Invincible cultivation system

Chapter 1333 No one can stop the person I want to save!

Chapter 1333 No one can stop the person I want to save! (determined)
Those people didn't believe it, and kept staring at Chutian, but Chutian's piercing eyes had been opened, staring at the great elder, and found that there was a black shadow like a lock in the soul of the great elder.

Chu Tian didn't even think about it, he just stepped over and came to the great elder, and grabbed him with one hand.

Everyone was furious, "Let go!"

But Chutian didn't. Instead, a soul-eating white light entered the elder's body, and then the soul-eating white light smashed the locks one by one. Everyone didn't know what Chutian was doing, and thought that Chutian was going to hurt him.

Just when everyone was about to make a move, the great elder suddenly opened his eyes and revealed a strange expression, and finally stabilized and looked at everyone, "Okay, it's okay."

Everyone was curious, but the Great Elder looked at Chu Tian and said excitedly, "It's a good thing you're here, otherwise I don't know how long my soul will be trapped."

Everyone was puzzled by what the Great Elder said, but Chu Tian was puzzled, "What happened?"

The Great Elder sighed, "100 years ago, the tomb of the gods in the Muyu Shrine was shattered, and a bunch of ancient gods were suddenly killed. People in our shrine died and were injured, and the palace owner was killed by several terrible ancient gods." God forced himself into a place, and never came out again."


"There is a space under the Muyu Shrine, and that place has been occupied by ancient gods. Not only that, those ancient gods are very terrifying. If they don't let anyone get close to them, even if they hurt them, the soul will be locked by a force. I escaped by luck, but it seems like I lost my memory for a whole 100 years."

Chu Tian looked at the Great Elder and comforted him, "It's okay, you just need to tell me how to get there from that space."

"What? Are you going?"


The Great Elder immediately shook his head, "Don't do it. These ancient gods are extraordinary. They even kill people when they see them. It doesn't matter whether they are good or bad, adults or children."

Chu Tian frowned, "Are these people so cold-blooded?"

"After all, they have been sealed for a long time, and when they come out, everyone is superior, and even some people's personalities have become ugly, and some of them still have wings."

Chutian thought of the ancient gods and angels of the West, but he didn't think too much about it. Instead, he said, "Tell me, just how to get there."

The Great Elder didn't want to say it, but Chutian said a thousand words, and finally told Chutian, and Chutian quickly left here after knowing it, and the child looked at the Great Elder, "Grandpa, who is he?"

"He is the seventh member of Jucai Pavilion, the younger brother of Palace Master Muyu! Chu Tian."

As soon as the words came out, everyone present exclaimed, and those who wanted to do something just now were frightened, "It's a good thing they didn't do it."

"Yeah, it's horrible."

The child was even more stunned, "No wonder, my attack couldn't touch him at all."

The Great Elder smiled wryly, "Okay, continue to guard the entrance of the cave, and don't let any ancient god approach."


As for Chutian, he had already arrived at the Muyu Shrine, but at this moment, the Muyu Shrine had already changed beyond recognition, and the original entrance was all occupied by the ancient gods, who were still patrolling there.

Not far away, Chu Tian could see that these ancient gods were strong and weak, and some of them were ancient angel gods from the west. This made Chu Tian secretly sigh, "When these ancient gods came out, they really thought they were the emperor."

After Chutian finished speaking, he walked over resolutely, and those people immediately stopped Chutian. Those ancient gods immediately laughed when they saw someone coming.

"Look, there is actually a human being."

"Yes, it's really a human being."

Those people gathered around them one by one as if they were watching something new. The leader was playing with a dagger in his hand, stared at Chu Tian and said with a smile, "Boy, do you know where this is?"

"do not know."

"This is a place occupied by the Ancient God League, controlled by the Great Demon Xiyun."

Chu Tian snorted, and the man saw that Chu Tian was not frightened and said, "What? Don't you know the Great Demon Xiyun? Then let me tell you something."

But Chu Tian asked back, "Is it very powerful?"

"Of course, he is a five-star ancient god. Do you know the star-rank ancient god? If I tell you, you won't understand, but as long as you know the Great Demon of West Cloud, it will not be a problem for you to deal with the Supreme God here."

"Or God Emperor?"

"Although he is still a god emperor, he is an ancient star-level god."

"But he's still the God Emperor." Chu Tian said something disdainful, which aroused their anger, and the leader stared even more, "Well, you boy, I'm kind enough to tell you, how dare you not take it seriously? "

After speaking, the dagger in his hand was thrown out very fast, and it reached in front of Chu Tian at once, and Chu Tian caught it with his left hand, and those people stared wide-eyed.

Chu Tian played with the dagger and said, "Don't make a fool of yourself in front of me with this kind of thing!"

Then Chu Tian leaped over, and before everyone could react, that person's body was torn apart, his godhood was shattered, and the people present were dumbfounded, "What, what happened?"

Chu Tian looked at them coldly, "Still leaving?"

Those people ran away in fright, while Chu Tian was flying in the familiar Muyu Shrine, but after a while, countless ancient gods gathered, and they were all vicious.

Chu Tian took out Xuanyuan Sword at this time, and said with a cold face, "Don't force me, I will kill you."

Those people laughed out loud, and then someone shouted, "The blood guards are here."

A flash of blood flashed in the air, and a young man appeared with a cold and arrogant face, and three blood swords were floating behind him.

Everyone saw him and said respectfully, "Blood Guard."

This man named Blood Guard stared at Chu Tian coldly, "Boy, do you know where you are?"

"This was originally the Muyu Shrine. You took the place and asked me?"

The blood guard had a flash of killing intent, "So, you originally belonged to the Muyu Shrine?"

"What do you think?"

The Blood Guard said coldly, "Okay then, I'll show you how powerful the Three-Star Ancient Demon is."

Chutian didn't expect that the opponent was a three-star ancient demon, and the opponent was very ruthless as soon as he made a move. The three swords disappeared and appeared directly in front of Chutian, turning into three huge blood lights, and at the same time, the bloody sword rushed towards Chutian.

In the blink of an eye, he passed through Chutian's body. When everyone thought that Chutian had been penetrated, Chutian stood there and smiled, "The sword is fast, but it didn't hit me, so it's useless."

Everyone didn't believe it, because Jian Mingming passed in front of Chutian just now, and only Chutian knew that he just entered the Immortal Mansion and came out quickly, just so that everyone couldn't see it.

The blood guard had a strange look in his eyes, "Boy, how did you do it?"

"Is it necessary to tell you?"

The blood guard was annoyed, withdrew his three swords, and then snorted, "Let you try this."

The three swords immediately flew into the air, and the three huge sword shadows flew out countless sword auras, the purpose of which was to kill Chutian. Although these sword auras were powerful and numerous, Chutian opened his wings and disappeared from his original position. Not far in front of the blood guard, he punched out.

That punch in the right hand has the bones of a god, and that force can fly as high as a god, but the three-star ancient demon flew backwards at once, until he quickly steadied his body and grunted, "You."

The people present were stunned, they didn't expect Chutian to be so terrifying, and Chutian floated there, staring at the blood guard, "Three-star ancient demon, it's nothing more than that."

The man roared and stared at Chu Tian again, "Today, I must kill you."

At this time, the opponent turned into an afterimage and came to Chutian suddenly. Chutian's wings moved around, and the opponent missed every attack. Instead, Chutian teased, "What? Is it very powerful?"

The blood guard was dumbfounded. Even with more efforts, he couldn't destroy Chutian.

This made the blood guard shout to the people around him, "Why are you in a daze, help!"

Those ancient gods wanted to help, but Chu Tian sneered, "I won't play with you anymore, it's a waste of time."

Chutian pulled out the Xuanyuan Sword, started to charge, and then rushed towards the opponent, but the three-star ancient demon was not the supreme god after all, and he couldn't keep up with Chutian in terms of speed, so Chutian suddenly came behind the blood guard and swung his sword .

The powerful sword energy rushed into the opponent's body, and the sword energy exploded immediately, shattering the opponent's physical body and godhead, leaving only the remnant soul that soared into the sky and disappeared.

The ancient gods present immediately spread out in fright, while Chu Tian picked up his mood and started to go to the space where Mu Yu was.

When he reappeared, he had come to an underground palace, where there was a huge formation, and inside this formation was Mu Yu, and there were eight seraphs around the formation.

At this moment, these seraphs have been maintaining the formation to trap the wooden domain, until Chu Tian appeared, the eight angels were shocked, and there was a majestic voice from the dark, "Who dares to trespass here."

Chu Tian's fiery eyes opened, and only then did he discover that there was an eight-winged angel somewhere in the formation, and it was at the level of a five-star ancient god. Chu Tian guessed that it was the person in charge here and said with a smile, "Me? I came to save my senior brother." .”

However, Mu Yu in the formation couldn't see the outside situation at all, so he could only quietly fight against the surrounding formations, while the eight-winged angel laughed, "Just you? Still want to save people? Naive."

"What? Are you not convinced?"

"Boy, you are courting death."

"Try it."

The eight-winged angel immediately ordered one of the angels to say, "Go, deal with him."


A seraph walked out of the formation, and the formation flickered immediately, causing the formation to lose its balance, and that Mu Yu could easily see the outside situation, and was shocked when he saw Chu Tian, ​​" How did you come."

Chu Tian smiled and said, "If I don't come, won't you be trapped in this lifetime?"

Mu Yu smiled wryly, "Although I admit that you are powerful, these are either four-star or five-star ancient gods. You should know that they are not simple."

"No matter how many days, as long as I, Chutian, want to save someone, no one can stop me!"

After saying this, Chu Tian didn't even look at the seraphim, and directly rushed into the formation and came to the side of Mu Yu, making everyone dumbfounded.

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(End of this chapter)

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