Invincible cultivation system

Chapter 1334 Strangers Do Not Enter

Chapter 1334 Strangers Do Not Enter (Determination)
That Chutian looked at Mu Yu with a smile, "What? Why are you in a daze."

Mu Yu was stunned and said, "I have been trapped for 100 years and have been unable to get out. How did you do it?"

"Me? Can penetrate the formation, do you believe it?" Chu Tian smiled.

Mu Yu didn't know whether to laugh or cry, "Then get out of here quickly."

"Don't worry, I have to teach them a lesson."

After Chutian finished speaking, he brought Mu Yu into the nine-pointed star, and the eight-winged angel became angry when he saw that everyone was taken away, "Remove the formation."

When the formation was taken away, those angels all stared at Chutian angrily, but Chutian stared at the eight-winged angel, "Are you a five-star ancient god?"

"That's right!"

"Then come on, let me see how this five-star ancient god differs from other ancient gods."

The eight-winged angel said angrily, "Boy, you should be careful. Five-star ancient gods are not something you can touch."

After saying these words, the next moment, the eight-winged angel came behind Chutian, very fast, as if he could kill Chutian with one hand, and the corner of Chutian's mouth curled up, "Kill me? Naive."

At this time, Chutian's wings opened and disappeared, and the eight-winged angel could see Chutian's trace, and You Qi felt a wave of wing power and said in surprise, "You have a god bone."

"of course."

The eight-winged angel flashed greedy eyes, "Boy, give me the god bone, and I can consider letting you go."

"You think too much."

The eight-winged angel stared, "So, you won't give me a chance?"

"It's not that I won't give it, but how can I believe it?"

At that moment, the eight-winged angel suddenly came behind Chutian and grabbed Chutian with one hand, "Then go die."

Chu Tian reversed his left hand and struck, and that left hand directly met the opponent's palm. The eight-winged angel stared at Chu Tian in shock, "You."

Chu Tian smiled, "Is there any other way?"

The eight-winged angel snorted, "Let you see the horror of our ancient angel gods in the west."

At this time, the eight-winged angel retreated to the side, and those seraphs moved closer, and then these angels emitted golden light, and the golden light shrouded Chu Tian's body, and the eight-winged angel said proudly, "Boy, this is called holy light, and it can make Chutian You are under my control."

"Oh? Control me?"

"That's right, as long as you are not the Supreme God, we can add a shackle to your soul, called the Holy Light God Lock, which can be used by me."

Chu Tian smiled slightly when he heard this, "Then you are naive, I'm fine."

The eight-winged angel sneered, "It hasn't started yet."

After speaking, those people stepped up their efforts, and the so-called holy light hit Chu Tian one by one, but Chu Tian let the gods in his body absorb one by one, and teased, "Go on, too little."

Those angels thought that the strength was not enough, so they increased their strength, but there was only one result, that is, Chu Tian was still fine and seemed to be enjoying himself.

The eight-winged angel became anxious, "Impossible, damn it."

But Chu Tian said with a smile, "Don't waste your energy, you can break the holy light, you can deal with ordinary people, but you can deal with me? You might as well wait until I die."

Seeing Chu Tian's ridicule, these people were even angrier, but no matter how hard they tried, it was useless, and the eight-winged angel cursed inwardly, "It seems that we can only borrow the power of others."

So the eight-winged angel spoke to those angels, "Put your power into my body and let me handle it."

"it is good."

These seraphs suddenly piled up like arhats, injecting all their power into the eight-winged angel, and the eight-winged angel began to go berserk, the clothes on his body were shattered, as if his muscles had grown bigger and developed.

Not only that, but the eight-winged angel approached Chutian step by step, "Boy, let me show you what is called Holy Light Armor."

Seeing the other party approaching, Chu Tian stabbed with his sword, and the sword hit the golden light, as if hitting some hard object, and he could still hear the sound of clang.

The angel agreed, "Boy, give up, it's useless, your attack can't break my armor."

Seeing that his sword skills were not good enough, Chu Tian put away his sword and struck with his palm. The opponent sneered, "It's useless, your palm skills are even weaker."

The corner of Chu Tian's mouth curled up, "Then this."

Chutian Soul Devouring white light poured into the armor, and the white light was directly transmitted into the opponent's body, entering the opponent's soul, the angel immediately screamed and took a few steps back to curse at Chutian, "Bastard, what did you use on me. "

"Of course it is dedicated to attacking the soul."

The other party became angry when he heard this, and looked at Chu Tian angrily, "Boy, I will kill you."

After the man finished speaking, he rushed towards Chutian, wishing to tear Chutian into pieces, and Chutian smiled, "You want to tear me up? It's naive."

At this time, Chu Tian moved, and the whole body was enveloped in white light, so that the other party did not dare to touch him, and that guy could only hum from a distance, "Boy, I admit that you have some strength, but you can't do anything to me, and I can't do anything to you!" Not you."

"That's right, you five-star ancient god is indeed very tough, but if I add my supernatural powers and destroy you, it won't be a problem."

"What magical power?"

Chu Tian took a deep breath, used his supernatural powers, and his power changed. When all the power was concentrated and matched with the power of the god bone, Chu Tian once again used the blood light of killing gods.

After this move, the holy light armor was completely shattered, not only that, the angel's body was also shattered, and the godhead was crushed even more, and finally the soul was so frightened that it turned into a golden light and disappeared.

As for the remaining group of angels, they flew away in fright, and Chu Tian sneered, "Supernatural powers and divine bones are a perfect match!"

Then Chu Tian withdrew his mind and left here, and then either killed or drove away all the ancient gods who occupied this place. All of a sudden, the entire Muyu Temple was empty again.

When Mu Yu came out of the nine-pointed star, he sighed, "Mu Yu Shrine, it has become like this in 100 years."

Chu Tian looked at Mu Yu and said, "Brother, don't be sad, now the God Realm is like this everywhere, and no one is intact."

Mu Yu sighed, "Unfortunately, if we could find some people who accelerated the destruction of the seal back then, we should be able to stop it."

Hearing this, Chu Tian asked curiously, "Then did you find it?"

"I heard from those senior brothers that I found it, but escaped again, and the strength is not simple, it should be at least at the level of the Supreme God."

Chu Tian was suspicious, "Supreme god level? It's a bit hard to find."

"Well, the other party is hiding very well, and they can't find any traces. After those people broke the seal, they hid. Then the tombs of the gods in the major gods erupted, and the entire God Realm was in turmoil."

Chu Tian nodded knowingly and said, "Then what about those senior brothers now?"

"They are probably still in the sealing formation."

"Sealing formation?"

"Yes, it affects the seal of the God's Tomb. Since they entered, they have been unable to come out. I don't know why. I can only communicate with them through the Divine Sound Stone."

After thinking for a while, Chu Tian said, "Then let's go and have a look, maybe we can find some clues."


Then the two turned around and left. When they reappeared, they came to a place full of cemeteries in the God Realm, and these cemeteries were very old, and there were no words on the stone tablets, so it was impossible to tell whose tomb it was.

Chu Tian wondered, "What kind of place is this?"

"The tombs of the gods are chaotic, and this can lead to the seal enchantment of the tombs of the gods."

Chu Tian didn't expect this tomb to have a name. It wasn't until the two of them entered that Chu Tian found that the surroundings were dark, as if he had come to a unique space, and after walking for a while, he saw a suspension bridge, and under the suspension bridge was an abyss. , while a sign hangs on the drawbridge.

"Do not enter the stranger, the consequences will be at your own risk"

Mu Yu pointed to the sign, "Once you pass this bridge, you can't come back. Are you sure you want to go there?"

Chu Tian was also thinking about whether to go there, but the system sent a message, "Ding ~ Congratulations to the host for the special mysterious mission, explore the seal array of the tomb of God, and have a chance to get special rewards."

"Special reward? What is it?" Chu Tian showed doubts.

When Chu Tian was puzzled, that Mu Yu looked at Chu Tian curiously, "What's wrong?"

Chu Tian smiled and said, "It's nothing, let's go."

"You really decided?"


Mu Yu had no choice but to say, "That's fine, let's go."

At this time, the two walked up the suspension bridge step by step, but the road behind them disappeared, so they could only move forward and could not go back. After going on like this for a while, they reached the opposite side of the suspension bridge.

As for the bridge behind him, of course it disappeared, that Mu Yu sighed, "This bridge is amazing."

But Chu Tian looked at the desolate forest in front of him and said, "It's probably more interesting inside."

Mu Yu was on guard, and after Chutian walked for a while, he could feel a shadow, and Mu Yu was shocked, "Did you see it?"

"Yes, got it."

Mu Yu looked around, "The speed is so fast, there is no way to catch up."

Chu Tian smiled and said, "I can do it."

At this moment, Chu Tian opened his wings, came under a tree, and grabbed a figure, which turned into a pile of sand and disappeared from its original position.

Chu Tian frowned, "Escaped?"

Just when Chutian was curious, there was suddenly countless sands around him, and these sands suddenly submerged Chutian, and Chutian immediately created a space with the swallowing beast, and when he saw that figure was about to escape again, he snorted, " Still want to escape?"

At this time, Chu Tian passed by at a faster speed, and even stabbed with a sword. The other party groaned, obviously after being hit, he ran away quickly, but his blood was everywhere.

Chu Tian immediately returned to the original position and looked at Mu Yu, who was dumbfounded at the moment, "How is that possible."

Chu Tian asked curiously, "What's wrong?"

"That person seems to be your senior brother, Sha Tianling."

Chu Tian was puzzled, "My senior brother?"

"Yes, he is also my senior brother, ranked second, and he is the second recruit of Jucai Pavilion. It's just that his eyes have changed, and it seems that he doesn't know me at all."

"Then you've seen him?"

"Yes, he has seen me too, and my Shenyinshi was able to communicate with him before, but not now."

Chu Tian frowned, "It seems that the matter is not that simple, we have to find him and ask him carefully."

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(End of this chapter)

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