Invincible cultivation system

Chapter 1332 Meeting Acquaintances

Chapter 1332 Meeting Acquaintances (Determination)

Those people burst into laughter after seeing Chu Tian's shocked expression, and the ancient god at the head teased, "Boy, you didn't retreat for too long, you closed yourself too much all at once, right?"

Chu Tian had a lot of questions at the moment, and after hearing this, he immediately came back to his senses and asked, "How did you get out of the tomb of God?"

"Of course the seal has weakened and came out."

Chu Tian knew that the seal would be weakened, at least for a while, but he didn't know how long it had been, after all, there was a time difference between the underground and the top, so he wanted to ask someone.

So I wanted to go to the Shensuan League to have a look, so Chu Tian turned around and wanted to leave. Those people were dumbfounded until someone shouted, "Boy, didn't you see us?"

"If you don't want to die, get out of here." Chu Tian didn't take them seriously at all.

These people got annoyed and threw the ropes again, but the ropes broke or turned into powder when they touched Chutian. Those people were stunned, but after several attempts, the result was the same.

Until someone shouted, "He, he must have some powerful magic weapon."

"Yes, there must be."

These people started to shout all kinds of things, but no one dared to step forward, and Chu Tian said coldly, "Don't bother me anymore."

After Chutian finished speaking, he wanted to leave, but these people looked at each other in blank dismay, coupled with their greedy mood, they rushed over, and the Xuanyuan Sword appeared in Chutian's hand, and he swung it vigorously, and the powerful sword energy pierced into them directly. in vivo.

Before these people could react, their bodies were shattered, and their souls fled in fright.

But Chu Tian put away his sword and sighed secretly, "The power of the tenth-rank gods has increased so much, and he can easily kill the ancient gods and emperors."

This made Chutian wonder if he could easily defeat the Supreme God, but at this moment Chutian was even more curious about how much time had passed, but when he was flying in the God Realm, he found that everything had changed.

Some ancient gods from the tomb of the gods chased and killed the original natives of the gods, but after Chutian rescued some people, he realized that the gods are now divided into three parts.

Three points are places where ordinary people gather. These people have no background, that is, they have no influence. They gather in a place in the God Realm completely independently. Among the people together, there are many Supreme Gods.

In addition, it is the alliance of the major shrines, called the alliance of the shrines. These people are gathered together by the major shrines, so it is very compulsory. The last one is naturally the ancient gods alliance.

These ancient god alliances claim to lead the God Realm, but not all ancient gods like to lead the God Realm, some people still like to be idle clouds and wild cranes, so you can see some ancient gods who are alone, and avoid crowded places.

In addition to these three points, there is also a small part of hidden strength, ancient demons, ancient demons, and subdivided, the ancient god alliance is divided into east, west, north, south, but they can only temporarily ally together in order to survive.

Chu Tian felt dizzy when he thought that the God Realm had become so complicated, so he could only rush to the Divine Fortune League. Fortunately, the mountain of the Divine Fortune League was still there. When Chu Tian fell, he looked around, "Is anyone there?"

At this time a young man appeared, he looked at Chu Tian, ​​"I'll wait for you for a long time."

Chu Tian looked at him curiously, "Are you that boy back then?"


Chu Tian couldn't believe it and said, "How many years have passed?"

"It's been a thousand years."

Chu Tian was shocked, "Thousands of years? So, I have been in for ten years, and I have been outside for a thousand years."

This is a hundred times the time difference, which surprised Chu Tian secretly, and the young man said with a smile, "Leader is waiting for you, let's go."

Chu Tian hurriedly followed the other party's pace, and came to the palace of the Divine Fortune League again. At this moment, the proprietress was also there. When they saw Chu Tian, ​​they were very happy, especially the proprietress said with a smile, "Boy, I haven't seen you for a thousand years, and you have become stronger again!" Quite a few."

The fortune teller smiled wryly, "His millennium probably passed too quickly."

Chu Tian looked at the two of them, "You know what happened to me."

Shen Suanzi nodded and said, "I've said it all, Tianji, I know, but I can't say it in advance."

Chu Tian wondered, "If you had told me earlier, I wouldn't have passed a thousand years."

"Boy, don't be angry, you are not bad, at least your cultivation base has changed."

Chu Tian sighed helplessly, "How many people are there in this god's tomb?"

"Many, all the people from the previous God Realm have come out, especially these ancient gods, because they are all ancient gods, their strength is different from that of ordinary people, so those ancient gods are very powerful. They have only come out for 100 years and have already occupied the third place in the God Realm. one-third of the territory."

Chu Tian frowned and said, "So now God Realm is divided into three parts."


Chu Tian said helplessly, "Then how long will this last?"

"It's impossible to end, unless a Creator God appears and suppresses them, but there has been no Creator God for many years now, and at most there are only some god bones that can be seen to have a Creator God."

Unexpectedly, Chu Tian said, "Then we can only wait slowly."

"No, you are the one most likely to be the one to suppress them."

Chu Tian was stunned, "Me? What kind of strength is it?"

"Don't forget, you are from the Jucai Pavilion, and now the disciples of the Jucai Pavilion, except you, are trapped and unable to leave."

Chu Tian frowned, "Trapped?"

"Yes, being trapped, especially the Muyu Palace Master, is the worst."

As soon as Chu Tian thought of Mu Yu, he asked curiously, "How is he?"

"When he led the Muyu Shrine to fight against the ancient gods, he suffered heavy losses, and he was also drawn into a place by the enemy and trapped there, while those seniors in the Jucai Pavilion disappeared without a trace. For you Those senior brothers, because they looked for something before the seal of the tomb of the gods was released, they were also trapped in the end, I can’t say more about it.”

Chu Tian glared, "When you speak, can you always speak a little bit?"

"This is a secret."

Chutian had no choice but to ask, "Where is Muyu now?"

"Go and find out, you should know."


"Let's go, I won't give it away." The fortune teller smiled, and the proprietress said with a smile, "Young man, sooner or later, you will understand that being a member of the fortune teller is not so easy."

Chu Tian didn't want to worry about it anymore, so he said directly, "Then I'll go out and ask."

Afterwards, Chutian left here in a leap. Seeing Chutian leave, the proprietress looked at the fortune teller, "Tell me, can he save the disaster in the God Realm."

"Hey, I don't know about that. I don't have much ability to predict the future. I can only score five to five and a half."

The proprietress took a deep breath, "Then I'll go first, I still have something to do."


As for Chu Tian, ​​after walking out of the Divine Fortune League, he looked at the changed God Realm and sighed, "The current God Realm is not so easy."

However, Chu Tian still wanted to find out about Mu Yu's whereabouts, so he searched around and even captured some ancient gods, but for many people, they had never heard of Mu Yu.

This caused Chu Tian a headache. After wandering like this for a long time, he finally arrived at the main city of Lieyan.

"The former prosperity has turned into this." Chu Tian sighed helplessly.

However, at this moment, a bow and arrow flew over very fast. This bow and arrow was not an ordinary bow and arrow, but made of air. Chu Tian couldn't move quickly, and saw a shadow in a bush.

Seeing this, the shadow hurriedly withdrew, and Chutian leaped to him, it was a child, he stared at Chutian in horror, and Chutian frowned and asked, "Why did you kill me?"

"You, you belong to the Ancient God League and our enemy."

Chu Tian smiled wryly, "Where do you see that I belong to the Ancient God League?"

"The aura on your body has an ancient aura."

Chu Tian glanced at himself, and he didn't know when, he actually had some ancient god's breath, but that might be because of his physical changes after he entered the fifth-order ancient god body.

It’s just that Chutian was a little puzzled, it was hard for him to find out, how did this kid find out, so he wondered, “How did you find out that I have this breath.”

"I have a unique bloodline. This bloodline is olfactory, so it is easy to judge."

Chu Tian said, "Don't worry, I'm not an ancient god, and I won't kill others."

The other party was dubious, "Really?"

"of course."

Only then did the other party breathe a sigh of relief, "Thank you, then I'm leaving."

"Go? Are you alone?"

"No, there is a stronghold near us, I have to go back, otherwise they think something happened to me."

Chu Tian looked at him curiously and asked, "Then do you have any old seniors?"

"Yes, quite a few."

Chu Tian said, "I want to see them."


"I'll find someone else."

The child hesitated for a moment and said, "Okay, come with me."

After a while, they came to an underground tunnel, and there were many guards in the tunnel. They checked with Chutian one by one, and they let him in after confirming that he was not an enemy.

But before stepping into a stone gate, an old man appeared, wearing a mask and asking, "Xiaowa, where did you bring the outsider?"

The child said, "Senior, this is a lonely person. I brought him here for refuge."

The old man looked Chu Tian up and down for a while and then wondered, "Did we meet somewhere?"

Chu Tian took off his mask with one hand, saw a familiar face and asked, "Elder, have you forgotten me?"

This person called the Great Elder is none other than the Great Elder of Muyu Shrine, but his head seems to have been seriously injured by something.

It's just that when he sees Chu Tian at this moment, he stares at him as if he saw a stranger, "I've seen you?"

Chu Tian said with a smile, "You used to be the Great Elder of Muyu Shrine, and I am from Jucai Pavilion."

The Great Elder was suddenly stimulated by something in his mind, and his head ached, and countless people appeared everywhere. Seeing the Great Elder like this, they immediately threw hostility towards Chu Tian.

Many people also shouted, "You outsider, you actually harmed seniors."

"Arrest him."

"Yes, arrest him and interrogate him properly."

The child quickly looked at everyone, "Everyone, calm down, he didn't hurt senior."

 Today's second update, please recommend the monthly ticket subscription, thank you everyone.

(End of this chapter)

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