Invincible cultivation system

Chapter 1335 Who is the black hand

Chapter 1335 Who is the black hand (determination)

But Mu Yu became worried, "But he has already left, how can I find him?"

"It's simple."

Chutian got Xiao Tiangou out and asked him to look for someone, but Mu Yu was surprised, "This is?"

"A friend of mine has a very keen sense of smell."

Mu Yu was startled, and Chutian had already ordered the Xiaotian dog to move. As for the Xiaotian dog, after smelling the blood, he started running in the forest, followed by Chutian and Mu Yu.

About half an hour later, they came to a pile of abandoned wooden houses, and the roaring dog said to Chu Tian, ​​"It should be inside."

Chu Tianen looked at Mu Yu after his voice, "He is very fast, we must find a way to trap him, I wonder what you can do?"

After thinking for a while, Mu Yu said, "I can try with some of my winding magic."


Chu Tian and Mu Yu then rushed into the abandoned wooden houses. In the corner of one of the wooden houses, they happened to see Sha Tianling with disheveled hair healing his wounds, and that Mu Yu hurriedly hit him with green lights.

For a moment, that person was entangled by piles of wooden vines. Not only that, Muyu also opened a field, allowing Chutian and Sha Tianling to enter Muyu's space together.

In this space, that Sha Tianling roared furiously, "Let me out, let me out."

Mu Yu said anxiously, "Brother, it's me, Mu Yu."

But the other party obviously forgot one thing, but Chu Tian said, "Let me go and have a look."

"Be careful."


At this moment, Sha Tianling was frantically about to attack Chutian, but Chutian used his supernatural powers to resist these attacks one by one, and finally came to that Sha Tianling, put one hand on his shoulder, and looked inside the other person's body.

When Chu Tian saw that spirit being entangled by a strange force, he was shocked, "It's also a lock."

So Chutian Soul Eater's white light entered the opponent's body, the lock was shattered, and the opponent passed out instantly, and Mu Yu worried, "What's the matter?"

Chu Tian returned to God and said, "It's all right."

That Muyu looked at Chutian worriedly, "But him."

"His soul is controlled by a force, and I have already cleaned up that force."

Only then did Mu Yu nod in relief, until Sha Tianling woke up in a daze, and when he saw Mu Yu he said in surprise, "Mu Yu, what's going on?"

Mu Yu looked at Sha Tianling excitedly, "You are controlled by a force, and you are crazy. Fortunately, my junior brother helped you solve it."

That Sha Tianling stared at Chu Tian through his messy hair, "Are you the junior brother?"

"I have seen my brother."

Sha Tianling nodded appreciatively, "The gods have such abilities, it's extraordinary."

Chu Tian smiled modestly, "Thank you for the compliment."

But Mu Yu asked suspiciously, "Second Senior Brother, what happened and why did you do this?"

Sha Tianling sat down and sighed helplessly, "At the beginning we were strengthening the seal, but suddenly someone attacked us, and then the seal was destroyed by the other party. At the moment of destruction, countless strange forces flew out. After I was hit, I lost consciousness I don't know what happened next."

Mu Yu frowned, "Who is so powerful that he can sneak attack you."

Sha Tianling frowned, "This person is extraordinary, I think, he is probably close to the God of Creation, and he is even more terrifying than us working together."

Mu Yu wondered, "Who is so powerful?"

Sha Tianling said helplessly, "I don't know either."

Mu Yu could only comfort him, "It's all right now."

Sha Tianling was worried, "I'm fine, but I'm worried about senior brother and other juniors, and I don't know what's going on with them now."

After thinking for a while, Mu Yu looked at Chu Tian, ​​"Can your friend help find someone?"

"This has to be tried."

After finishing speaking, Chutian asked Xiaotiangou to help, and Xiaotiangou walked out of the cabin and began to search for traces of people. As for Mu Yu and Sha Tianling, they followed Chutian's pace together.

After about a while, they searched all over the place, and finally landed on a huge black stone pillar. Sha Tianling looked at this stone pillar and said, "This was the sealing stone pillar that suppressed that seal, but I didn't expect it to be still there." It was intact, but the seal underneath was broken."

Chu Tian looked under the stone pillar, there are countless cracks below, similar to cracks in the sky, and Mu Yu squatted down to check, "Is this seal together with the tomb of God?"

"Well, it can lead to the tombs of various gods."

After Sha Tianling finished explaining, the Xiaotian dog looked at Chutian, "I found one."


"It's not far under this seal."

As soon as these words came out, Sha Tianling was startled, "How is it possible, this is the tomb of the gods, they will go down?"

Mu Yu looked at Sha Tianling, "If you all go crazy, it's possible, because you have lost your ego."

Only then did Sha Tianling come back to his senses and said, "If this is the case, we still have to go under this stele, but this stele has a strong suppressive force. Once we get under it, it will be very difficult to get out again."

But Chu Tian looked at the two of them, "Go to my space first, and I will look for them."

Mu Yu hummed, and after Chutian settled the two of them, Chutian took the roaring dog, leaped and fell from the stone tablet.

However, what appeared in front of Chu Tian was darkness, and the aura of countless god tombs permeated through this darkness, and most importantly, he could feel a strong pressure on his head.

This pressure pushed Chutian and Xiaotiangou down little by little, but Chutian asked calmly, "Where is it?"

"It's not far below."

Chu Tian opened his clairvoyance and piercing eyes to look through the darkness, and he saw a pile of ruins, and there was a shadow in the ruins.

When Chutian fell, a person who was trapped in chains climbed out of the ruins, and this person was covered in blood, his eyes were red, and he shouted fiercely, "Kill you, kill you!"

Chu Tian arranged Mu Yu and the two of them out, and they were shocked when they saw this person.


The two spoke in unison, and Chu Tian guessed that it should be their elder brother.

Sure enough, when Sha Tianling called the other party, Mu Yu quickly looked back at Chu Tian, ​​"This is the elder brother, known as the Immortal King Kong, with a very powerful body, and it can be said that no attack can break his body."

Chu Tian frowned, "But his current body is full of injuries, and he is still trapped by chains. What's the reason?"

Mu Yu looked at him with a look on his face, "I guess someone couldn't kill him, and he was afraid that he would escape, so he was locked here."

Chu Tian was surprised when he heard this, "This person is too vicious, not only let the other party be controlled, but also prevent him from escaping."

Mu Yu had an ominous premonition at this moment, "Both senior brothers are like this, I think other senior brothers may have different experiences."

Chu Tian comforted, "I'll wake him up first."

Mu Yu hummed, and then let that Sha Tianling step aside, and this Sha Tianling cursed more excitedly than anyone else at the moment, "If you want me to know who it is, I'll fight him, it's really inhuman."

At this moment, Chu Tian came to the Immortal King Kong step by step, and the Immortal King Kong was like a mad ape, roaring around, if he was not trapped by the rope, he probably didn't know what would happen at this moment.

At this time, Mu Yu reminded from behind, "Be careful."

Chu Tian hummed, "Don't worry, I'll be fine."

Then Chu Tian grabbed the Immortal King Kong's arm with one hand, and then injected the soul-devouring white light into the opponent's body, unlocking the locks one by one, until the Immortal King Kong was completely awake and said in a daze, "What's going on?"

After Mu Yu explained to him one by one, that Immortal Gold just looked at Chu Tian, ​​"Thank you."

"You're welcome."

Immortal King Kong then looked at the rope on his body and sighed, "This thing is the root."

Mu Yu frowned, "What are these ropes?"

"If I'm not mistaken, they should all be made of top-grade artifacts, and some weird powers have been added, so they can't be broken at all." That King Kong Mie said angrily.

Sha Tianling frowned, "Who the hell wants to trap Senior Brother here."

Immortal King Kong was anxious, "If you let me know, I will definitely tear him apart."

However, Chu Tian said, "Let me break the chain first."

The Immortal Vajra shook his head and said, "Little Junior Brother, forget it, it's useless, this chain is very hard, it's hard to break."

But Chutian grabbed it with one hand, refined it directly, and then smashed it, leaving only the three stunned expressions, and Chutian solved the rest and said with a smile, "How about it, it's okay."

Immortal King Kong moved his muscles and bones freely, and then looked at Chu Tian in shock, "You little brother, it's not easy."

Mu Yu said with a smile, "I suddenly feel that I don't know him enough."

That Sha Tianling said with a smile, "Fortunately, there is a junior brother, otherwise we will all be unlucky."

But Chu Tian looked at the three of them, "Three senior brothers, stop teasing me, let's quickly find the remaining three."

Everyone nodded, and Chutian looked at the tombs of gods everywhere, the sky was dark, and the air of death permeated everywhere, Chutian asked the roaring dog to continue searching.

Xiao Tiangou can only choose one direction to act first, but this tomb of the gods is too big, even if they want to find it, they don't know when, not to mention that most of the people in the tomb of the gods have broken the seal and left, making the place empty, alone No traces can be seen.

This made Mu Yu worried, "In this case, we are getting farther and farther away from the sealing stone of the tomb of God."

Chu Tian replied, "It's okay, I've written it down, and we don't have to leave from there, there are many exits from the tomb of the gods."

After hearing this, Mu Yu and the others felt that it made sense, while Chu Tian continued to let Xiao Tiangou pursue him. After an entire hour, they arrived outside a large hall.

The gate of the main hall was closed, and it looked horrifying everywhere. The Immortal King Kong asked curiously, "Here?"

Chu Tianen said, "My friend said that there is one inside. Although I don't know if it is one of us, you can go in and have a look."

Immortal King Kong said after hearing this, "Then I will open this door."

After finishing speaking, golden light shone from the Immortal King Kong's body, and then his fists gathered strength, and finally hit the stone gate of the hall with a bang. The stone gate trembled, but it was still intact.

This surprised everyone present.

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(End of this chapter)

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