​but Chu Tian smiled, "Okay, let's not talk nonsense, it's time for me to fight back."

Chutian grabbed a Muteng man at once, and then poured the soul-devouring white light into the Muteng man's body, the Muteng man screamed, and the soul of the last intact Muteng man was swallowed up, leaving only a body.

The Great Elder in the dark turned pale with shock, "You, you actually killed him."

Chu Tian sneered, "I didn't just kill him, I also wanted to kill them all."

The Great Elder was frightened, quickly put away these things, and then stared at Chu Tian, ​​"Boy, you, wait, I will definitely make you regret coming to our Wood Realm Tribe."

Then the surroundings changed, and Chu Tian appeared again, already in front of a stone tablet, which was wrapped in vines, and at the same time, there was a powerful aura inside the stone tablet.

The aura said there like a very ancient person, "Outsider, how brave are you?"

"Are you the master of this tribe?"

"Yes, I am the current tribe owner, Mu Xingtian."

Chu Tian said in a loud voice, "This patriarch Mu, as for me, I don't want to talk nonsense, so I just ask you, do you want to give up chasing and killing my friend?"

As a result, Mu Xingtian said, "Not only will I not give up, but I will imprison you here forever, making your life worse than death."

After saying this, countless vines directly entangled Chu Tian, ​​and then pulled them into the stone tablet, but the scene of the stone tablet was different.

I saw a white bone sitting on a round stone platform, and there was a soul inside the bone. Obviously this was their patriarch, but Chu Tian didn't expect the other party to turn into a bone and said with a smile, "You are dead, and you still have to treat him." I do it?"

"Although my body is dead, my soul is immortal. It is very easy to deal with you."

"Just you? Still dealing with me? Naive."

Chu Tian smiled, "If you don't try, how will you know?"

After finishing speaking, Chu Tian made a move, and immediately came to the patriarch. The patriarch was shocked, disappeared from his original position, and teased, "With your ability? You still want to deal with me?"

Chutian then disappeared with a leap, and the bone also disappeared at once, and the two began to chase each other in this space, Chutian attacked the bone for a while, and the bone attacked Chutian for a while.

After going on for half an hour, no one could do anything to anyone, which made Chu Tian laugh and say, "Wait, wait until I use a powerful method, it will be your death date."

But the white bone teased, "Oh? Really?"

At this moment, Chutian began to accumulate energy, and at the same time, he was thinking about whether he could cooperate with other supernatural powers, but the white bone did not give Chutian a chance, and all of a sudden Chutian was surrounded by hard black vines, which were the same as those ancient warriors.

"Boy, did you see that these vines are the same as those warriors, and your ability can attack the soul, but now there is no soul to attack you, you can only be trapped in it forever."

Chutian really has a headache for this kind of rattan, but he said with a smile, "Then you underestimate me."

At this moment, Chu Tian used the illusion technique to release the Void Swallowing Beast again, and then the Swallowing Void Beast tore up the black vines one by one, and a big hole suddenly appeared.

Seeing the bone that Chutian appeared in shock, "What kind of beast are you?"

"What do you think?"

At this time Chu Tian suddenly rushed towards the opponent, and the bone disappeared again, and warned in the dark, "Boy, I can give you a chance. If you don't seize the opportunity, then you will be the enemy of our tribe. From now on, They will only be hunted down by us."

"what chance?"

"Give up resistance."


Chu Tian was not a fool, he immediately opened his eyes to look for the other party's whereabouts, and the white bone was really miraculous, it disappeared all of a sudden, even the eyes were useless.

Chutian had no choice but to let the swallowing beast tear up the space, and after a while Chutian walked out of the stone tablet, and the great elder was stunned, "You, why did you come out."

"Your patriarch couldn't do anything to me and disappeared, so I came out."

The Great Elder's expression changed drastically. He never expected that even his patriarch would be unable to deal with Chu Tian.

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(End of this chapter)

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