Invincible cultivation system

Chapter 1331 Terrible Underground, Time Speeds Up!

Chapter 1331 Terrible Underground, Time Speeds Up! (determined)
Seeing the other party's shocked expression, Chu Tian smiled and said, "Okay, let's stop talking nonsense, and I'll just ask you, whether you will delay or compromise."

The Great Elder stared at Chu Tian angrily, "Compromise? Dreaming, we must kill her, and if you want to protect her, then you have to die too."

Seeing the other party's stubbornness, Chu Tian said, "It's so, then, I have no choice but to kill."

After Chutian finished speaking, the sword in his hand was blessed with a series of strengths, and the surroundings began to shatter one by one. In a short while, the space where the intact Mujie tribe was located, many places have been turned into ruins.

The Great Elder was so angry that he summoned all the Muteng people from the Mujie tribe, only to find that there were tens of thousands of them, and all of them were surrounded in the air and glared at Chutian.

Chu Tian smiled, "You patriarchs can't do anything to me, do you think you can?"

Those people were furious when they heard Chutian's words, and the great elder knew that these people would definitely not be able to do anything to Chutian, but in order to stop Chutian, he had no choice but to shout, "Fight with him."

Tens of thousands of people took action, it was very spectacular, but Chu Tian suddenly disappeared from his original position, reappeared behind some people, and soul-eating white lights penetrated into their bodies.

All of a sudden, many people were seriously injured, and the rest of them immediately turned their attention to Chu Tian, ​​who disappeared again, and even said with a smile, "What? You want to deal with me? You're so naive."

Those people got anxious, and the Great Elder got scared, and started to say, "Boy, you, what do you want?"

Chu Tian appeared again, "It's very simple, you Mujie tribe must make a promise to stop making things difficult for my friends, otherwise I will definitely kill all of your Mujie tribe here today."

Although the Great Elder was very unwilling, but for the sake of the tribe, he could only say, "Okay."

The Great Elder led everyone to make a promise, but Chutian knew that there was still that patriarch in this tribe, that is, the bone hadn't made a promise yet, so he looked around and asked, "Where's your patriarch?"

"I do not know."

At this time, the white bone appeared in the air and stared at Chu Tian, ​​"Boy, didn't you want to look for me?"

"That's right!"

The white bone said coldly, "Then let's fight for the last time."

At this time, countless rifts appeared around Chutian, engulfing him all at once, and the white bone also appeared from its original position.

When Chutian reappeared, in a cold cave, and it was cold everywhere, but to Chutian, this was nothing. Instead, Chutian stood there looking at the bones in front of him and asked, "Why? By a cold Space, you want to trap me?"

"Here, called the glacier space, is the underground glaciers in the God Realm. It has a strong cold air, and this space is also very stable. Unless you have the ability of the Supreme God, you can't get out of here at all."

After hearing this, Chu Tian laughed and said, "Sorry, I'm fine with any space."

The skeleton snorted, "Presumptuous."

At this time, Chu Tian got the Void-Tuning Beast out, but the Void-Tuning Beast was confused. After it came out, it said to Chu Tian, ​​"This, this space is weird, I can't break it."

Chu Tian frowned, "Can't break it?"


At this moment, the white bone said, "Give up, even the Void Swallowing Beast can't leave here."

Chu Tian had no choice but to put the swallowing beast away, "If you have a way to get in, then you must have a way to get out, right?"

"As I said, you can only leave here if you reach the Supreme God and possess special abilities."

"Then I'll let you take me out."

But the white bone said, "To tell you the truth, I spent a lot of my accumulated strength to get you here, so it is impossible for you to leave here."

Chu Tian wondered, "Don't you want to go out yourself?"

"Do not want to."

Chu Tian didn't expect that someone would trap himself in order to deal with him, so he laughed and said, "You're amazing."

"Young man, I am also being forced to do nothing."

Chu Tian wondered, "Is it so difficult for you not to kill anyone?"

"You mean that woman?"


"She must die!"


"In the ancient God Realm, she is the princess of a country, and that country has a deadly enmity with our Mujie tribe. Even after countless years, she must die."

Chu Tian smiled wryly, "It's been so many years, and you still pursue it. Besides, the matter of the country and the tribe has nothing to do with her."

"I don't care, she must die anyway."

Chu Tian had no choice but to say, "Then I will let you die."

At this moment, Chu Tian held the sword and pointed at the guy, and the guy snorted, "Come here, any attack will be weakened."

Chu Tian didn't believe it, so he tried to strike out with a sword. Sure enough, the sword technique was weakened to the power of an ordinary high god, and this power had no effect on the opponent.

That person laughed loudly, "Boy, you see. Under the glacier, that is a magical place. Not to mention you, even the Supreme God, the Creator God, cannot release great power here."

Chu Tian felt that this place was not so simple, so he began to search around, but there was ice everywhere, and his own strength could not be unleashed. The Void Swallowing Beast couldn't help it, and the Qiankun Mirror couldn't even be used.

Faced with such a situation, Chu Tian had no choice but to laugh and said, "Anyway, the members of your Mujie tribe have already made a promise, and you can't go out, so I have nothing to worry about."

The man snorted, "Give me ten thousand years, and I can recover. Then I can go out and kill that stinky girl myself."

But Chutian laughed and said, "Wannian? I'll kill you first."

The other party didn't bother to pay attention to Chu Tian, ​​and Chu Tian ignored the other party, and went straight back to the Immortal Mansion and sat on the altar.

The people outside were cursing, but no matter how much he scolded, Chu Tian remained unmoved and continued to condense the ancient god body.

However, in the God Realm, time has become very fast, and even earth-shaking changes have taken place, but Chu Tian is still on the altar until five years later, his divine body has reached the fifth-order ancient divine body.

Not only that, but a voice came from the system, "Ding ~ Congratulations to the host's fifth-order ancient divine body."

Chu Tian opened his eyes and looked at the fifth-order ancient god body, which brought about a big change in himself, especially in terms of strength. In addition, the godhead was gradually saturated, as if he was about to break through.

"Godhead? Almost?" Chutian became curious when he saw the godhead, so he walked out of the fairy mansion. The bone was still there at the moment, and Chutian approached step by step.

The bones were surrounded by ice, and he felt Chu Tian approaching and said, "Don't waste your energy, any of your attacks won't be able to touch me."

Chu Tian tried Soul Devouring White Light, but he couldn't pass through the ice, nor could other attacks. After thinking about it, Chu Tian laughed and said, "Then try this."

Chutian absorbed the energy of the ice on the spot, and the ice gradually turned into gas and entered Chutian's body, and then was absorbed by the godhead, which shocked the bone, "Boy, you."

Chu Tian smiled slightly, "It's cool."

Bone was deeply afraid of what would happen next, so he snorted, "It seems that I can only fight with you."

At this time, the white bones suddenly turned into a white flame, which was burning wildly, making Chu Tian curious, "What is this?"

That white bone was cold, "I burn my body to fight against you."

Chutian knew that the soul of the supreme god is immortal, and he can enter a special space and come back later, so he snorted, "Want to leave? No way."

But when Chutian wanted to grab the white flame with one hand, the white flame suddenly boomed, and the huge force knocked Chutian into the air. Fortunately, this power was weakened all of a sudden under the glacier, and it didn't do much harm to Chutian. .

As for Chu Tian flying upside down and hitting a layer of ice, he smiled wryly, "Just let him escape like that."

But Chu Tian got up, looked around and sighed, "It seems that the only way is to absorb it through the godhead."

So Chu Tian opened his Sky Eye, trying to find the place closest to the ground, but when he looked at it at a glance, it was dark behind these ice layers, and it was impossible to judge, which gave Chu Tian a headache, "It seems that we can only get out of this ice layer first Moreover."

Then Chutian put one hand on a layer of ice, and began to absorb the ice with both hands, and the godhead absorbed the ice as energy, and changed it little by little.

After the next five years passed, Chutian made a big hole, and a dark place appeared in front of his eyes. Chutian wondered what it was.

After Chutian walked step by step in this weird dark place for a while, a staircase appeared in front of him, which made Chutian overjoyed, and started to go up the staircase. When he reached the end, there was a barrier.

The moment Chu Tian walked out of the enchantment, he could see the God Realm, but the current God Realm is a bit different, as if the breath of death permeates everywhere, not only that, there are many huge monsters in the sky.

This made Chutian wonder what happened to the God Realm, so he walked out. The moment he went out, the system gave a voice prompt, "Ding ~ time has changed."

"What? Time change?"

Before Chu Tian came back to his senses, that godhead suddenly changed, and Chu Tian's cultivation began to go directly from a tenth-level highgod to a tenth-level god, as if he had been sublimated.

Chu Tian couldn't believe it and said, "This."

"Ding~ Congratulations to the host at level 160, a tenth-level priest."

Chutian was stunned. He didn't expect that the strange ice that he had sucked for so many years would actually break through. When Chutian couldn't believe it, suddenly several people fell down. Chutian could feel the ancient god's aura on them. .

This made Chu Tian frowned, and without further ado, those people took out the rope, and the leader said, "Another ordinary person was caught, take him back quickly."


These people tied the ropes to Chutian one by one, and Chutian glanced at them. They were all ancient god queens at the level of god emperors. Chutian asked, "Aren't you in the tomb of the gods? Why did you come out?"

These people laughed out loud when they heard this, and the leader even teased, "I said, boy, do you think you have a disease in your head?"

"That is, we have all been out for 100 years."

Chu Tian was shocked, "100 years?"

 Today's first change, please recommend monthly ticket subscription, thank you everyone.

(End of this chapter)

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